Saturday, February 26, 2011

向罪而死 2

"這樣、怎麼說呢.我們可以仍在罪中、叫恩典顯多麼。 斷乎不可.我們在罪上死了的人、豈可仍在罪中活著呢。 " (羅馬書 6:1-2)

當我們在聖經看到"罪"這個字,我們想到的是什麼意思? 如果沒有進一步的解釋,第一個反應大多是"罪行"。因為我們都清楚,罪是人與神隔離最大的問題,而耶穌來世,被釘在十字架上就是為了洗清人類的罪。那自然的,如果有這個認知,常理

羅馬書 5:20) 我記的有一次與一位弟兄討論律法與恩典時,他為了要我理解律法的重要性而不能只強調恩典,建議我多讀羅馬書。我想那是因為他要我多考慮罪與聖潔的關係與問題。在羅馬書中,"罪"這個字被提起的次數比新約其他的書本多的多。根據不同的翻譯與用詞,"罪"被提起有41 to 47 times. 比較起來,占第二名的約翰福音只有 13 次。我想如果羅馬書講不清楚罪的問題,和如何解決,那再多的討論與辯解也沒有用的。

內心的感受是自己的虧欠還是恩典的安息,並不是最重要,而重要的是順服與聖潔。不是的! 保羅的信息是要我們每一人都得到在恩典裏的安息,不再受罪惡感的綑綁,而是從聖靈的安息活出聖潔而屬律法的信息就是不讓信者有屬靈的安息,而繼續以罪的棍擊打,不停的要求認罪與懺悔。這真的讓恩典悲痛。雖然罪的問題嚴重,但是第一需要解決的不是罪行,而是罪的控告與指責 -- 就是律法的唯一目的。如此,答案不在律法的彰顯,要求加倍認罪悔改,再次申明不犯,無期的處在這種惡性循環因為律法只會加添罪的力量 (歌林多前書15:56)感謝主,祂的安息只要理解與得到恩典上的追求。

那,為什麼會有這麼大的差距? 我想首先是我們對 "罪" 在這本書的 context 中理解的定義。在 47 次提到罪,46 次是文法上的名詞,而只有一次是動詞。這與我們的理解有什麼關係呢? 那就要看我們對 "罪" 與我們的關係是如何。如果一個人把罪定義為 "罪的行為," 那就會每一次當保羅提到罪時把它想成信徒的"犯罪" (subjective personalization)。但是,這是錯誤的看法,因為罪的名詞不是行為,而是控告或歸責。雖然罪的名銜有可能是先因有罪的行為,保羅在這裡的意思是"定罪" (objective generalization) ,不論是由罪行或是屬罪性。他所謂要以罪的認知做起點,是要我們從罪的控告中,經由恩典的彰顯與接受走出來。而一旦解放了,就不要再回到罪的責備了。但是如果是堅持要從行為上的除罪得到釋放與活出新生命,那對於這本書每一章,每一節的理解就會有所不同。

(羅馬書 6:1-2),與下面幾句經節,就可以明白了:

(羅馬書 6:7)

"這樣、你們向罪也當看自己是死的.向神在基督耶穌裏、卻當看自己是活的所以不要容罪在你們必死的身上作王、使你們順從身子的私慾." (羅馬書 6:11-12)
麼還能向著耶穌活出新生命呢? 如果還是處在一個罪人的地位與知,而把重點放在對付罪行我們就不會有安息,因為罪念罪習不會停

而且,按照這樣的想法,我們到底要死多少次呢? 每一次罪念一生就要死一次嗎? 就像每一次犯罪就要認罪一次嗎? 不! 耶穌只需要死一次,所以我們也是一次的死就夠了,而那就是接受我們永遠不再有罪的判決,不再帶罪的名銜,也不再受罪的控告了! 不管教會裡外有誰論斷我們,要相信父神,耶穌,與聖靈都不會再定我們的罪了! 這是神立的血約,祂永恆的應許。而這才是真正的向罪為死,不是罪行,而是罪的名銜與責任。相信我們已經因耶穌基督的寶血死於罪的控告,我們才可以有祂的生命活在心中。很多人喜歡說,神的聖潔一點點罪都不能冒犯。如此沒有錯,所以我們如果不信我們已經是無罪的人,那聖靈也進不來,因為我們的不信表示還未接受祂寶血的清洗,還是罪人,而沒有資格作為聖潔的器皿。就是因為這樣,律法的理念讓我們離開不了罪的心理與指責,而將神的恩典
廢掉 (加拉太 2:21)。

當然,大部分信徒不會分的這麼清楚,而覺得他們的遵守不是屬律法的規條 (legalism),而是要活出律法的精神。這是可以理解的,但也是因為規條(letter of the law) 與精神 (spirit of the law) 要求的都是聖潔的行為,這種分別只是讓自己假象的心安不處在律法,但就還在律法。"律法心態" 的定義重點並不是在於為了律法的那一個動機遵守,而是把重點放在遵守律法的動機成為 legalism 的理念。要求 "愛神愛人" 是律法的精神,但是從因為那是耶穌的命令而遵守愛神愛人的使命就是屬律法的規條行為。這並不是說這行為不好,而是在我們想要遵守的意念中已經忽視與廢去了恩典的作工。如果我們在聽講道與查經中注重的是尋找主的教條來遵守,神的誡命不犯罪,而不是尋找耶穌的生命與恩典的啟示,那我們信仰的心態就是屬於律法。因為只有在恩典的遵守才是真信,和因信讓聖靈進入我們心中作工,也以信讓我們活出教條與誡命的好果子。活在恩典,我們已經不是罪的奴僕,而是義的奴僕。要求我們死於罪行的是律法之無能,但是稱我們已死於罪責的才是恩典的力量。

這樣,我們向律法也當看自己是死的,向神在恩典裏,卻當看自己是活的! Amen


Thursday, February 24, 2011

向罪而死 1

"他們聽見這話、就從老到少一個一個的都出去了.只剩下耶穌一人、還有那婦人仍然站在當中。 耶穌就直起腰來、對他說、婦人、那些人在哪裏呢.沒有人定你的罪麼。她說、主阿、沒有。耶穌說、我也不定你的罪.去吧.從此不要再犯罪了。 " (約翰福音 8:9-11)

這是我們熟悉的故事。婦人被抓行淫,因為那些人要看耶穌如何處理冒犯律法的罪行。那,為什麼他們要這樣子考驗耶穌呢? 律法寫的非常清楚: 行淫的就是要用石頭打死。他們會這樣問耶穌,顯然是認為耶穌的教導是藐視律法,和放縱罪。法利賽人也是常常看到耶穌與罪人相處在一起,竟然沒有指控

但是,耶穌有叫這婦人先悔改嗎? 沒有。耶穌先原諒了她,然後才說,"從此不要再犯罪了。" 祂沒有說 "不能再犯罪了! " 而是給了婦人不再因罪受到羞恥的力量 -- 赦免在主的恩典。雖然耶穌先原諒她了,有些教導還是說, "悔改
! 要不就不得赦免!" 或是, "不可犯罪! 要不就逃不過定罪的審判! "

在羅馬書六章保羅講到"向罪看自己是死的。" 這不是指罪的行為,而是罪的控告 (定罪, condemnation)。他的道理可以從這婦人的故事體會出來。
約翰福音八章九節說, "他們聽見這話、就從老到少一個一個的都出去了。" 約翰沒有說多少人,但是我們知道這些都是要指控定罪婦人的。保羅說律法是"定罪的職事," 所以這些人是代表律法,或律法的倡議者。他們的目的就是要定每一個人的罪。但是我們若有耶穌的恩典,罪的控告就會一個一個離開,讓我們向罪看是死的,而有恩典的力量不受罪的綑綁。

讓我們看創世紀 43:32-34, "他們就為約瑟單擺了一席、為那些人又擺了一席、也為和約瑟同吃飯的埃及人另擺了一席.因為埃及人不可和希伯來人一同吃飯.那原是埃及人所厭惡的。約瑟使眾弟兄在他面前排列坐席、都按著長幼的次序.眾弟兄就彼此詫異。 約瑟把他面前的食物分出來、送給他們.但便雅憫所得的、比別人多五倍.他們就飲酒、和約瑟一同宴樂。"

兄弟代表律法。有趣的是,約瑟在擺席的時候從老到幼排列坐席 (表示知道他們的過去),但是沒有與他們同坐。這就如在殿裡那些人從老到少一個一個的走出去 (耶穌知道他們的過犯),律法的控告不能與耶穌的恩典同在一起。(參考路加福音 9:28-36,神吩咐只聽耶穌的話,和摩西與以利亞消失。) 欣慰的是,律法走了,只剩耶穌(恩典)與婦人(我們)。感謝主,只要有恩典就夠用! 我們向律法而死 (與定罪的人,信息,或觀念分開, no more sin consciousness from condemnation),只需要恩典的赦免與力量,就可以不再犯罪了!

兄弟分享食物,不單是原諒了他們的罪,而也是象徵耶穌在十字架上完成了律法的要求,奉獻出祂自己的身體為最美好的筵席,永久生命的糧食。但是約瑟給了便雅憫五倍的食物。五代表恩典,因為耶穌不只賜給了婦人 (祂的肢體) 的赦免,祂更是加倍賞給她恩典的祝福與最寶貴的聖潔永生!





在往以馬忤斯的路上,耶穌顯現在門徒中,教導他們在舊約的經文裏尋找祂。但是他們認不出經文中記載的真理正就與他們同在。直到傍晚,門徒留下耶穌與他們共餐。在路加福音 24:30-31 說到, "到了坐席的時候、耶穌拿起餅來、祝謝了、擘開、遞給他們。他們的眼睛明亮了、這才認出祂來.忽然耶穌不見了。" 祂們有耶穌的真理,心中就有信的火熱 (路 24:32, "他們彼此說、在路上、祂和我們說話、給我們講解聖經的時候、我們的心豈不是火熱的麼

園,魔鬼隱藏於蛇,用謊言誘惑亞當與夏娃,說,真理的智慧在分辨善惡,也不會帶來死亡,他們就把果子吃下了。創世紀 3: 6-7 說到, "於是女人見那棵樹的果子好作食物、也悅人的眼目、且是可喜愛的、能使人有智慧、就摘下果子來吃了.又給他丈夫、他丈夫也吃了。他們二人的眼睛就明亮了、才知道自己是赤身露體、便拿無花果樹的葉子、為自己編作裙子。" 他們知道善與惡,心中就有恐懼的寒冷 (創 3:8, "天起了涼風、耶和華神在園中行走。那人和他妻子聽見神的聲音、就藏在園裏的樹木中、躲避耶和華神的面)

耶穌的恩典是生命之果,吃了就有生命,使我們更親近主,心中因信而火熱; 摩西的律法是

神早給予我們選擇,吃生命之樹的果子或分別善惡之樹的果子。生命果不起眼 (以賽亞 53:2, "...他無佳形美容、我們看見他的時候、也無美貌使我們羨慕他。) 以肉體的眼看不到。是不好吃的無酵餅,淡淡無味的嗎哪 (民數記 11:6)。相反的,



從向聖潔 (the call to "personal" holiness),和模仿耶穌 (popular wwjd acronym, standing for "what would Jesus do") 和多方這類的教條,聽起來都很合理,但是其實是讓人離開主,而自己成為小神。我們如果聖潔,就不須耶穌的聖潔; 我們若需要模仿耶穌,就是沒有祂的真理在心。什麼是放下自己? 什麼是破碎自己? 這並不是指離開屬世的物質或肉體的誘惑 (因世人也知那不是好的),而是那更無形,更難防範的,連世人都尊重的
善為善事。所謂悅眼,好吃,是在說我們覺得一個好基督徒應該做的本份,而這是一種提高自尊的心理,動機微妙難測。雖然都知道一切要靠主耶穌 (是祂流的血換取我們的義,我們的聖潔。我們因信不再是罪人,而是義[聖]人),但是總覺我們不能白吃白喝,只取無還,就加上一層又一層的教條,取了恩典的純真,混合不齊。就因早期教會已經如此, 所以保羅才警告,律法是屬死的職事。但是,今天多少牧者信徒還是要求要遵守律法為重因他們還是不全信神的話。夏娃不是要違背神的話,而是不信神的警告 (懲罰與後果是有差別的) 。保羅也是因為強調純恩典,被指責放縱罪行,需要再次辯解 (羅馬書 6:15) 。直到如今這種指責還是不變。


引誘的話不是從它真的猙獰面孔說,而還是由那友善,好意般的勸解,以及看似符合道理(不是真理)的權威講出。但是我們要小心,因律法廢止信 (羅馬書 4:14, "若是屬乎律法的人、才得為後嗣、信就歸於虛空、應許也就廢棄了。 ") 和會使人放棄恩典 (加拉太 5:4, "你們這要靠律法稱義的、是與基督隔絕、從恩典中墜落了。 ") 神的真理從來不變,自亞當到現在,祂的美好生命與祝福就是在耶穌的身體,而耶穌就是真理。罪的來原不是因我們不知善惡,而是為了不信神的計畫是最美好的。罪是與神分離 (吃分善惡之果) ,聖潔是我們與耶穌合一 (吃生命之果)。只有祂的聖潔才給予生命,而我們的遵守(分辨善惡)只有死亡。我們的選擇是: 祂的遵守與聖潔還是我們的? 只有選擇耶穌我們才可以活出自然的聖潔,祂的聖潔。如果是由遵守的動機就屬律法,因為律法有衡量,有審判,有羞愧,有懲罰,而耶穌已經代替我們每一個人守了,承擔了,也付清了。我們再為祂以義務的態度守律法就是不信,不接受恩典。

分別善惡之樹的果子 (律法), 可以讓我們的眼睛明亮但是只在於肉體的聰明與論斷。生命樹的果子 (恩典), 是讓我們靈魂的眼睛明亮,看到神,和擁有祂的智慧與憐憫。讓我們定睛只看耶穌,不看自己; 在經文裡只尋真理,不找誡命。Amen


grace, unfair and unjust

When grace is mentioned, some invariably admonish not to forget God's justice. I had already reasoned before that justice is contained in grace, and actually was fulfilled by grace (Jesus) on the cross.

Here is a simple illustration of how justice is not separate from grace, but is only part of grace. Imagine a weight scale; on one side is our obedience, and the other God's reward. Under law (God's justice) we are rewarded according to our obedience, so the scale is even between both sides. It is fair and just. What grace does is not only giving the fair amount of reward, it gives us so much more to a point where no amount of our earning can justify the blessing. Grace is unfairly good to us because the righteousness of Jesus has been imparted to us by His blood on the cross.

On the flip side, picture a scale of our sin and God's punishment, on one side our sin, and the other punishment. God's justice sentences us to death because of our sin. It is fair and just. But what grace does is not only taking away (forgiving) the punishment of that one sin, but keeps taking away no matter how much sin we pile up on the other side. Grace is unfairly lenient to us, but not to sin, which exacts justice upon the body of Jesus Christ, stroke by stroke. He fulfilled the law, leaving not one letter or stroke unpunished on His body, nailing every last one of our sins on the cross so that we are made holy by His blood.

A "fair and just" mentality is every other religion, but not of the grace gospel. To continue holding on to that belief and teaching voids the spirit and essence of grace that is patently unfair, and far from just -- unfair to God and injustice to His holiness. But it is completely righteous in His love for us. How can we ever play fair (trying to be equal to His blessing) with the almighty and all loving? To attempt so is not to comprehend the scope of His grace where our part is not in anything else but acceptance and gratitude that comes from true repentance (not just turn from sin, but run to grace).

Grace is not equal to law, it is infinitely greater; grace is the light and truth where law is only shadow and reflection. Justice never imparts righteousness and blessing, and it takes away not one bit of sin. There is no greater knowledge of law and expertise than the pharisees (they are still around), but Christ called them brood of vipers. And truth is not in them (law), for Jesus said to them, " You shall know the truth, and truth shall set you free (from the law)." Therefore to balance law and grace is an unworkable concept: One demands and the other gives; they are incompatible in man, and creates the lukewarm faith Christ warns us about
, one engraved on cold stone tablets, the other pours out from the fiery passion of God's heart. Mixing the two produces only confusion, and worse -- fallen from grace. And just from that, we know Paul is saying grace is higher than law, for to be under law is to fall from grace. Therefore the new covenant allows for no possibility for balance in trying to hold on to law. If we have flood light why hold on to a matchstick? It is a useless redundancy. If there is a car, why ride a tricycle? One cannot have both at one time. But it is so hard for man to see this contradiction and let go of the control-- all because of unbelief that God is that good and that just (both met on the cross), and that grace is the power that overcomes sin. What law demands, grace more than paid for and added much greater! What sin law cannot overcome grace swallowed up by the infinite love and unconditional forgiveness of our savior. This is good news few wholeheartedly believes in.

Christ had given His all to us: We don't deserve righteousness but have it fully because of His grace, just as to impart grace he doesn't deserve punishment, but took it all for us. But how are we to receive this grace? Only by truly accepting that law-keeping is no longer our cross to bear, completely trust by faith that He works in us to transform into His image, and walk in the righteousness that is already ours (even in sin), instead of constant condemnation and confession of sin to reach it. Then true fruit of the spirit flow freely outside our will and conscientious effort, which is the Christ-like obedience and only such that pleases God and gives full glory to Him. Jesus wasn't constantly thinking about obeying the law because He had the spirit of it in grace. And now through our faith we also have it; therefore do not reject it by going back to the law of behavior modification. Instead, focus on Jesus to give us the truth of heart transformation.

In righteousness there is no sin (condemnation of), but beware of those who want to bring sin to our remembrance by the constant call for obedience with warning of judgment. These are the messages approved by the Devil to keep believers in bondage and dust so that grace though given is yet unreceived, therefore powerless in our lives for victory. The high priest doesn't represent God to man in reproach, but represents man in appealing to God's mercy. Today's gospel messages shall also refrain from condemnation of believers, but only -- and only -- to point man confidently and unequivocally to that morning star who delivered us from the dark night -- our wonderful saviour Jesus Christ! Amen



沒多久前, 有一位弟兄提出 "加爾文主義" (Calvinism) 和 "阿民念主義" (Arminianism)。我不是很熟悉,但是印象中知道這是有關救贖的選擇,與所謂的"預先決定" (pre-determinism) 在觀點上有不同的意見。


但是我發覺好像不少人有這樣的想法。猜想是因為他們把神的主權彰顯到極限,而容納不了一點決定權在人的手上。他們不能容許神有失敗的可能,但是沒有理解到: 只有在被拒絕的允許,而且沒有控制,沒有威脅的自由選擇
下,才是真愛的表達。這兩個主義的不同所帶來的信仰誤差,其實還比恩典與律法的關係理念還更大。想到這裡,我不禁的想笑,因為我一直強調恩典的完全力量與改造,而反對信徒要盡力成聖的想法,因為那是毫無影響的自我意識。雖然揀選與恩典的重點不同,照理我是應該贊同加爾文主義的,把恩典救贖的榮耀完全交給主。但是我是比較偏向阿民念主義的 (如果一定要選一的話),因為加爾文主義有更多的問題。


我所以會提出這個,是因為我最近也聽到我媽媽自己說出她很高興我被神揀選而得救,但是她沒有,所以不要再跟她講福音了,因為沒有用,神沒有揀選她。媽媽做了大半輩子的師母,她對聖經也很熟悉。她講這些話也是因為聖經上的一些章節所寫的見解。但是我聽了覺得非常難過。那時我們正在車上開往 Arizona 要去我妹妹家過感恩節。她會這樣說也是我一直在跟她形容神的愛與恩典,強調著,


在剩下無言的路程上,我覺得好無助。平常裏我完全聽媽媽的話,真的是無理的順服。但是為了帶領她回到主前,我一次又一次的與她"爭論"。雖然好意,但是好像只是引發出她已經淡忘許久了的悲傷。我跟她說,如沒有覺得自己是罪人,就不會接受神的救贖,以及如心裏沒有感恩,就不能放下自己來追求神。我不是在教訓她,而只是試著分析一個認識這位全愛的神的機本觀念。但是我錯了。真的好像除了聖靈的感動,沒有人能夠認識耶穌? 我再如何的勸講,只會讓她的心更加鋼硬。但如果確實只是由神無原則的揀選,我火熱的心將冷卻 ; 如果恩典只有給某一些人,就算我得到,我也不覺感恩,因我的心放不下

不! 這不是愛我們的神!

屬靈的爭戰真的是不能鬆懈的,特別是從教會本身傳出來的信息,有的時候會讓我們懷疑神真的是愛我們每一個人嗎 ? 祂真愛得那麼深嗎? 聽那些
愛護神的公義與主權的人所講的教訓,神的救恩不是選擇性,不就是淘汰性。多少追求神的人被這些理念排斥遺棄在窄門的外邊,因這窄門的定義被扭曲,被論解為一個高標準或抽獎。雖然神說的很清楚: "神愛世人、甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們、叫一切信他的、不至滅亡、反得永生。" 但是有些人還是不同意,不是光是信還不夠,就是連信都不及。




耶穌,道成肉身,為了是要 以血洗清我們的罪。

在出埃及記 12:22, 神說, "拿一把牛膝草、蘸盆裏的血、打在門楣上、和左右的門框上.你們誰也不可出自己的房門直到早晨。"

希伯來人用牛膝草作清潔傷口的用處 (詩篇 51:7)。而在以賽亞書 53 章,舊約描素耶穌來世受難最為生動感人的字句裏,神形容祂像嫩芽出於乾地 (第二節)。耶穌是我們的牛膝草,要潔淨我們的罪,醫治我們的傷。在多次神所吩咐的獻祭,都有用上這物。

血打在門楣上,就想到主耶穌,不再是嫩芽,而是一把牛膝草,塗滿了鮮血,被釘子打在木頭上。。。我的靈,哭泣著讚美祂,永不出祂的心門,直到再來的早晨。 Amen


All about Jesus

Doing is all about our performance; being is all about Christ's life.

Obeying is all about our merit; believing is all about Christ's glory.

Trying is all about our effort; trusting is all about Christ's faithfulness.

Pleasing God is all about us; pleased in God is all about Jesus.

Obedience of the heart

A couple of recent response to my email on "good work" expressed concern about boasting of obedience in the heart, and the need to know the law in order to find clear boundaries. It seems to suggest that the heart is blind and only the law is wise, and that without knowing the law in all its details the obedience from the heart still falls short and boasts in ignorance and unfounded self-satisfaction.

While I understand how one may come to that view, it is simply not scriptural if the supposition is that the heart remains the worldly one we possessed before baptism by the holy spirit. As a believer we must have faith that our lives are no longer ours but Christ's, and that neither our hearts are ours to own but His. (
Ezekiel 36:26, "And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart." ) In expressing faith we surrender completely to the indwelling spirit to guide us, mold us and to transform us. And in that true acceptance the heart is no longer blind but wise, and the mind is not filled with mere knowledge and rules but the truth of God. (Hebrews 10:16, "This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the LORD: I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds." )

A heart of faith is not boastful, but only boasts of the faith of Christ.
(2 Thessalonians 1:4, "Therefore, among God's churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring." ) Why hold a need for false humility when Paul proudly proclaimed that, "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." (Romans 1:16) Why did Paul have to defend His faith? Because there were people who criticized him for being boastful of faith and grace. I don't find anyone made to feel ashamed of the law, and certainly nobody advocating law feels the need to defend accusations of condoning sin, making light of sin, irresponsibility and spiritual laziness. Why did Paul need to constantly defend grace when he was, is and will always be the single greatest authority of the new covenant gospel? What is it about grace that continues to stir up such controversy and unbelief? What we need to be vigilant of is not being deceived by Satan on grace but, quite the opposite -- law. And I base that statement on the unerring revelation of grace to Paul by the holy spirit.

And when a heart is full in faith, it is a sincere heart. Sincerity is not boastful, it is humble and glorifies only truth. (Hebrews 10:22, "let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water" ) A renewed heart no longer harbors a conscience of sin and guilt. Do we think this means it is like a sinner with no remorse? Certainly not! How can the blood of Jesus and the washing of spirit do a incomplete work? What we have in our new heart is no longer do we need to be constantly looking out to avoid sin, because the heart is now pure and our conscience clear by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and the washing of the holy spirit. We now walk righteously because we have been made righteous, and not made to walk righteously in effort to be counted righteous.

Now where do we find pride creeping in? In the law. Let us look at a few verses from Romans 2:

17You who call yourselves Jews are relying on God’s law, and you boast about your special relationship with him. 18You know what he wants; you know what is right because you have been taught his law. 19You are convinced that you are a guide for the blind and a light for people who are lost in darkness. 20You think you can instruct the ignorant and teach children the ways of God. For you are certain that God’s law gives you complete knowledge and truth.


23You are so proud of knowing the law, but you dishonor God by breaking it.

This is the inevitable conundrum of law -- the more we know it the less we can keep it. It is like the saying of a honest wise-man that "the more I know the more I know I don't know." and it is such realization that we are brought down to our knees in true humility and repentance. But to think that true knowledge is to know more and more is self-deception at best that what we already know is valuable, and there is value to knowing more. Anyone believing law can be perfectly kept doesn't know the law of God, and that belief is pride preventing the very God of law from living in our hearts to keep it perfectly.


29No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by God’s Spirit.

Let's not be concerned about obeying the letter of the law, but be fully dedicated to opening our hearts to Him whose spirit is the very law and very obedience of grace. And ours is to boast not of our faith for God, but boast in faith for the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ! Amen





因為愛,他有護,他有怒; 他愛的有多深,他的怒也多麼強烈,因為他要保護他的女兒。

為什麼不包容我們的罪過,還要有審判? 為什麼不是只有天堂,和還要有地獄? 如果想要知道為什麼,我們就必須對愛的本質要有更深的體會。聖經說,世界的開始是從黑暗發出光。神就是那燃燒著的光,神是愛的烈火。神的愛心(憐憫)是火,祂的聖潔(義)是火,祂的憤怒(公義)也是火,都是同樣的一把熊熊燃燒著的無限烈火,同時存在,永遠不變。我們是神的兒女,祂愛我們。而也就是因為祂愛我們,祂要照顧我們,祂要潔淨我們,祂要保護我們。這一把火燃燒在十字架上,是帶給黑暗世界的光,也將照亮我們的罪性; 潔淨了我們的過犯,也要淨化 (purify) 我們的心靈; 燃燒掉罪的污穢權勢,也焚化所有的不信。

神第一是愛。愛帶給[正]義 (God's righteousness) 與公義 (God's justice)
意義。沒有愛,一切都失去定義,沒有愛就沒有生命。愛創造了生命,我們在愛成形。人雖也有愛,但是會死,因為人的愛不完全 (missing the mark),有自私 (原罪)。神造我們如此是讓我們有選擇的餘地 -- 信主,還是為己。神的義是愛的本質,就是真理的彰顯,聖潔的榮顏。義的行出是愛的結果(歌林多前書 13: 4-7)。公義是愛的力量,愛的純真。公義可以說是愛的維護者,但是這並不是與愛分開的另一單位,而是愛的一面;不是維護祂的心,而是保護祂所愛的。在神的境界,沒有公義就沒有愛。所以說,一點點罪神都不能妥協,這並不是祂的愛有問題,而是祂的愛是完美的。

但是,如何讓愛得到完全,給愛帶來意義與喜樂? 還是有一項,是很多人所忽略的那就是有愛就想有被愛。神雖然完整,無瑕疵,但是祂的愛不覺完整,如果沒有愛的對象,沒有愛的專情,更是如果沒有得到愛的回應。人,我們,是神的至愛。我們不是多餘的,我們也不是一個錯誤!我們的不完美不是神的嘆息,而是回到祂懷抱裏的動機。不完美,神不怪罪。不求祂的完美和追求自己的完美才是犯那不贖之罪 -- 不信。那,不完美如何又與完美合一? "恩典"。我們的不完美只有祂的恩典可以補全。這補全不是看我們缺欠多少再加上,而是將我們原來不全的,屬罪的本性除掉,換上祂的完美 (祂住進我們的心),讓我們從這新的身分與性質,活在,也活出耶穌的生命。


我們都知道要信才得救,也只有因信才稱義。但是信什麼? 怎麼樣才算信?

就把耶穌的救恩當成可以繼續犯罪,和不悔改的"義的執照," 中心還是以人的放縱為首。這種信沒有考慮到神的愛與公義的關係,和聖潔的意義與目的。為什麼耶穌必須代替我們受難而死? 就是因為罪會讓人與神的生命隔絕。如果我們知道這愛的犧牲是要將我們帶出罪的傷害,而不只是懲罰,我們就應了解要脫離罪的原因與重要性。如果我們繼續不斷的犯罪,而且不覺得羞恥與痛心,那就是未接受耶穌為主的"不信"。將來公義審判的罪,就是不信。這種人把信仰放在自己的解脫,對愛的體會是利用性的,是免死牌,並無感動。


所以這信只在口中,心裏還是沒有徹底的降服與依靠。恩典的了解,是全盤綜合的知曉與相信神的愛,義,與公義,以及在十字架上,如何完成祂的救贖計畫。正確的恩典觀念是神的愛生憐憫,為了拯救人由不信和不義的罪,與神的聖潔分離,而應得的公義審判。祂道成肉聖,降臨世界,代替了我們接受每一個人已犯,在犯,將犯的罪,和從罪生出的痛苦,互傷與破壞,一點一滴的鞭打,燃燒在祂的身上,賠償了公義的一切需求,替我們贖回赦免,換取給信祂的人新生,永生。不只是我們從此無罪銜,而是祂活在我們的心中提醒,鼓勵,改造成一個不只是像祂,而就是祂的生命: 有祂的愛,祂的聖潔,也有祂公義的憤怒。


天國的耶路撒冷不再有帶罪的子民,而是完全聖潔的兒女。神的最好不是只有不看我們的罪,也不是只有不讓我們下地獄,乃是祂要我們與祂合一同行。而我們也不要把我們的感恩,只是放在主的恩賜,罪的赦免,和聖潔之賞。恩典的祝福比這些多的多! 恩典的力量不只赦免了我們的罪,祂要給我們的更是耶穌的生命,我們活在完全的溫暖愛火中,不再也不必追求自我的好處,自由的私心,自誇的榮耀,因祂就是我們一切的需求! 讓我們看的到,嚐的到,也感受到恩典的甜美與深情,而由心接受祂的塑造與潔淨,知道除罪與聖化的旨意不是神的小氣,要控制我們,而是罪如毒品,傷己傷人傷神,與神最美好的生命分離。這樣,我們的信就有香氣,因這信是由了解與渴望而來,是我們與耶穌同一連心。有信如此,我們便不受私慾與罪的誘惑和綑綁。神的烈火,將是彩虹,而不血紅。Amen


Good work

Any good work we do do out of demonstration of faith, and not demonstration of righteousness; do out of witnessing for the grace of Christ, and not witnessing of our worth; do out of obedience of heart and not obedience to law.


最近收到一個卡通 (看下面)。以前也有看過,好像非常受歡迎。

有人說我寫的太理論化了,沒有什麼實際的用途。或者是,恩典很好,但是為什麼要如此強調? 我們的努力有什麼不好? 為什麼那麼反對神的律法? 律法是神立的,怎麼會錯? 還有,每個人信仰雖然有所不同,但是都是愛主的,這樣就好了。講那麼一大堆,到底跟我的屬靈生活有什麼關係?

有一個英文俗語: "A picture is worth a thousand words." 是的,如果抽象的理念可以畫成圖片,很多道理就會比較清楚,也容易了解。我很同意。我想這個卡通所描素出來的心態會讓信主的人有共鳴; 或者是某種反應,可以讓我們思考信息的意義。我想很多基督徒看完這個卡通信息會笑。而且心中會有一種快感,可能也會點頭贊同。但是我在想,如果耶穌看了,祂會有什麼感想? 祂真的會與大多數的信者有同樣的反應嗎?

我想也以這個機會用圖片解釋,為什麼律法的心態 (不是律法本身) 是對一人的信仰產生多麼不好的影響,也會帶給基督的肢體多麼大的傷害。而且律法更是讓多少還未信主的人, 繼續看不到恩典的絆腳石。

基督徒和教會最會說,也最會做的就是畫出一個完美的圖。這圖顯示出在主耶穌裡面的一切美好。人類的最高理想莫過於這些: 和平,互愛,原諒。。。等等。當然在耶穌裡有更超世的祝福與永生。這些都是信主的人應得,也應會做到的完美。但是,神已經給我們的美好應許, 與我們所看到的事實,常常差距的太遠了。我們應該做的和平,還是有爭執; 應該有的互愛,還是自私; 應該給的原諒,還是不願。而且往往在事業,金錢,關係,與健康,都無改善,反而更差。

在這種理想與事實的差距下,我們的信仰就受到挑戰。在這個信的十字路口,我們想要知道的是 -- 為什麼是這樣,和如何往前走? 每一個虔誠的信徒都有同樣的渴望,那就是怎麼樣活出那完美圖樣的生命? 而這個生命的活出與福音的關鍵 -- 因信稱義 -- 又會是何等的搭配呢。聖經的記載處處提醒我們要信。但信是什麼,而為什麼要信? 什麼需要信? 看的見的還是看不見的? 當然是看不見的。亞柏拉罕得到神的應許會生子,但是等不及,就與夏甲生子。保羅說夏甲代表律法,而撒拉
代表恩典,在多年之後才生以撒。恩典的果子是需要等待, 但是我們常把神的話語當成使命,等不及恩典的工作就要自己去做了。律法不需要信,也不願意等,因那是我們無耐心的行為。但是恩典是靠主的時間和主的作為,我們只有以信等待。

我們今天的生活還是與神的應許差很多,但是神說祂已經給予我們了。我們不是罪人,而是義人; 我們不貧窮,我們
現在(不是將來)有天國的富有; 我們沒有病,而是完全健康的。這都是耶穌在十字架上已經給我們的,雖然我們看不到,感覺不到。但是因信,我們有十字架上,耶穌流血的確據: 我們是成功完美聖潔的人。。。相信嗎?

如果已經是成了的事情,那我們是採取什麼樣的態度呢? 是安息悠閒的等待,相信神在作工,還是積極的學習, 要活的像那美好的圖片? 相信神恩典的力量會改造一切,還是把信放在神所設立了的一個標準, 要靠我們的努力才能達到? 那一個是完全依靠神,而那一個是把信當成一個合約或一個合夥,如沒有我們一起的努立就達不成?

背起十字架不是接受生活中的困難,叫信徒不要懶惰。世界的智慧不就是這樣教導我們的嗎? 耶穌又何必再重複? 十字架代表的是永不忘, 也永不離開耶穌所賜給我們的恩典,以及在相信恩典的福音真理時, 必會經歷的迫害。這
迫害不只是從世界,也會從律法而來的排斥。以撒被以實瑪利欺負,約瑟被他的十個弟兄 (十誡) 出賣,大衛被掃羅 (人要立的王,就是律法) 追殺。在馬太福音16 章,耶穌在對門徒說, "若有人要跟從我、就當捨己、背起他的十字架、來跟從我。" 之前,祂說, "祂必須上耶路撒冷去、受長老祭司長文士許多的苦、並且被殺、第三日復活。" 殺耶穌的不是外邦人,他們只是劊子手 ; 殺祂的是耶穌自己的親兄弟。如今,純恩典的信息還是被教會裡, 堅持要遵守律法的長老, 祭司長, 文士所排斥。

說了這麼多,有人在想跟這個卡通有什麼關係? 我想從兩個角度來看。贊同這卡通的人應該覺得他們是比較像那些默默背著十字架的人吧? 如果一個人覺得他有達到到某個標準,他是怎麼樣看自己? 又如何看那偷懶而沒有做到的那個人呢? 過不去那個斷崖是不是他應得的後果呢? 活該嗎! 一有標準的設立 (律法) 就一定會有論斷,就會有爭執,就會有分別, 分離。如果我們從這個軟弱人的角度來看,碰到
斷崖時, 他會有什麼感覺? 後悔懊惱,自暴自棄? 如果是抱著一個屬律法的態度,那就會感覺非常的虧欠,走投無路,甚至就放棄了。這樣子的信仰,這樣子的基督徒生活,會造成信徒與耶穌肢體的不安,不和諧 ; 而不只是達不到那幅畫的完美,反而更造成外人看到肢體間的虛假與不寬容。

斷崖的對面代表的是永生和神的愛,那這不只是一個信的態度上的問題,而根本神學上的錯誤。有誰背的十字架夠長呢? 自認為做的夠的人是活在一種假像的自信與自傲。就算這是生命中必定會面臨到的困難,我還是不懂為什麼背十字架的操練就會讓我們走過黑暗? 神的恩典在那裡? 恩典只是備用嗎? 如果同意我們背的是恩典,那就不會覺得重,也不會想要把它鋸短,因為耶穌說,祂的軛是容易的,祂的擔子是輕省的。" (馬太 11:30)

我們個人對恩典的理解,接受,與重要性在看這一片卡通就知道。我相信耶穌看到時孑然不會像大部分信徒的反應; 祂的心會有憐憫。而且祂會說, 這個人需要的是更多的恩典認知,不是律法的教導與要求,因為從罪惡感來的動機, 行出不會持久, 得不到勝利,也進不了安息。唯獨活在恩典的感動中,我們才會超自然的 (super-naturally, miraculously), 沒有壓力的, 從勝利行出聖潔,在安息活出真理

最後,我不知道原來發出這 email 的人, 他的目的是什麼,但是他沒有完全將此圖片發完。我找到了畫這個卡通的 web site,放在下面,請把它看完。我在想,是什麼心態要把恩典藏起來? 不! 恩典不會是放縱我們懶惰的藉口,也不是讓我們犯罪的執照。恩典是耶穌的愛,父神的公義,生命的果子,聖潔的力量! 不要把祂藏起來,讓我們接受洪恩(abundance of grace)又蒙所賜之義 (gift of righteousness)、更要由耶穌基督一人在我們的生命中 (以祂的生命) 作王 (羅馬書 5:17)。恩典如從我們心中滿出來(詩篇 23:5,福杯滿溢),我們不必擔心自己或別人做的好不好,做的夠不夠,因為我們已相信耶穌做的好了,做的夠了,而我們完全活在耶穌裡! Amen!



lci_14.jpg (click 看圖片, page 2, cross)
Why the irritation? Unforgiveness
Why the annoyance? Unforgiveness
Why the displeasure? Unforgiveness
Why the dislike? Unforgiveness
Why the dissatisfaction? Unforgiveness
Why the impatience? Unforgiveness
Why the frustration? Unforgiveness
Why the complaint? Unforgiveness
Why the gossip? Unforgiveness
Why the criticism? Unforgiveness
Why the resentment? Unforgiveness
Why the jealousy? Unforgiveness
Why the intolerance? Unforgiveness
Why the condescension? Unforgiveness
Why the prejudice? Unforgiveness
Why the ridicule? Unforgiveness
Why the judgment? Unforgiveness
Why the rebuke? Unforgiveness
Why the condemnation? Unforgiveness
Why the bitterness? Unforgiveness
Why the anger? Unforgiveness
Why the harshness? Unforgiveness
Why the hate?
Why the vengeance? Unforgiveness
Why the retaliation?
Why the insensitivity? Unforgiveness
Why the cruelty?
Why the guilt? Unforgiveness
Why the shame? Unforgiveness
Why the rejection? Unforgiveness
Why the loneliness? Unforgiveness
Why the self-pity? Unforgiveness
Why the depression? Unforgiveness
Why the sickness? Unforgiveness
Why the suffering? Unforgiveness
Why the dying? Unforgiveness
Why the dead? Unforgiveness
Why the damned? Unforgiveness

Why the unforgiveness? Unforgiven
Why the unforgiven? unloved

How to be forgiven? faith in love
How to forgive? Love in faith

Loving God is being forgiven
Loving man is being forgiving

Rejoice and forgive, because we have already been forgiven!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Uncertain legalism

Dear ...

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments. And what you brought up spoke to the heart of confusion many Christians are bound in even with a sincere heart to embrace the truth of the gospel.

The pitfall of legalism is acknowledged, preached and accepted by most believers. It is as clear as black and white. But how one interprets legalism often becomes the very justification of it -- and even unwitting reinforcement of the idea incorporated in the sermons and belief. This is where I insist we need a clear divide between law and grace by which a believer can escape that twilight zone of uncertainty. Then and only then a firm foundation of grace (and not just a cursory recognition and appreciation of it but still deeply rooted in law) can take hold in the hearts and minds of God's select in the truth of faith, hope and love.

But the separation and definition I urge goes beyond description of what is really meant by "law" in the new covenant, and how it is different from legalism. I have had feedback from brothers and sisters steeped in legalism insisting they are only for the spirit of law in the commandment of Jesus to love God and love our neighbors. If not for the insidious influence and subtlety that plays to our core nature as human beings most believers are intelligent and devoted enough to avoid legalism proper in not just following to the strict letters of law but needing the love to first flow out of our hearts.

What you wrote centered on clarifying what law really means in terms of the gospel; and you nailed it on the head. Law (or more specifically the spirit of it) is an outflow of love, and without love law is made moot and even becomes a curse. In your full description of the origin, essence and purpose of law you will find no disagreement from believers of all sides to the grace argument. Therefore that is what most responses to my thoughts on grace protest of  -- that why bash them constant over their heads about law and grace when they already know what Christ really meant to manifest by "law" in the gospel?

What I (and Paul, I believe) speak to in terms of law is not of the external behaviors but the internal motivator. It is the mentality of law; a psychological, philosophical and even emotional belief steeped in the worldly tradition translated unchecked in to the spiritual walk. The world is a merit-based system where rewards need to be earned and all things need justification by equal value in return. Just the term: "I obey because I love God" seems innocent and reasonable enough but in truth is legalistic -- especially when what should be a devotional and worshipful promise from a revelation and acceptance of God's love becomes elevated to a doctrine of "should" from the pulpit. This in essence becomes law in terms of commandment from man. What Jesus describes as fruits of love morphs into terms of law that justifies love. This is prevalent when the teaching is based on how a Christian should look like, behave like and talk like if he is filled with love and the holy spirit. Then all this mad dash to convince, encourage, even coerce, observe and and the inevitable judging/condemning oneself and one another when any should fall short.

This is not the spirit of grace, which centers not on how we behave but just the faith God will work in us for the good of His will. Instead of "I obey because I love God (or God loves me)" grace teaches us that "the spirit of God that indwells me lives through me," or "Jesus living in me is my obedience." When our faith is in Him that works in us then it is no longer about our performances but His sovereign power to transform and sanctify us.

The spirit of law doesn't change and remains perfect. But it is our attitude and perspective that needs to be re-focused. And in such case we must be very forceful and decisive to extinguish law as a necessary part of faith from a believer's mind. Again, that is not to be critical of law and relegate it to irrelevancy. God found fault with the law (first) covenant, so we should as well even though there is no flaw in law. The flaw is in us but God's love delivers us from it where otherwise law only sentences us to death. Knowing the flaw and insufficiency of law to deliver His people God still conveyed law to us. Where the grand plan of salvation is of love, yet the original intent of Mosaic law was not love but to bring us to a fearful state of discovery of how inadequate we are. The law was meant to condemn us so we may be in need of salvation. No, God's love is found, magnified and glorified in grace and only grace, which we have no part in but faith. From faith (believe His grace redeemed us from the bondage/strength of sin -- law) we have hope (confident expectation of goodness and life, not just a baseless wish), and the sweet flow of love pours forth, not because it is commanded of us, but love commands us.

What you wrote in the last sentence is very lovely: "...
we then complete the law out of love of God. This doesn't mean we are perfect, but every act of love is perfect in God's eyes." Moving as that statement is when view from the perspective and revelation of grace, it is ripe to be twisted to mean, "if we love God then we need to complete the law by obedience." Certainly the motivation is out of love, but once made a law in and of itself it voids the very love intended to express, and the propagation of a natural expression of love calcifies into a rigid doctrine that chokes the very life from that love. That is the true danger of a law-based belief -- it literally makes one's Christian walk into a litany of dos and dont's, cold as stone and lifeless. Worse it is in keeping a believer under condemnation of not good enough and not doing enough, and the daily chore of confessing, rededicating and failing instead of the effortless joy in trusting Jesus Christ living inside us and enjoying the intimacy we already have resting in His grace and redemption.

Some may view this as spiritual laziness, but it is the truest expression of faith, hope and love. There is no shame in waiting when we are in grace, but the flesh is stirred by law (mentality) to justify and return what is received, and interprets fruits of life to be fruits of the knowledge of good and evil for us to bear. By faith in grace, our hope is confidence that He will work in us according to His time and His way that love may bear fruits of the sweetest kind. Amen


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Not understanding grace

Hi Yxxx,

When you first responded to this email I sent, I also received another one from a sister. She simply added, "and, humble obedience."

I believe this is a similar sentiment as your statement, "God's law serves as the checkup or boundary for us not to be deceived by the Satan.  So you may not boast of having(or believe you have) obedient heart, but break God's law at the same time."

It seems you and others hold the opinion that, without the law (I believe apart from what Jesus commanded about love, because boundary was not defined, and only the written law -- ten commandment and other behavior-related terms -- is the clearest definition of what is right or wrong) as checkup, one is prone to self-interpretation on good and devil even in grace. And a step beyond that is the pride that is apparent for disregarding the written law.

Implied in the response was that the heart remains in the dark even after salvation and the indwelling of the holy spirit. Of course, if one is self-deceived about how grace works in his life, such may be the case. And we can very well determine that even one who professes acceptance of grace but whose actions run counter to law, and is unrepentant and unashamed about it, or even unaware of obvious transgressions, this believer does not understand grace in its full glory, and is obviously unmoved by the spirit.

But the solution to the disconnect is not using more law to make sure of conformance, which is only an exterior-driven behavior that moves not the heart. If by knowledge and commandment we come to obedience, it is empty of heart; yet if we appeal to the heart, the spirit living inside wills to learn of such knowledge without commandment.

And the only narrow doorway to such work of the spirit is by grace. When we have full revelation of grace, it is no longer our own heart that governs but the heart of Christ. The Bible is clear that we now have a new heart, a soft heart with God's law written in it. What is faith then but to believe God's word and trust that we are no longer masters of our hearts but God Himself. This is true obedience in humility, and no more worrying about being boastful.

In grace we have nothing to boast about; but in law we do for it is our performance that is measured. And if we view grace as licensing sin and irresponsibility, then no wonder some are quick to warn to be careful not to be blinded and flaunt it with abandon, and that grace must be weighted with the clarity and instruction of law. But this is pure human reasoning that is not substantiated by the scripture where Paul emphatically warns about the danger of law and not grace!

We must let grace shine, and be patient with it even if it works slowly in the heart than law with the mind. True obedience is to have no boundary demanded, but an unwillingness to stray from the will of God who gives us the spiritual wisdom to walk in light and not stumble into darkness. Amen!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Answer to "Law is our boundary."

Dear Yxxx,

Thank you for putting so much thought into this. I hope to come to a closer understanding of God's will in grace.

If by practical life everyday you meant the ceremonial law, then no question they don't apply anymore because the significance of those laws found substance in the person of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. But the spirit of the ten commandment (law written in stone) certainly are not done away with because it represents the righteousness of God in our everyday living. I agree that law is not destroyed but fulfilled by Jesus Christ; but in Him we are no longer bound by the law of doing but on a higher plane of being.

If your emphasis is finding out the boundary of God's law in detail description, you will spend the rest of you life searching for a definitive line and not find it. Can you say with confidence that you have discovered it, or come close? Or more so than those who live not to know the law by by the spirit of grace? And even if you find it and are able to define it, what then? Our problem is not in knowing right or wrong, but abiding in the right and not the wrong. The mistake of the pharisees were not that they didn't know the law clearly enough! They were blinded by their knowledge of law in not being able to see grace even when He was right in front of them. The same mistake can be made -- and is being made -- by believers today, trying to know the law in order to obey the law so as to live righteously when the only true righteousness is found abiding in grace. Paul clearly stated in Galatian 5:4 that such is fallen away from grace. In order to live by grace we must have the confidence in grace to guide us by the spirit. Law consciousness is the veil that blinds us from full revelation of grace! It keeps us in judgment. Look at the church in its present state.

And the spirit of law is not that difficult to know and understand: Love God and love one another. There, is your boundary, but more than that -- it is a law without boundary, for to have boundary is to do just enough where love overflows what is minimally required. Law is not separate from grace, and grace contains all that law can be and much more. Otherwise you have to say that grace is not enough and we still need law, which is saying Jesus is not enough, or grace is not the entire truth. For grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. The spirit of law is in grace, but the requirement of law is not. Jesus fulfilled the requirement of law on the cross for us already. What are we doing keep on trying to meet that requirement ourselves? It is a sign of unbelief or at least nonacceptance of His redemption.

As always, I uphold the law as perfect and holy. But it's purpose is not for us to obey, for we can never do it to a standard God requires. Otherwise Jesus didn't have to come to die for us. And if you want to keep the law you are consigning to the consequence of any failure on your part. For as you said,
not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. How confident are you about keeping perfectly the requirement, and staying within the boundary of God's law -- even if you know it? Is trying your best good enough for God? And if you stand on both grace and law it is mixture that frustrates grace. No, only grace can give us rest that we are righteous even in our sinful state, and that the holy spirit will sanctify us to become truly holy, and knows and needs no boundary nor constraint. Jesus doesn't need to know the boundary of law -- and we can as well when we surrender completely to Him. Trying to keep the law is not complete surrender.

It is true that for a new believer, many of what they do they view not as sin. And as they grow in knowledge of Christ more of their imperfection is realized. As such, if one is not standing on firm ground of his righteous in Christ, such growth of one's sin awareness becomes even more of a bondage instead of the freedom Christ's blood was intended to bring us. We don't stop growing just because we are in grace. But let's grow in grace to know the heart of God and not grow in our knowledge to be acceptable to God. For if one is sincere in the search of law it never fails that one becomes even more under its condemnation in not being good enough. No, we don't need to know how sinful we truly are when we are in grace, because faith in grace is already acceptance of that fact, and the blood of Jesus cleansed us of all of it. God's goodness leads us to repentance, and His forgiveness empowers us to love.

And when we have His love flowing out of us like rivers of living water, law has already done it's job and should depart like Moses did on the mount of Transfiguration, and not to follow the people of grace into the land of rest. In keeping law it is not of love; and love above all is the heart of God.


Good work 2

Dear ...

Thank you for putting so much thought into this. I hope to come to a closer understanding of God's will in grace.

If by practical life everyday you meant the ceremonial law, then no question they don't apply anymore because the significance of those laws found substance in the person of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. But the spirit of the ten commandment (law written in stone) certainly are not done away with because it represents the righteousness of God in our everyday living. I agree that law is not destroyed but fulfilled by Jesus Christ; but in Him we are no longer bound by the law of doing but on a higher plane of being.

If your emphasis is finding out the boundary of God's law in detail description, you will spend the rest of you life searching for a definitive line and not find it. Can you say with confidence that you have discovered it, or come close? Or more so than those who live not to know the law by by the spirit of grace? And even if you find it and are able to define it, what then? Our problem is not in knowing right or wrong, but abiding in the right and not the wrong. The mistake of the pharisees were not that they didn't know the law clearly enough! They were blinded by their knowledge of law in not being able to see grace even when He was right in front of them. The same mistake can be made -- and is being made -- by believers today, trying to know the law in order to obey the law so as to live righteously when the only true righteousness is found abiding in grace. Paul clearly stated in Galatian 5:4 that such is fallen away from grace. In order to live by grace we must have the confidence in grace to guide us by the spirit. Law consciousness is the veil that blinds us from full revelation of grace! It keeps us in judgment. Look at the church in its present state.

And the spirit of law is not that difficult to know and understand: Love God and love one another. There, is your boundary, but more than that -- it is a law without boundary, for to have boundary is to do just enough where love overflows what is minimally required. Law is not separate from grace, and grace contains all that law can be and much more. Otherwise you have to say that grace is not enough and we still need law, which is saying Jesus is not enough, or grace is not the entire truth. For grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. The spirit of law is in grace, but the requirement of law is not. Jesus fulfilled the requirement of law on the cross for us already. What are we doing keep on trying to meet that requirement ourselves? It is a sign of unbelief or at least nonacceptance of His redemption.

As always, I uphold the law as perfect and holy. But it's purpose is not for us to obey, for we can never do it to a standard God requires. Otherwise Jesus didn't have to come to die for us. And if you want to keep the law you are consigning to the consequence of any failure on your part. For as you said,
not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. How confident are you about keeping perfectly the requirement, and staying within the boundary of God's law -- even if you know it? Is trying your best good enough for God? And if you stand on both grace and law it is mixture that frustrates grace. No, only grace can give us rest that we are righteous even in our sinful state, and that the holy spirit will sanctify us to become truly holy, and knows and needs no boundary nor constraint. Jesus doesn't need to know the boundary of law -- and we can as well when we surrender completely to Him. Trying to keep the law is not complete surrender.

It is true that for a new believer, many of what they do they view not as sin. And as they grow in knowledge of Christ more of their imperfection is realized. As such, if one is not standing on firm ground of his righteous in Christ, such growth of one's sin awareness becomes even more of a bondage instead of the freedom Christ's blood was intended to bring us. We don't stop growing just because we are in grace. But let's grow in grace to know the heart of God and not grow in our knowledge to be acceptable to God. For if one is sincere in the search of law it never fails that one becomes even more under its condemnation in not being good enough. No, we don't need to know how sinful we truly are when we are in grace, because faith in grace is already acceptance of that fact, and the blood of Jesus cleansed us of all of it. God's goodness leads us to repentance, and His forgiveness empowers us to love.

And when we have His love flowing out of us like rivers of living water, law has already done it's job and should depart like Moses did on the mount of Transfiguration, and not to follow the people of grace into the land of rest. In keeping law it is not of love; and love above all is the heart of God.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Good work

Any good work we do do out of demonstration of faith, and not demonstration of righteousness; do out of witnessing for the grace of Christ, and not witnessing of our worth; do out of obedience of heart and not obedience to law.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Scarlet grace

it is not enough to just see Him,
 not enough to know.

it is not enough to listen to Him,
not enough to obey.
we must touch, and be touched by Him,
taste, and savor His form;

to caress the body scarred, and feel the splinters sharp,
to be held in
the open wounds, deep in
His tender hands.

we in Him and He in us,
drink, and bathe in the scarlet grace.

it is then we come to so love Him...
the love we find our rest.

All about Jesus

Doing is all about our performance; being is all about Christ's life.

Obeying is all about our merit; believing is all about Christ's glory.
Trying is all about our effort; trusting is all about Christ's faithfulness.

Pleasing God is all about us; pleased in God is all about Jesus.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


神立的血約是為了什麼? 是為了保證祂對亞伯蘭所說的承諾 (創世紀 15:5, "於是領他走到外邊、說、你向天觀看、數算眾星、能數得過來麼? 又對他說、你的後裔將要如此。" and 創世紀 15:7, 耶和華又對他說、我是耶和華、曾領你出了迦勒底的吾珥、為要將這地賜你為業。" )

神不會要求只要信,而無承諾的保證。雖然神說的話就是真理,祂的諾言絕對不改變,但是祂了解人心,知道我們需要保證才會真信。在舊約,神要給亞伯拉罕與他的後裔的是地上的產業。祂所立的約,是要他們有信心的確據。神也告訴他,雖然還是會有苦難 (
創世紀 15:13),但是最終必得迦南之地。

完全是因為他的信,以及因信而被神稱為義。(創世紀 15:6, "亞伯蘭信耶和華、耶和華就以此為他的義。")


在各各他山上的十字架,耶穌被掛著,遍體麟傷; 祂與神這次立的約所流的不再是動物的血,諾言的保證不再是獻物的身體。在這一次的血約,神擺上自己的身體,流自己的血,因為這一次的應許是要給亞伯拉罕的後裔天上的產業,讓所有相信祂的人,雖然還有不足,但以得到罪的赦免與永生的盼望。

不需付出任何代價就能得到救恩與祝福,那更是不能又回到靠肉體的努力來值得活在恩典裏的新生命。(加拉太 3:3,"你們既靠聖靈入門、如今還靠肉身成全麼.你們是這樣的無知麼?"

全然不是! 就如亞伯蘭, 我們的得到完全是因為我們的信,和因信而被神稱為義。因為在約翰 6:28-29,眾人問祂說、我們當行甚麼、才算作神的工呢?
耶穌回答說,"信神所差來的、這就是作神的工。" 加不上,也減不掉。
這就是血約的承諾,最為悲情也最為燦麗; 最是難解也最是自然。。。這就是神的愛。Amen
