Thursday, December 2, 2010

Handful of beans

I had a handful of perfect beans in my hands.

For Thanksgiving I spent a week at my sister's home in Scottsdale, Arizona. There is this tree nearby that drops seed pods on the ground, and in the pods are these pretty little coffee-brown beans. I collected a handful to give to the three little nieces who came along. Immediately they went about divvying up the spoil, seeing who got how many, and gets the biggest, prettiest ones. After some time, each girl had the same number of beans, but many were discarded for being too small, not round enough or plump enough, and even one with a big hole in it. When they became bored with them, I was charged with holding the beans, each one lovely from the careful selection.

Seeing the beans in my hands I couldn't help feeling a bit sad -- last thing I expected from the innocent play of these little angels. It was a microcosm mirroring the world -- and my own heart.

It may seem natural, and even rightfully so, but with each opportunity to choose, we of any age instinctively go for the best: the best looking, the freshest, the highest quality; and only settling for the not so good when the choice is already taken away. The leftovers are picked up reluctantly and without joy, or even outright rejected like a bruised peach, its fate in a trash heap of the unwanted.

Sadly, it is the same with people; we are constantly judging and being judged based on innumerable criterion set up by the cultural, moral or even a deeper and unexplainable instinct that ebb and flow within to label and classify. And all in this mad system of establishing a hierarchy of worthiness or acceptance that non seems to be exempt from -- neither lone individuals nor organized entities. Whether factors affecting such "scoring" is pre-determined or can be enhanced, the truth remains that each of us at one level or another desperately want to be that perfect little bean, and fear to be rejected for flaws. How many suffer in silence from this constant judging and selecting process day after day? Like the scrawny little boy wanting to play sport but selected last only by default because neither team wanted him?

Anyone with empathy feels for such outcasts; and from time to time many are themselves victims of rejection, even if unintended. However, sympathetic as they are, few are willing to settle for the inferior and allow others to get the better part. There is an inner demand to get the best for ourselves, even over the needs of others. The more "worthy" (in self-image or accomplishment) one feels about him or herself, and deserving of the better things in life, the less this person is willing to compromise on such standard. And even those who feel "unworthy" share the same desire, but only live in life-long compromise and defeat. The want comes out instinctively -- even as little children.

This inner demand is voracious and insistent. It drives us toward higher grounds for two emotional factors: pride and shame. One either wants to gain glory, or to avoid shame, and it is reflected in what represents us in the material and inter-personal (relationships). Wanting that shiny, perfect little bean is motivated by the same emotion as driving an expensive car, having many friends, or marrying the successful and beautiful. And in wanting these things one fears not having these things as well for the consequence of shame.

Some may like to think of themselves as "above it all" and open-minded in not being "judgmental." But that is simply narcissistic self-delusion. Apart from God, we are naked (shame) and seek glory (pride) to cover ourselves. In one form or another, all our efforts in this world is driven by vanity. It is easy to deride those seeking material riches and status, but vanity is even more insidious in those trying to be a "better person" or to be more spiritual, obedient and even humble. It all boils down to a validation of self by an established standard of the day, or even just by an inner goal to cross one's own imaginary line of victory. Ultimately, it all boils down to fear, of failure and rejection that either motivates or paralyzes one's existence. This fear drives us every moment of our mortal life -- of not being picked to play the game, and not winning.

Wanting to be a winner, and fearing to be a loser seems an understandable and even admirable determination. However, when taken out of the "reality" context of this fleshly world, what lies underneath is the core problem of sin that separates us from the spirit -- God. What is "sin?" It is defined simply as "falling short of the mark" or not having the glory of God, the ultimate validation. Ever since the fall of Adam, the void inside is our unrealized desire to be filled again with God's glory. It motivates us, drives us, searching for fulfillment in all sorts of ways, desperately trying to avoid becoming a loser, or passively accepting such fate, having been weighted down by ridicule and shame. Many even resort to lying and cheating, and in any way that counters the intended purpose, but only magnifies the sins, which continue to fail us. Either way, we all sooner or later come to face the fact that there is only perpetual darkness or mere fading lights no matter how bright and hopeful at one time. And death claims all victories.

Such is the wage of sin, and the inescapable sentence of death. It is a sickness needing to be healed, a trespass waiting to be forgiven. All these are not only assignable to behavior, but much deeper. The conscience placed in our hearts to guide us also constantly condemns. Those who ignore it live in sin, and ones who listen live in the recognition and guilt of sin. The only and common solution to this separation/emptiness (sin) is to be made whole by the restoration of unconditional forgiveness.

This is what God wants of us: not to live in fear, but be made whole in His glory by our faith in His love. And when we fear no more by the grace of God, the whole world loses its grip on our soul.

Forgiveness is essentially a healing process. What was broken is mended, and the empty filled. Forgiveness is not just to let an injustice go without punishment, but the bringing together the hurting and the hurt. In our relationship with God, His forgiveness brings us back to him as one, and to be filled and covered with glory (God's good opinion). Everything God does is not temperate but extreme and absolute, for truth stands uncompromising. Therefore God's forgiveness is like His love -- absolutely unconditional. And only in unconditional forgiveness is there complete healing.

Yes, our sin is simply a sickness waiting to be forgiven -- and how He is wiling! As I danced with my little niece tonight to music (they love to dance), holding her little hands, I understood how God felt, and the love pouring out of His heart for His children. Of course they are not always little angels, but all is forgiven because I love them, and want so very much not to fear me, but to trust and hold on to my hands and enjoy my embrace. I remember how I felt the same way with my son and daughter when they were little, and continue to until eternity. How much more our God?

In being restored, there is no more want but to remain in His embrace. For in Him there is no lack, and every choice of beauty and perfection. No need for glory for we are His glory, no sense of shame for His love covers us. This is true rest, for no more is our heart restless, and no more does it envy.

When such forgiveness is received, we live from victory, not performance; from His holiness, not our obedience; and no more shame nor guilt over sin while we remain in the flesh. The choice then is not for the self (earned righteousness) but to give, and to lift up the least. The forgiveness received is our forgiveness given in offering up the best and turning the other cheek. How is it that so many believers can give up a lap of luxury and safety only choosing to accept poverty and danger -- all for the sake of picking up the discarded and forgotten? Why was Mother Teresa able to find her calling tending to the dying in the gutters of Calcutta? She didn't see them as trash nor opportunity for her own glory, but the grace of God in her saw each soul as Jesus Himself, and the returning of love received. By grace she did not judge anymore, but accepted all as one.

In the eyes of little angels, there is already judgment and greed. What hope is there for us with the world slowly choking the spirit away but for the unconditional love and complete forgiveness found in Jesus Christ? And it is in our believing we are eternally forgiven, and made whole by His grace, that we look not for the imperfection in things and people to reject, but out of a grateful and joyful heart, pour out the love so filled in us to forgive, and restore the least of us.

And in God's eyes, we are all perfect little beans, because His blood more than made up for our falling short. Amen.


Sunday, November 21, 2010



7:16 若我所作的、是我所不願意的、我就應承律法是善的。 
7:17 既是這樣、就不是我作的、乃是住在我裏頭的罪作的。 





在一個完全屬靈的境界,和充滿聖靈感動的生命,一個人的內心是與那純肉體主意的一樣而毫無良心的掙扎。這並不是他已不犯罪的從行為上定聖潔之義,而是他的行為已經不是他個人的責任了(是耶穌的)。不是他不再視罪如敵,而是不被罪的控告奪去他在恩典裡的屬義生命,繼續活在聖靈的感動與清洗。因為保羅說,“這不是我作的,乃是住在我裡面的罪作的。“ 保羅不把惡行怪罪在人,而是在罪上。把人與罪分開是我們信仰的重要關鍵,但是多少人把這樣的看法當為放縱和不負責任,因為如此從表面看來與世界的放縱一模一樣,沒有把罪行當成一回事,作錯的事沒有後果的擔當,神的公義無影無蹤,藐視神的律法,褻瀆神的聖潔。

看起來真的是不合常理。但,這就是恩典的奧妙!公義是什麼?不就是一人的事一人當嗎?在一個公認標準,達到了就有榮耀,有獎賞;而達不到的只有羞恥,甚至懲罰。公義就是靠己的應得結果。公義不是為了審判者,而是被審判的而定。世界愛公義,是我們唯一能保持平等之善的最高理想,是我們吃了分辨善惡果的智慧。在世界的標準,會有贏輸,有得失;但是在神的標準,沒有一個過的了關。按照神的公義,我們沒有希望,只有羞恥與懲罰的等待。在公義裡,要領就是在“責任“這個觀念,而由一個人與他的作為的連接關係來定審判的結果。世界的標準都是如此,好與壞,成功與失敗,所作的事都有一個相連的論斷,不是榮光(credit )就是責怪 (blame )。



靈與肉體的征戰在我們每一個人的心中。只是靠良心好像是點燭光要照亮黑暗,沒有依靠,不能持久。而信耶穌基督有如太陽在我們心裡面,只要我們把心門完全坦開,讓帶著生命的陽光照亮近來,黑暗(罪)必被除掉。但是多少基督徒仍是只高舉耶穌在理念,頌讚與敬拜上,但是不把祂帶到心裡最黑暗之處,因被教導神的聖潔不能沾污,拒祂在心門之外,而只有努力自己克服罪,繼續打那贏不了的戰爭?這種信仰真的是不冷不熱,沒有釋放,沒有安息,而雖有屬靈的願意,但還是困擾在肉體的罪知(sin consciousness),一輩子離不開罪的捆綁。

聖經說,“魔鬼如同吼叫的獅子,遍地遊行,尋找可吞吃的人。“ 神是吼叫的獅子,公義的怒吼,不是魔鬼。但魔鬼仿神,利用公義的控告,吞吃某些人。那些人?是不信的外邦人嗎?不是,因不信神的不怕公義。聽到怒吼而恐懼的人,是還畏懼著神的公義的信徒。他們不信雖處在恩典,公義不再會因罪而拿走耶穌已賠償了的義與安息。神說蛇(魔鬼)將吃塵,就是屬世的罪惡。我們走在這世界的腳一直會沾塵,有信的人會感到骯髒,想要洗淨。但是我們自己的清洗沒完沒了,洗過馬上又髒,而還覺得自己骯髒有罪的正就是魔鬼可以吞吃的人。只有讓耶穌不停洗我們重生後的行走之腳,我們才與他有份,因為只有耶穌才有白布手巾(義,righteousness )把我們用水洗淨後的腳擦乾,有祂的聖潔在心。要不雖有水洗樣式(讀經,順服,認罪),但是沒有理解或接受義的手巾把帶污(罪)的水擦掉,我們無義擦乾的濕腳會再次沾土成泥(混亂的理解把恩典與律法“平衡“,又有水又有土,既乾淨又骯髒,有義又有罪),而信仰無力,因被挾持在撒但的控告,繼續活在被罪知吞吃的痛苦與煎熬。

如果我們不能放掉罪的自責,我們也丟不開聖潔的自誇。我們可以為了神的聖潔火熱,但是那是殺傷之火,律法的刀劍,是無愛的標準控告世人與信徒不分。這有如掃羅被恩典感動之前,愛神但不愛人。掃羅這名的意思是“渴望的。“ 一個信徒可能渴望神,但是因律法的心態拒絕恩典的感動,不知或不信神公義的怒火正燃燒著耶穌的身體,律法的無情之刀鋒已經插入耶穌流血的心中...祂就是那麼的愛我們,為的就是不讓祂所愛的再有任何由罪的不安或恐懼!掃羅改名為保羅,意為“微小。“ 三天的恩典光照與感動讓他徹底了解: 一切都不是他,不是他的順服或叛逆會有一點關係,不是他的聖潔或犯罪能有一絲影響,而只有耶穌才是永生與得勝的唯一確據。因為他問說,“誰能救我脫離這取死的身體呢“,和回答,“感謝神,靠著我們的主耶穌基督就能了!“ 保羅知道答案不在如何,而是在誰。他知道這由恩典而不受犯罪的指責並不會造成輕視罪的放縱;反而,體會到的心中更會有感激,而真正順服在耶穌親身的聖潔塑造!Amen


Sunday, November 14, 2010


禮拜天聽到要有得勝的心思與正面的態度,才可以活出真正靠主的生命。因為我們心思如何,為人就如何。多方人生的考驗與困境,在心裡有依靠主的希望都可以克服 ; 而為主做最好的見證就是從行為上讓人看見,流露出聖靈從心裡所作的改變。

這實在是每一個人都可以 amen 的信息。連世俗的智慧都提倡用正面的心態面對問題,處人處世。

耶穌是世界的光,他誕生之前,世界在黑暗。黑暗的世界只有律法 (死亡的職事),沒有生命,因律法唯一的目的是來定罪。耶穌的戒命(十字架的精神)是愛神愛人,有愛就有義行,沒有愛就會犯罪。

應該不會有人反對這個看法。認識耶穌前的心是活在無望的黑暗,接受祂是救主之光才有永生的盼望,而聖靈的充滿讓我們活出耶穌的真愛。關鍵在於耶穌,帶給我們這些稱了義才有的禮物,和我們的相信領受恩典所贖來的義。這個"義"之地位(righteousness standing)是打開我們得勝生命的鑰匙。

我們的死,動機是愛,目的是恢復我們的義(稱義), 雖然我們還是 罪人。耶穌用死,贖
來的恩典 撕開了至聖所的幔子,從上到下, 讓我們今天可以來到神的面前。 這樣,我


我們知道信是關鍵,所以才叫信仰。那什麼是正面態度,信還是不信?什麼是得勝的信仰,稱義還是認罪?容易信的就不需要堅強的信,所以要信的一定是難以置信,幾乎是不可理喻的。看的到的需要信嗎?不需要。只有那看不到的美好才真正需要。死亡的免不了不需要信心才知,永生的應許才需要。悲傷的實際不需要信才接受,但是喜樂的天堂必須要。病痛的無奈沒人會否認,而已經賜給我們的醫治難以置信。是自己的努力比較可靠呢? 還是等著別人白白給的免費午餐? ...

最後,看清楚我們是罪人算是正面得勝的信嗎? 承認我們是軟弱的罪人可以給我們克服的力量嗎? 有力量的信(
正面和得勝)一定是那不在我們,而且還是看不到的應許。神由恩典,稱祂的兒女為義。如相信這只憑神的話語,和聖經記載的真理就是連接在神所創世,與從死復活的力量! 但是多少信神愛神的人因著看到自己還有罪的"真相",就不能接受他們(和別人)是義人?他們的一生就是看到罪,想的就是如何解決罪,為的就是"保護"神不要被罪沾染到。他們認為要活出一生的聖潔才值得戴上稱義的冠冕。但是這樣的信是屬律法,行為,和靠自己的心態。而相信的只有純公義的審判。這樣的信不在恩典,因我們在恩典就屬義,而相信我們靠耶穌就一定是義人,雖然從世與喜愛論斷的眼光看是無義可取,一文不值...只有不屑的羞辱。


如果這樣講沒有錯,我們應有的正面心態與自我觀念是否要從義,而堅信我們是義人?如過是的話,那什麼樣的人才需要認罪?是不是罪人?沒有錯,我們在肉體還是有罪,但是在真理的境界,信耶穌為救主的都是義人。認 (confess) 罪就是承認我們的罪,但也是肯定我們還有罪,更是定我們自己的罪。這是恩典與聖靈要來作的偉事嗎?不是!要定我們的罪,律法就夠了。那既然神認為律法不夠而賜給我們恩典與聖靈,他們是要給我們與定我們為義(約翰16:8-10)。如果我們不要活在肉體的實相(其實是有限的虛念,見光即化),而是在屬靈的真理,那就不要繼續沈沒在罪的自我控告,而是活在得勝的信心。這不才是真實相信主的得勝與正面心思嗎?

如果心思如何,為人就如何,那心思在罪,為人也逃不過罪的捆綁。但是如果心思在義,那義的力量就自然彰顯在生命中。得勝就是"得到勝利",那勝利是在義還是在罪?如正面是"正確的面對",那正確是從義還是從罪?主是義,心思在義就是靠主 ;  我們有罪,心思在罪就是靠自己。

為了要得赦免的認罪並不榮耀主,而只有把耶穌裡的赦免從無限當為有限,從無條件改為有條件。神的赦免是一次而永久的,是不停的洗清有如水瀑日夜沖洗,而不只是一個澆水桶,等著看那一個舉手才澆下去一點,要不然就不理。我們要做的,要常常被提醒的,不是認罪,而是認義!我們要承認我們的義,肯定我們有義,讓聖靈天天定我們為神所喜悅的義人。只有義人才會舉頭往天看,而靠恩典的力量做出討神喜悅的義事 (愛神愛人); 而不是像自認的罪人,時時望內省察,挖罪,要靠努力做出義的樣式,再看只有看到自己與衡量他人的好壞,不是羞愧就是自傲,遠離屬靈的自然安息與真心謙卑。

不要誤會,認義並不表示忘記我們原是罪人(只要在這世上就還有肉體的不完美)而是在我們心中肯定主稱我們為完美意願。就如沒有舊約的死亡命運,新約的生命福音就不成章 ; 沒有罪的死刑,恩典的拯救就不珍貴。我也沒有反對從被耶穌的愛感動而自然生出的認罪(認得我們是蒙恩的罪人)。但是所謂認罪,是由理解到得勝心態的對比之影,不是實體。是必須在先相信我們已經成義的安息裡與主親密的感恩。沒有一點是形式話,條件話,也沒有被迫的遵守,而是從與耶穌結合流露出的自然回應,一種無形的內心提醒我們是多麼的蒙福,多麼的被愛著。



Monday, October 25, 2010






Saturday, October 23, 2010


請問,我們愛的是耶穌,還是愛祂所代表的榮耀與聖潔? 如果耶穌沒那麼完美,祂要做的事失敗了,我們還愛祂嗎? 祂給我們的愛是無條件的,但是我們對祂的愛是不是有條件? 我們真的,真的! 為什麼愛耶穌?

如果愛耶穌,是不是想見祂? 如果最愛耶穌,是不是最想聽到祂?  如果只愛耶穌,是不是只想尋找祂? 我們是不是隨時地想念著祂?只要想到祂,是不是眼睛就濕濕,鼻子就酸酸?

但是有些人,聽了多一點有關耶穌的形容,耶穌的亮光,就覺得無聊,感到厭煩,好像沒什麼收穫,想說這與我們現在要面對的實際生活與問題的解決有什麼關係呢? 耶穌是誰,祂做了什麼事,都已經知道了,為什麼還要一再而再的提? 而更重要的是要學到一些"有用的"道理與分享來運用在現實生活上,這才是紮實的信仰生活。是不是?



耶穌是生命的糧 (是耶穌受鞭打的身體與傷口流出的血,不是祂的教訓)。我們吃飯多久要一次? 為什麼要天天吃,一天要吃好幾次? 因為我們不吃就飢餓。如果不覺隨時都對耶穌的飢渴,那祂還算是我們生命的糧嗎? 如果不是吃喝生命,那我們天天飢渴的是什麼? 吃的喝的靈糧是什麼?



"有一個女人、患了十二年的血漏、在好些醫生手裏、受了許多的苦.又花盡了他所有的、一點也不見好、病勢反倒更重了。他聽見耶穌的事、就從後頭來、雜在眾人中間、摸耶穌的衣裳。" 馬可 5:25-27


不只是這樣,堅守律法的人與教會也不准別人帶罪靠近耶穌,而是教訓靠近耶穌前先要除罪,除罪之後才能進祂的安息。像這女人的不守律法,帶著不乾淨的肉身擠在人群中要去碰觸耶穌是極不尊重,也是極為"放縱"的行為。這樣的認知看不到女人的決志是堅信的表達,而只有耶穌證實她的信,稱她為女兒,說 "
安心、妳的信救了妳" 女人得醫治,進安息,不是因為她無罪或有順服,而是因為她聽見耶穌醫治了罪人,摸了長大痲瘋的人,也自己做了違反律法的事情,她就相信,帶罪的肉體可以親近主。

信息比阻擋遵守的多的多。雖然常把"信"在口中,但是卻由行的意念而失去。所以我們屬靈的爭戰是要全心放在建立與耶穌合一的信心,好比這女人的堅心往前,不把她的信心離開耶穌。神說,"所以我們務必竭力進入那安息、免得有人學那不信從的樣子跌倒了。" 希伯來書 4:11如果把信建立在律法的遵守,那麼這信已經離開恩典,而與猶太教沒有兩樣,加上耶穌只是一個點綴。這樣的理念是要求合作性 (有了恩典要再加上自己的努力與順服),並且是自己的順服越多越好。但是這是完全不符合福音的真理,惟獨恩典才是我們的依靠: "因為那進入安息的、乃是歇了自己的工(遵守律法的心態)。。。" 希伯來書 4:10。

聖經上的第一次常有很深的意義。摩西(律法)的第一個奇蹟顯示在埃及(舊約),他把清水變為血。摩西帶來律法,為了是要定人的罪(血)。雖然他把人民帶出埃及的綑綁(世界),律法不能帶人進入迦南地的安息,而只有死在曠野,不管如何遵守。跟隨摩西雖然得救,但是出不了罪的控告(曠野),只有跟隨約書亞(耶穌)才能進入真理與恩典實際安息。女人如不追求耶穌,而只在遠方敬佩,渴望,她還是會繼續流血(被罪挾持),不得醫治(made whole, 完全),沒有安息。

祂至愛的新婦,就是你我,祂的肢體,信徒的集合(Ecclesia in Greek),教會的定義。清水本是耶穌的聖潔,但因代替我們在十字架上受懲罰,祂流的鮮血由愛的完全付出釀成恩典的美酒,賜給我們喝,赦免我們的罪而稱義,得永生。女人因相信(喝下)耶穌的恩典,從律法的綑綁釋放出來,一心追求耶穌,終於得到醫治,不再流血(被罪挾持)。她這樣的信才是真正討耶穌的喜悅。

一個信徒,一個教會,是要繼續流血,靠自己的遵守得痊癒呢?還是不看自己屬世的肉體敗壞,相信耶穌只有為罪人犧牲,唯有罪人才能親近祂,就在流血犯罪的時候最需要耶穌,最有允許與權利觸摸祂? 而不是等著我們乾淨時祂才願意接納祝福我們,稱為祂的兒女,祂的新婦? 完美的人,完美的教會,並不表示得聖。教訓,追求自我聖潔,以為,認為遵守聖潔,敬拜的不是耶穌,而是自我的神。Amen


什麼是基督教?/ What is Christianity?


律法完成在耶穌裡,不能在我們。因它是死亡的執事,死亡的毒鉤是罪,罪的力量是律法 (心態)。把律法加在恩典有如毒藥滴在新酒,將律法分開由自己的遵守有如喝那殺信心的毒藥。

讓我們定睛仰望耶穌,祂是我們信心的創始與成終。祂是 alpha 與 omega。他值得我們的盡心,盡性,盡意,盡力,尋找祂,仰望祂,深愛祂。Amen

What is Christianity? Jesus Christ. Nothing more, nothing less. He is grace. He is truth. What more can one add to grace and truth? Nothing; neither can one take away from it. If we are bodies of Christ, and our hearts are filled with Him, we also have grace and truth in us that is the source of our faith and good works, nothing more to add, and nothing to take away.
Law is fulfilled in Christ, and not possible in us. For it is the ministry of death, the sting of death is sin, and strength of sin is law (mentality). Adding law to grace is like dripping poison to new wine; and separating law unto us is drinking poison that kills faith.

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, for He is the alpha and the omega, and He deserves 100% of our heart, soul, mind and strength in finding and beholding Him. Amen


Thursday, October 21, 2010


神的思念是多麼的深奧,他的話語含著一層層的甜美,祂的心充滿著愛: 我們生命的糧食。愛不需要思考,只要吃。但是在我們的思考,才更深的發覺神的心是多麼的豐盛,為我們擺設了不停的筵席,祂的愛如蜂房滴蜜,使尋求祂的,依靠祂的,永不飢渴。



我們經由以下十的人名字的意義,(some from the root word) 就可以拼出人的命運和神的拯救。

1. 亞 當 (人, man)

2. 塞 特 (指定, appointed)

3. 以 挪 士 (會死的, mortal)

4. 該 南 (憂傷, sorrow)

5. 瑪 勒 列 (祝福的神, blessed God)

6. 雅 列 (會降下, shall come down)

7. 以 諾 (教導, teaching)

8. 瑪 土 撒 拉 (他的死會帶來, his death shall bring)

9. 拉 麥 (在絕望的, the despairing)

10.挪 亞 (安息或安慰, rest or comfort)

"人(是被)指定會死的憂傷; (但是)祝福的神(將)會降下,教導(我們)祂的死會帶給在絕望的(人)安息。" (Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest.)

剛好安息就是在挪亞,恩典也第一次在他被提起 (創世紀 6:8)。挪亞以釘子與木頭造成方舟,象徵著耶穌基督在十字架上,代替我們受罪的懲罰,而在祂裡面的必不受審判的狂風暴雨。Amen


Friday, October 15, 2010

Amazing Grace (beautiful voice)


Thank you so much for forwarding this clip. I could never pass up an opportunity to enjoy a performance of "Amazing Grace." That it is sang by Il Divo in the Coliseum makes it just that much more grand and moving. The spirit of the LORD and love of Jesus Christ flows out of the music like living water quenching our thirsty souls, and the wayward hearts find deep rest in the grace of our savior...the amazing grace of love that lives in His open wounds and forgiveness purchased with His precious blood. Alleluia Adonai, to you our love never cease. Amen.

Friday, October 8, 2010


我 們 眾 人 既 然 敞 著 臉 、 得 以 看 見 主 的 榮 光 (耶穌) 、 好 像 從 鏡 子 裡 返 照 、 就 變 成 主 的 形 狀 、 榮 上 加 榮 (從榮成榮) 、 如 同 從 主 的 靈 變 成 的 。" 歌林多後書 3:18




如今我們已經有那更榮光的屬靈職事(恩典)稱我們為義,但為何還是緊抓著那已廢去的而時時看罪呢?這樣的信仰不是把耶穌放在心中,而還是把自己當為中心。以色列人金牛不是拜別的神,只是他們不見真神的代表(那時摩西),沒有完全信靠等待,就以自己行為()稱義(金)為代替品(牛),以為這樣是討神喜悅的敬拜。今天如果沒有定睛尋找,注視信的代表(耶穌,我們的大祭師),沒有完全的信靠及等待恩典的感動,與聖靈的改造,心中的金牛也會重造,閃爍的虛榮 (pride) 其實是不信的羞恥。

而 "
" 這個字很有趣; 希伯來文 "maccekah" 除了鎔金屬形成樣子之外,還有灌出或喝,和蓋住的帕子(veil) 等等意思,跟信都有關係。吃喝另外再講,但是這帕子的意義就是如果我們把重心放在自己的行為(不管任何理由),我們的眼,我們的心,和更重要的 -- 我們的信就如被虛榮的帕子蒙住,以為在討神的喜悅,但是只有拒絕祂在心門之外,救主的血淚無處流,也無處留。

所以在我們的靈修,查經與敬拜,耶穌與恩典絕對要是主題。可是在多少的講義與查經,耶穌只是裝飾品,好像既然都公認祂是救主,就不必再提,反而更重要的是要怎麼樣對付罪才是實際的信仰生活。恩典更是少之又少的被舉起和頌陽,好像甚怕多講一點會被濫用為犯罪的執照,不信恩典的彰顯是罪的滅亡。聖經是一面鏡子,把我們的心態清楚的顯現出來。如果像猶太教徒以律法的態度讀經,我們看到的只是自己與他人的罪,死亡的面。但是一心尋找耶穌,他必讓我們看到,而鏡子中的榮光與生命,靠著恩典,都屬我們為有,而返照在黑暗之世!只是我們信不信? Amen


Thursday, October 7, 2010

亮光的榮耀 / Glory of revelation

"將 事 隱 祕 、 乃  神 的 榮 耀 . 將 事 察 清 (尋找)、 乃 君 王 的 榮 耀 。" 箴 言 25:2

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2

"不 像 摩 西 將 帕 子 蒙 在 臉 上 、 叫 以 色 列 人 不 能 定 睛 看 到 那 將 廢 者 的 結 局 .但 他 們 的 心 地 剛 硬 . 直 到 今 日 誦 讀 舊 約 的 時 候 、 這 帕 子 還 沒 有 揭 去 . 這 帕 子 在 基 督 裡 已 經 廢 去 了 。然 而 直 到 今 日 、 每 逢 誦 讀 摩 西 書 的 時 候 、 帕 子 還 在 他 們 心 上 。 但 他 們 的 心 幾 時 歸 向 主 、 帕 子 就 幾 時 除 去 了 。主 就 是 那 靈 、 主 的 靈 在 那 裡 、 那 裡 就 得 以 自 由 。我 們 眾 人 既 然 敞 著 臉 、 得 以 看 見 主 的 榮 光 (耶穌) 、 好 像 從 鏡 子 裡 返 照 、 就 變 成 主 的 形 狀 、 榮 上 加 榮 (從榮成榮) 、 如 同 從 主 的 靈 變 成 的 。" 歌林多後書 3:18

"And are not like Moses, who put a veil on his face, so that the children of Israel might not see clearly to the end of the present order of things: But their minds were made hard: for to this very day at the reading of the old testament the same veil is still unlifted; though it is taken away in Christ. But to this day, at the reading of the law of Moses, a veil is over their heart. But when it is turned to the Lord, the veil will be taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there the heart is free. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord (Jesus), are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the LORD." 2 Corinthians 3:18

"於 是 從 摩 西 和 眾 先 知 起 、 凡 經 上 所 指 著 自 己 (耶穌)的 話 、 都 給 他 們 講 解 明 白 了 。" 路加 24:27

"And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself (Jesus)." Luke 24:27 

要有光 ," 耶穌就顯明了。這是我的"亮光"。

亮光是不是真理? 不一定,要看有沒有耶穌。但是真理雖然寫在知識的文字上,真理更是活在恩典的亮光中,因耶穌就是真理,就是恩典 (約翰 1:17)。主的榮耀有如黃金與鑽石,祂不輕易露在土上,而是深深埋在地中。在聖經裏,神的心是隱藏在話語的深層,祂的榮光更是顯現在比喻,
言和歷史故事與人物裏。表面的讀經可得知識,但如要知主的心,祂的榮耀 (這都是指耶穌),我們("君王", 啟示錄1:6, 5:10, English version) 必須在經節之間的隱密處挖掘尋找祂,以信的鏡子和讓恩典的靈在我們心中點著亮光。如要心中火熱 ,就揭起已經被廢去的帕子 (律法心態),在經文中親密的看到和認識耶穌(路加 24:32),而不只是要學如何遵守誡命。這樣,耶穌的榮光就無形的顯示在我們的為人,因在我們敞著臉的尋求,榮光已經進到心中,改造我們從榮成榮。Amen

Why is it that gold and diamond are not found on the surface ground? Neither is deeper truth of the gospel and beauty of Christ revealed in the literal reading of the word. One must dig down to see His full glory and be touched by the reward of mystery God had hidden in and between His words. The Bible is filled with symbolism to teach, declare and prophesy. God can appear to us and erase all doubt, but chose to reveal Himself in the Bible only to those who look for Him by faith and grace.

But many only want to hang their faith on the strict gospel truth plain as day, and dismiss the rich subtlety of finding Jesus Christ and His heart throughout the scriptures in the form of personal revelation (亮光). If one bases his or her belief only in literal interpretation of verses, sadly the lovely manifestation of Christ become absent from the reading (especially in the Old Testament) where He needs to be the object of our spiritual desires and quest. In as much truth is written in the word, it more so lives in our hearts through seeing and experiencing Jesus personally by way of revelation. Often we say to search for the will and heart of God in our Bible studies, but forget that only the hidden needs to be searched out.

Proverbs 25:2 says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter." From the first words of God, "Let there be light!" Jesus was revealed; but the literalists scoff at such a liberal interpretation as frivolous and far-fetched individual interpretation, and not of the Truth (真理). To the contrary! when truth is preached to us or superficially read, it is only knowledge we received; but by the finding of grace and Jesus in each word, phrase, chapter and story does it live warmly in our hearts, and come alive in our faith! Only by the searching with the heart, and not just the mind, does the holy spirit reveal to us fully the truth like nuggets of gold and precious diamonds, through faith that Jesus lives in the good book as on the road to Emmaus, although we are blind to His physical presence, He burns in our hearts! All this is possible only if we believe in the utmost importance of such personal revelations, sought only in the spirit of grace, and shared in the spirit of love with one another.

The rest God so wants us to have is hidden in the "secret place of the most high," (Psalms 91:1). Why is a "secret place?" So that it is not easily found, but only the faithful is allowed to enter. Such faith must have a strong foundation or we waiver like weeds in the wind, and easily fall back to our own reliance such as the Israelite believing the report of giants in the land of milk and honey that kept them from entering the land of rest. When we have the faith in spite of circumstances, that is our rest in this world. And what is that secret to great faith? It is to see the grace in all that God has done, and not just the knowledge of it; for to see grace is believing that Jesus Christ is both the arm and heart of God who had already accomplished the redemption for our rest. To not see Jesus on the cross in every aspect of our spiritual nourishment is to fall back on our own will and ability as overcomers. The Israelite knew of that promise and came to the Jordan river, seeing Canaan, but still failed to cross. This is similar to many believers having received Christ as their savior but still not entering the rest He promised. Knowledge of God's will lead them to the cusp of rest, their belief in God's will instilled the desire, but the lack of grace revelation failed to inspire faith in God to overcome the giants (sin), already surrendering in their minds, and in thinking that they need to deal with such a challenge made them coward before the Devil's lie like so many tiny grasshoppers.

Under the leadership of Moses, the people see law and obedience as the way to God's blessing and to enter rest. Although they were blessed and provided for in the wilderness, it was never because of obedience but grace. Until the law was given on Mount Sinai, the entire journey from Egypt was pure grace. The fact that Moses could not enter Canaan but had to die in the wilderness should remind us that obedience to law can never lead us into spiritual rest. Only when Joshua (Jesus) becomes our leader (focus) can we enter Canaan. Therefore, the secret of entering God's rest in our Bible study is not with a mind to learn obedience, but to know Jesus Christ more and more, and see His grace and love spilled across the many pages that is God's love letter to us. It is not an easy thing to do, entering this rest, for it goes counter to our worldly understanding of fairness and responsibility. Instead, by simply beholding the glory of Jesus Christ, we are transformed from glory to glory (His glory to conceal and our glory to search), and effortlessly entering into the secret place of the most high. Paul said, "Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief." In this he is not telling us to be more obedient, but striving to turn from earned (through obedience) righteousness over to imputed (in faith) righteousness by the blood of the lamb.

Jesus himself said,"...He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" From Mathew 13:34-43, He tells the disciples of the hidden things in the parables, which was told not to clarify but to confound those with unbelief and pride. If one is not willing to search deep into the word -- not for knowledge, but the living heart of Jesus -- he will be confused like Nicodemus and those in Jesus' home country where he did little miracles because of their unbelief. In the same way, if we read the Bible without the perspective of grace, we become full of knowledge like the Pharisees and Scribes, but with little revelation. When we don't see Jesus in every scripture alone or linked, we are like them, blinded by pride, unbelieving by knowledge.

Unlike any book written by man, the Bible is not one for learning -- though it is full of wisdom and principle. First and foremost, the Bible is a living, breathing, document of God's spirit and grace. If we come to it to learn of ourselves and of God's way, we have a road map but no light, and continue to lose our ways as we have done since the Garden of Eden. Instead, the Bible contains the tree of life that is Jesus Christ, the fruits of which are for us to eat and digest (read and meditate), and the purpose to take us back to our father's bosom (return to Eden, His pleasure), and not to remain in knowledge of good and evil (learning of law and obedience righteousness). All has been accomplish on our behalf by Jesus Christ, and such is our part -- to enjoy Jesus Christ, and immerse in His glory found shining from deep revelation; we then become the precious gemstones on the breastplate of our high priest, reflecting His light and love for all the lost to see. Amen


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


"我們若在光明中行 (以信與神合一)、如同神在光明中、就彼此相交、他兒子耶穌的血也洗淨我們一切的罪。 " 約翰一書 1:7

"信他的人、不被定罪.不信的人、罪已經定了、因為他不信神獨生子的名。" 約翰 3:18

"愛裏沒有懼怕.愛既完全、就把懼怕除去.因為懼怕裏含著刑罰.懼怕的人在愛裏未得完全。" 約翰一書 4:18

懲罰加在祂的獨生子耶穌身上,為了是要免除我們受這永遠的痛苦。"一切" 就是所有和完全。昨天,今天,與再久的未來會犯的罪都得了赦免。這是好消息,是神最偉大計劃。

神的恩典,本無瑕疵。但是我發覺只要一提恩典,就一定有人說, "
神是公義的,不可冒犯,因此祂必需懲罰罪。" 因為不能批評恩典,就指人的軟弱而強調要加上在律法上的行為管制,要不然人就會放縱。雖然現在還有恩典的保護,但是要小心,重生後所犯的罪會在最後的審判受到公義的懲罰。這樣講好像公義與懲罰分離不開,而神的公義是可怕的。

仔細想想,公義就是義的公平審判,而不只是懲罰的決定權。釋放也是公義的權炳。如已經被審判為義,不懲罰才是公義的。我們得了恩典的救贖,因信稱義,就不受懲罰,而神的公義在此更是我們安息的磐石,因祂的怒火已經燃燒在十字架上。世上的法律有一條 "罪不受兩次審理原則, double jeopardy。" 理論是,罪既已被判刑了一次,就不能再判。卑微的人都有此明知,更何況是全能無私的上帝呢?

這表示我們不會再受罪的酷刑了。十字架的血跡就是永久的贖罪收據; 那如果神在將來的審判又行懲罰,神就是不義。但神不能不義,所以我們既相信耶穌的救贖,就不要怕那必來的審判,因神將會再一次判我們為義,在耶穌基督裏。只有不接受耶穌的恩典要被定那不信的罪 -- 所有的罪源(所謂"罪性")。


十字架上的血未乾,祂的愛就常被懷疑,如紅海剛合不久,以色列人就抱怨神為何帶他們出埃及。那是多麼傷痛的感受?信不只是認同神的存在和記得祂的旨意,有生命的信仰是建立在神,為了愛世人,對耶穌的使命與應許(約翰 17),而在十字架上完成的。有這確據,我們心中應有不動的安息,享受神所喜悅的親密相交。但是福音的真理是惡者的死刑,信徒的安息就是它的失敗,它竭力阻擾。所以讓我們警惕,保守我們的心、勝過保守一切要知任何帶來不安的話語都是從魔鬼而來的。只有相信神是無條件的,完全的愛我們,才有安息的確據,因在愛裏沒有懼怕。我們擁有的是恩典的憐憫,公義的保證! Amen


Monday, September 27, 2010



信人。如何信? 不是廢除,而是將律法從我們之念拿掉,由恩典放在心中,聆聽神的心聲。這時的順服才是神所喜悅的。




Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wings of blue

"But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings." Malachi 4:2

"And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment." Matthew 9:20

Blue symbolizes God's perfection, it is the color of heaven. Blue (tĕkeleth) in Hebrew is derived from the word for perfection (takliyth). In Numbers 15:37 - 40, God commanded the Israelite to make fringes at the border of their garments, and to add a ribbon of blue at the ends of the fringes. This is so that they will remember Him whenever they see the blue on the fringe. Over time, the practice evolved into draping a long prayer shawl called "Tallit" with fringes at the two ends. When walking wearing the tallit, it would sway and flutter with the air flow or wind, seemingly wings of a bird, and even the wingspan of an eagle, with the fringes extending out like fingers on a hand.

In the last chapter of Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament, it portends the coming gospel, and describes Jesus Christ as the sun of righteousness with healing in His wings. Our heavenly father cares deeply about the health and welfare of His sons and daughters, and never intend sickness nor suffering upon them. The light of righteousness cast upon the dark world is to heal and not the convicting of sins. The sun descends from heaven, its wings tinged with a ribbon of blue, the color of Jesus, our eternal hope.

The woman, upon hearing of Christ, believed. When she saw him walking about, the long shawl dancing to and fro like an eagle stretching out its wings, it reminded her of this Bible verse. In her heart she believed that by just touching the blue fringe she will be healed. When Jesus felt the presence of her faith He turned around to face her and said, "Daughter, be of good comfort, your faith has made you whole."

Jesus did not see the woman's past, nor did He ask about her obedience. She needed not utter one word of confession or commitment. It was her unwavering faith -- and only by such faith -- it touched the perfection of Christ, God's very heart, and she was healed. Touching the blue in silence, her hand is held by another, the daughter is made perfect. Amen



"但向你們敬畏我名的人、必有公義的日頭出現、其光線有醫治之能。〔光線原文作翅膀〕" 瑪拉基書 4:2

摸他的衣裳繸子。" 馬太福音 9:20

象徵神的完美,藍本屬天。在希伯來語,(tĕkeleth)就是從完美(takliyth)而來。神在民數記15:37 - 40吩咐以色列人民要在衣服邊上作繸子,又在繸子底邊釘一根藍細帶子,好叫他們看到時紀念神。後來這傳統演變成一片長的披肩布(Tallit, a prayer shawl


女人,聽過耶穌就信了。她看到耶穌走在路上,披肩的長布翩翩飄動,如鷹展翅,讓她想到這一篇經節,心中知道只要摸上藍色的一絲線,她的病必得醫治。當耶穌體會到女人的信心,祂轉過頭來面對她說, "女兒、安心、妳的信救了妳。"



Sunday, August 29, 2010


在"一杯清水"的比喻,認罪是主題。講到這話題一定會帶出約翰一書1:9。教會裏台上台下,認罪是少不掉的訓言,好像在聖經裏有多次提起,和有慎重的教訓一樣。但是在福音裏,認罪(confess sins)只有兩次被用在訓詞上。一個當然是約翰一書1:9, (我們若認自己的罪...);另一個在雅各書5:16, (所以你們要彼此認罪...)。

(悔改)的必須性而言,一次就夠了,而且那不是神給我們得救的條件,而是我們要取的基本認知。再來的認罪都是出於感動。只有主耶穌的寶血可以一次洗清所有的罪行罪性。(不是沒有罪了,而是在恩典的遮蓋下,罪行已被赦免了,和相信恩典的改造中,罪性會被除淨。) 因祂是萬知萬能,而且是昔在,今在,永在的神,人與神的罪的關係已經一次在十字架上被完全的處理了。但是人無此能力和權力永遠(或全體)饒恕,人與人反而是要時時處求和好與原諒。所以雅各書5:16教導我們此認罪,互相原諒和禱告,心身因此而得醫治。

約翰一書1:9所說的認罪不是要如雅各書5:16一般的常常而做,犯罪就認罪。人怎能跟神同等?神怎會需要人所需要的?人與人彼此認罪是因為人需要聽到,建立和睦。我們對人也要有懺悔的心, 而聖經提醒我們這樣互相對待,是因為我們對神道歉簡單,但是對人就常說不出口,也難以原諒。我們的神心胸寬大,祂已經知道我們一切的罪,但也已經赦免我們了。我們活在恩典裏對罪會敏感,自然就有虧欠的感受。但那時就是恩典動工機會,把完全信靠祂的靈魂帶到主面前,不是要控告責備,而是安慰我們,告訴我們一切都因耶穌的獻祭得到寬恕了。如此,感恩會是我們常有的喜樂,因在我們的黑夜中,神不離去,反而更加親近。神的話一出就是永遠,祂做的事也無不完成,都不需重複。祂的赦免更是徹徹底底,毫無條件,永不收回。

約翰一書1:9是為何而寫的呢?我們學習讀經時常被提醒,要看一節經文的背景,對象,和目的(context)。約翰一書是寫給誰的? 他的對象是以弗所教會裏的诺斯替(Gnostic)分派。這些人的信仰與福音真理有相當多的差異。他們雖然跟隨耶穌,但不相信耶穌是道成肉身,也不承認罪的實像。他們覺得知識才是脫離苦海的道路。(這種理念現在也很多。) 不信罪與恩典,怎能得救?基督教的早期沒有整套福音,可想知各種理念不齊的情景。保羅和約翰都花了很多的心血更正觀念。我們從這一章的開始就看的出來,約翰寫給的對象不是已經得救的信徒。尤其是第8節和第10節,重複了兩次對罪的否認, "我們若說自己無罪.., 沒有犯過罪"。 我問,那一位在主裏的弟兄姊妹還不承認他是一個帶罪的人? 诺斯替信者的"無罪"不是由福音的角度看我們被洗清的赦免,而是他們根本不承認人原本有罪。為了要改正這些人的看法和帶他們回到真理,約翰才在第9節說, "我們若認自己的罪、神是信實的、是公義的、必要赦免我們的罪、洗淨我們一切的不義。"他們是因為不清楚福音,才需要這樣教導。他們還未被得救,還需要走那第一步的"認罪悔改"。那既我們是得救的信徒,就不要被這一條經節的不明背景造成赦免觀念的不穩和偏差。

還有,在這一節寫的"清洗"和"赦免"兩字都是用希臘文的永久或不斷式(perpetual present tense or present continuous tense),是一直被清洗的意思,而更加

前面說過,福音裡就只有這兩節提到認罪。但是要我們彼此相愛(Love one another)的經節有多少,您可知道?比認罪多出好幾倍!我們為什麼會對人犯罪?不就是愛的不夠嗎?那麼,有關於提醒我們要信靠主的有多少節?這不用講了。我們為什麼會有犯神的罪?不就是信心不夠嗎?聖靈要的是我們藉恩典的彰顯愛神愛人,所以不厭其煩的一直說著,但不提認罪的必要。認罪不會讓我們愛的更多,也不會使我們的信心更堅固。認罪更不能給我們力量去克服罪!

罪行實際問題的答案,我們就不會當恩典為對付罪的唯一力量,反把恩典的彰顯看成懶惰和不負責任的偏激。這樣,恩典的力量就與信心分離,不管信徒說了多少次"主的恩典夠用",因他把恩典高高供著,但不吃進,而只走在恩典與行為(律法的要求)的平衡。這樣就不是完全靠主,也沒有把完全榮耀歸給主。我們與神的關係不是在律法就是在恩典,要不然就不需要兩個分開的蒙約。信仰的理念與心態更是不能混和或兼顧律法與恩典,要不然福音只是一個增加題或修正案(addition or amendment)而已。舊約靠行(公義),新約靠信(愛),靠行就無信,靠信就有行。只有在神,公義與愛可以合一,而人只能選一。律法是神對人的要求,我們做不到; 恩典是神對神的要求,祂已完成。我們的安息是建立在那一個選擇呢?保羅說, "我不廢棄(frustrate in English) 神的恩典;如果義是藉著律法而來的,基督就白白地死了。"那這律法的精神是如何?就是覺得"應該做"而不是"應該會",和如不做就會有不好的後果。這種心態若在心中,恩典就像死去了一樣。



Thursday, August 26, 2010




沒有錯,如果不知道或不承認自己有罪,那赦免的功效何以發揮? 悔改是得救的第一步。我們必須先承認自己是個罪人
救不了自己,那才能夠接受主耶穌的救贖。但很重要的是,這救贖祂已經完全也永久賜給我們了,而認罪悔改不是祂"給"我們的條件,乃是我們"取"的必須步驟,表明我們"願意"接受神的恩賜。這點的分別非常關鍵。這就像婚姻,只需要一次表揚願意的宣誓,就算不是完美配偶也不必天天再度行禮才不失名份。如今我們若活在耶穌裏,而祂在我們,這就是神的盟約事實,永不失去。被祂的愛感動,百般"願意"就顯現在我們心中,不必常掛在口。看何西亞娶歌篾(何西亞書1:19, 3:1-2)就知神愛我們的心與應許。

那我們取的是什麼? 是一次的赦免,還是永久的赦免? 耶穌在十字架上流血捨命換來的是什麼?如果需要的是一次一次的認罪才得赦免,那就表示這一次一次的赦免只是暫時性的,有如動物的血,一次又一次的獻祭贖罪,但下一次犯罪又要獻一次!
 而因耶穌的血永久的赦免一次就成(希10:14),我們的悔改取得也是一次就行,不會因再犯罪而失去。這已不是靠我們的律法獻祭,乃是主耶穌的親自犧牲換取的恩典。恩典不是一滴一滴的要來不來,等著認罪 ; 恩典是大水瀑不停的強烈沖擊。我們完全放下而活在恩典的沖洗就不受罪的沾污。活在無限恩典中我們自然會時時因祂的愛和美好,在行為或思想上的不足認罪和懺悔,不是從有目的交換,而是一種神聖的崇拜和讚美。也不是得恩典赦免的條件(有條件就不是恩典),而是內心活出恩典的果子。我們在黑夜深睡時,嗎哪(恩典)不會停止落下。我們不知的罪,忘掉的罪,有沒有認神都赦免了。

再者,活在信徒的心中是什麼? 不是聖靈嗎?耶穌嗎? 灌在"杯子"裏的不是活水嗎?活水洗淨污水,污水不沾活水。耶穌在住棚節說,"信我的人、就如經上所說、從他腹中要流出活水的江河來。"
(約翰7:38)在這節日祭司要到西羅亞池子取水回聖殿,澆灌在銀盆,同時朗誦以賽亞12:3, "你們必從救恩的泉源歡然取水。"這"救恩"是西伯來文"Yeshua,"是耶穌,而耶穌在水灌出來時應這預言,說信祂的人腹中流著活水。我們杯子裏不是普通的水,而是耶穌靈魂的活水。罪的紅水滴進來都被潔淨,無影無蹤。若不是如此,那雖然罪已得赦免,罪意由在。這紅水不是實,而是虛,但因覺得必認罪,意念就離不開罪誰可誇他所有的罪都認了而隨時保持清潔? 如不能,那這人雖聽他已被耶穌寶血潔淨,但就是缺乏信心,可以完全接受這屬靈真相,因要由一項一項認罪來取得完全的赦免,是不完美的人做那不可能的要求, 永達不到理想。只有全然相信聖靈有愛的意願與力量克服罪,我們才活的出信的好果子。約翰一書4:4說, "因為那在你們裏面的、比那在世界上的更大。" 我們是要相信恩典的力量遠大於罪呢,還是要繼續認為是相等,一滴罪要一滴恩典來抵消 ; 一滴赦免要一滴認罪來取得? 真的,認罪就值得赦免嗎?赦免不是因我們的認罪,or anything else, 而是祂愛我們,and nothing else! 

信,確定我們已是永遠無罪的人(但還是常被魔鬼試探著)。讓我們從得勝的地位與牠交戰,而不要以戰敗的心態來求贖罪。因魔鬼最高興的並不只是人在犯罪,而是信徒活在罪念的虧欠,只在安息的邊緣徘徊不定我們在肉體上會不停的犯罪。如必認罪,那就要不停的認罪,大小明暗都認。而我們在罪的無止思索省察,已中了撒但的詭計了,以為帶罪不可進迦南地,不信耶穌洗淨了所有的罪,認罪就進,犯罪就出,又得又失,就是得不到穩定永恆的安息。要知道我們的安息是由我們在主裏的兒女身分,而不是因我們任何的行為舉止 -- 包認罪。

忘我是什麼?難道只有我們光榮為傲的一面嗎,還是也包我們黑暗羞恥的一層呢? 為什麼訓都是要拋開一切好的跟隨主,但就是不能拋開罪,一再不斷的提醒我們是罪人? 無罪還需恩典嗎?恩典才是除罪的答案,不是認罪。強調認罪就是重視罪,而罪把我們與神分開。我們如重視恩典,罪就無力而消失如黑暗不及光。一杯水算的了什麼? 是清是紅,與我們的救恩有什麼關係? 父神的赦免是看我們杯裏的自以為清的水呢,還是耶穌祂無限如海的真正潔淨活水?抓牢著恩典,因祂就是耶穌,是開始也是終點("I am the alpha and the omega," the beginning and the end, 啟1:8) 不要與耶穌分開,把自我意識的玻璃杯打碎,將生命的水溶入耶穌的生命之海,合而為一,以祂的潔淨為我們的潔淨。這才是完全的信靠,永遠的安息! Amen


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Injured soul

We are all sinners, but injured souls as well, hijacked by Satan. Although sin is in us, with us, master of our rebellion, we are more over innocent victims long bathed in melancholy and tears. The heart of Christ wants to redeem the righteousness lost in our sinful ways, He longs to save us from the bondage of original sin and to restore the faded glory; but most of all, our Lord's deepest desire is to wipe away our tears, and not to weep anymore.

In the midst of Satan's persecution, God takes tender mercy on His sons and daughters, His heart aches over our torment by the Evil One. From the fall of man it began, brother pitted against brother and the earth drank its first blood, ceaseless since, generation upon generation. How much blood and tears were spilled that dyed crimson this once a pristine land? Though all of us is the same flesh, such is the stealth and power of its persuasion that the Devil moves through our tongues and our hands the indifference, lies, avarice and hate, to carry out countless tragedy and innumerable cruelty upon one another. We are perpetrators, but also victims. This is Satan's victory.

One by one, our God sees of His creation, perfectly made, but by the disobedience of Adam Satan took from him authority over this world, and abducted each one from the mother's womb to hang on its poisonous sting. We now live under the lies of its influence, allure and temptation; we trample over each other in the pursuit of empty self-aggrandizement, and stray far from God. Imagine how His heart bleeds, and the tears swallowed in pain and disappointment? We are all pitiful little worms for He sees us truly as we are, not whether we pursuit good, but that we are completely incapable of extricating ourselves from this filth-infested bog. But He knows each of His child intimately, and is merciful in seeing pass the encrusted stains and overlooking our trespasses. For it is His heart to redeem us with blood, comfort us with tears and cleanse us with the Holy Spirit, and His will to wrest every child back from the iron clutch of Satan. The darkness of yesterday is wiped away, placing us on the bright throne of tomorrow. He will wipe away our tears, and not to weep anymore.

...There is a black shadow alive in my heart, for its the prince of this world. It wants to conquer me as it has the world in chains. Its voice sweet like molasses and form beautiful to intoxicating it is, I am under its fervent spell. I am like a butterfly of far away dreams, caught and swallowed in the colors of the firebird. This is but a midnight rainbow, fading wings of dying night, until the first glimmer of morning light. I remain a pathetic little worm, stripped of shadow's garment, naked under the scorching sun, my mouth dry with thirst. Alas I hear the call of the Angel of the Lord, and my heart leapt. Though ravens form like dark clouds, their claws struck like long nails, a white dove sleeps in my heart, rubies flowed down my cheeks, divine spirit melt in water of fire. This is my Purity...

This world is filled with taste of bitterness, and despair in our hearts. We will to do good but no good found, loath all evil but evil bound. But we still have hope in the deepest searching, for God placed eternity in our hearts, and etched His mystery in a secret signature for us to find. We see only glimpses of glory, but the chase is unappeasable, and the heart remains restless until it rests in Him. And God is not waiting; His heart burns and will not forget the helpless children being deceived and abused. He is the father who day after day look to the distant span for the lost son, He is like the Hen longing to gather the chicks under her wings, and He even came to the lost wilderness to bring His beloved home. He is wiping away our tears, so not to weep anymore.

God loves us. That is what He said, and that is what He accomplished. Not a word of reservation nor hesitancy. Jesus quietly accepted our failing and pain, bled in silence to redeem the Devil's ransom. His love and sacrifice is unconditional, asking only to draw us closer to Him, to have faith and depend on Him. Let us for this moment forget the incessant calls and warnings to obey and confess sin, to do this and watch out for that! Just be a child or new bride bathed in love, and enjoy His comforting embrace, breath in His heavenly scent, and rest on His strong shoulders. Jesus whispers in our ears, "Sorrow no more, I am here!" Let out the cries of long-suppressed grievance in the heart, bring to Him a lifetime of broken hearts and and ignored promises...,"Why has thou forsaken me? Placed me in this cold dark corner? Let me suffer loneliness and abandonment?"...No matter how polished we look on the outside, in the dark night of each heart one can hear the sobbing of the soul,"I don't belong here, I am tired, I want to go home!"

Yes, so tired. This world is old and passing away; what is seen will all be taken away, and only the unseen is our eternal life, our glorious home. In this temporary journey we are all injured souls, but not doomed to death, because there is a heavenly Father who loves us so very much! He has already wiped away our tears, and there is no more weeping. Amen
