Friday, November 13, 2009

Love letter rom the Father

Dear Lxxx:

Thank you so much for sharing this love letter from our Heavenly Father. Everyday we need to feel anew the great love He has for us so our love for Him grows and flows out of our hearts. We love Him for He first loved us is such an important revelation, as well as the understanding that he who is forgiven much, loves much.

Loving the LORD is the essence of law, but being loved by the LORD is pure grace; how we love Him is not nearly as precious as why we love Him, and the good fruits of faith, peace, joy and obedience naturally spring forth when we are immersed in the sweet sweet nectar that is His complete and sacrificial love.

How great is your love for us, LORD? It can only be measured by how much you love your son Jesus Christ. He was with you in the beginning, and is with you in the end; He is your beloved son, in whom you are well pleased. Yet it pleases you to crush Him in judgment and punishment in order to save us from the wages of sin, and hang Him on the tree to die for us, receiving all the pain and suffering to spare us from Hell's fury. Great is sacrifice of self, but greater is the offering of your only begotten child, without blemish, to be the propitiation for a sinner like me. How great is that love for us the price you paid to take away our pain and dry our tears? What more can we do to deserve salvation but to receive with grateful hearts and open arms all you have given us, and can't help but to love you back with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind and all our strength! Amen



你或許不認識我,我卻認識你的一切。詩 139:1
我在你母腹中塑造你, 詩139:13
我能給予你的,遠超過地上的父親所能給予你的,太 7:11
你所領受各樣美善的恩賜,都是從我來的,雅 1:17
我因你歡欣喜樂,番 3:17
我要將偉大奧秘的事指示你,耶 33:3
因為是我在你心裏動工,使你心裡能立志行事。Philippians 腓 2:13
我能為你成就一切,遠超過你所求所想的。Ephesians 弗 3:20
我是你最佳的鼓勵者,2 Thessalonians 帖後2:16-17
也是在一切患難中安慰你的父親。2 Corinthians 林後1:3-4
你傷心的時候,我靠近你,Psalm 詩34:18
如同牧人懷抱羊羔,我懷抱你在我胸前,Isaiah 賽 40:11
有一天,我要擦去你一切的眼淚並帶走你在世上的一切苦楚。啟 21:3-4
因為在耶穌裡,就顯明我對你的愛,約 17:26
祂是神本體的真像,來 1:3
祂來是表明我要幫助你,不是敵對你,羅 8:31
我一直是父親,也永遠是父親,弗 3:14-15

Monday, November 2, 2009

Our great commission?

Each time the brothers gather on the first Sundays I am stirred by the subject at hand. This morning, we finished up on "The Purpose Driven Life," discussing the commissions a believer is asked to perform by Christ. Mainly, the topic centered on spreading the Gospel and bringing back to the LORD His lost sheep.

I have always been impressed by the genuine love and caring -- often at great personal peril and sacrifice -- exhibited by Christians throughout the ages, how dedicated they are to the missionary work. And the torch continues to be carried on in the churches today that love Christ.

I have also heard in some circles that in accepting Christ Jesus into our hearts we are guarantees salvation; but it is our work (or fruit) from that point forward that determines our ultimate reward upon final judgment.

I feel that such belief when applied to our great calling leads to much stress and deviation from the "rest" Christ sacrificed His life to redeem for us. From the brief group discussion (and other similar conversations), there is a common theme of believers who find themselves struggling with their strength, faith, priority, knowledge and individual gift to do God's work up to a standard they deem worthy of a true disciple.

What I am offering may be controversial, but I believe that when Jesus was brutally beaten, nailed to the cross and died of a most painful death, he paid in full ALL the blessings our heavenly Father has in store for us. Nothing more can we earn by our effort and performance. A lowly person like me who has done nothing of significance has the same standing in Christ as giants of the faith like Paul and Peter, not through the same influence and fruitfulness for which I have none, but by the strength of a simple faith that Christ is my savior. For it is only faith and complete dependence on Him that pleases God, and He is assured that fruits born of faith is the sweetest.

God gave each one of us different gifts and burdens; the only measure of equal is our hearts. One who does the most work is not placed in front of the line of blessing and healing...nor the most eloquent of words, angelic of voice, and so on. When one worships Him, and offers himself or herself to the LORD in the name of Christ, God's embrace is complete and boundless. For that is the only way we acknowledge His sacrifice for us, that not one ounce of our effort is worthy but only He is.

Instead of earning more blessings, the Holy Spirit living in us bears fruits in our being joy, peace and love that are the most fragrant offerings we have for Him. And it is in our love and gratitude that we naturally and insistently want to please Him no matter the obstacle and circumstance. We may keep and compare records over fear or vanity, but God does not but only sees our hearts; so focus on Jesus Christ and His finished work for us on the cross, and not on how much work we need to do for Him.

For the more His love is revealed to us, and how our love for Him is stirred, the more willingness and strength we have to offer our time, effort and resources to follow His great commission!
