Wednesday, September 29, 2010


"我們若在光明中行 (以信與神合一)、如同神在光明中、就彼此相交、他兒子耶穌的血也洗淨我們一切的罪。 " 約翰一書 1:7

"信他的人、不被定罪.不信的人、罪已經定了、因為他不信神獨生子的名。" 約翰 3:18

"愛裏沒有懼怕.愛既完全、就把懼怕除去.因為懼怕裏含著刑罰.懼怕的人在愛裏未得完全。" 約翰一書 4:18

懲罰加在祂的獨生子耶穌身上,為了是要免除我們受這永遠的痛苦。"一切" 就是所有和完全。昨天,今天,與再久的未來會犯的罪都得了赦免。這是好消息,是神最偉大計劃。

神的恩典,本無瑕疵。但是我發覺只要一提恩典,就一定有人說, "
神是公義的,不可冒犯,因此祂必需懲罰罪。" 因為不能批評恩典,就指人的軟弱而強調要加上在律法上的行為管制,要不然人就會放縱。雖然現在還有恩典的保護,但是要小心,重生後所犯的罪會在最後的審判受到公義的懲罰。這樣講好像公義與懲罰分離不開,而神的公義是可怕的。

仔細想想,公義就是義的公平審判,而不只是懲罰的決定權。釋放也是公義的權炳。如已經被審判為義,不懲罰才是公義的。我們得了恩典的救贖,因信稱義,就不受懲罰,而神的公義在此更是我們安息的磐石,因祂的怒火已經燃燒在十字架上。世上的法律有一條 "罪不受兩次審理原則, double jeopardy。" 理論是,罪既已被判刑了一次,就不能再判。卑微的人都有此明知,更何況是全能無私的上帝呢?

這表示我們不會再受罪的酷刑了。十字架的血跡就是永久的贖罪收據; 那如果神在將來的審判又行懲罰,神就是不義。但神不能不義,所以我們既相信耶穌的救贖,就不要怕那必來的審判,因神將會再一次判我們為義,在耶穌基督裏。只有不接受耶穌的恩典要被定那不信的罪 -- 所有的罪源(所謂"罪性")。


十字架上的血未乾,祂的愛就常被懷疑,如紅海剛合不久,以色列人就抱怨神為何帶他們出埃及。那是多麼傷痛的感受?信不只是認同神的存在和記得祂的旨意,有生命的信仰是建立在神,為了愛世人,對耶穌的使命與應許(約翰 17),而在十字架上完成的。有這確據,我們心中應有不動的安息,享受神所喜悅的親密相交。但是福音的真理是惡者的死刑,信徒的安息就是它的失敗,它竭力阻擾。所以讓我們警惕,保守我們的心、勝過保守一切要知任何帶來不安的話語都是從魔鬼而來的。只有相信神是無條件的,完全的愛我們,才有安息的確據,因在愛裏沒有懼怕。我們擁有的是恩典的憐憫,公義的保證! Amen


Monday, September 27, 2010



信人。如何信? 不是廢除,而是將律法從我們之念拿掉,由恩典放在心中,聆聽神的心聲。這時的順服才是神所喜悅的。




Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wings of blue

"But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings." Malachi 4:2

"And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment." Matthew 9:20

Blue symbolizes God's perfection, it is the color of heaven. Blue (tĕkeleth) in Hebrew is derived from the word for perfection (takliyth). In Numbers 15:37 - 40, God commanded the Israelite to make fringes at the border of their garments, and to add a ribbon of blue at the ends of the fringes. This is so that they will remember Him whenever they see the blue on the fringe. Over time, the practice evolved into draping a long prayer shawl called "Tallit" with fringes at the two ends. When walking wearing the tallit, it would sway and flutter with the air flow or wind, seemingly wings of a bird, and even the wingspan of an eagle, with the fringes extending out like fingers on a hand.

In the last chapter of Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament, it portends the coming gospel, and describes Jesus Christ as the sun of righteousness with healing in His wings. Our heavenly father cares deeply about the health and welfare of His sons and daughters, and never intend sickness nor suffering upon them. The light of righteousness cast upon the dark world is to heal and not the convicting of sins. The sun descends from heaven, its wings tinged with a ribbon of blue, the color of Jesus, our eternal hope.

The woman, upon hearing of Christ, believed. When she saw him walking about, the long shawl dancing to and fro like an eagle stretching out its wings, it reminded her of this Bible verse. In her heart she believed that by just touching the blue fringe she will be healed. When Jesus felt the presence of her faith He turned around to face her and said, "Daughter, be of good comfort, your faith has made you whole."

Jesus did not see the woman's past, nor did He ask about her obedience. She needed not utter one word of confession or commitment. It was her unwavering faith -- and only by such faith -- it touched the perfection of Christ, God's very heart, and she was healed. Touching the blue in silence, her hand is held by another, the daughter is made perfect. Amen



"但向你們敬畏我名的人、必有公義的日頭出現、其光線有醫治之能。〔光線原文作翅膀〕" 瑪拉基書 4:2

摸他的衣裳繸子。" 馬太福音 9:20

象徵神的完美,藍本屬天。在希伯來語,(tĕkeleth)就是從完美(takliyth)而來。神在民數記15:37 - 40吩咐以色列人民要在衣服邊上作繸子,又在繸子底邊釘一根藍細帶子,好叫他們看到時紀念神。後來這傳統演變成一片長的披肩布(Tallit, a prayer shawl


女人,聽過耶穌就信了。她看到耶穌走在路上,披肩的長布翩翩飄動,如鷹展翅,讓她想到這一篇經節,心中知道只要摸上藍色的一絲線,她的病必得醫治。當耶穌體會到女人的信心,祂轉過頭來面對她說, "女兒、安心、妳的信救了妳。"

