Friday, June 17, 2011

鉛筆罐的身分 / Identity of a pencils can

Zig Ziglar is a famous motivational speaker and sales guru. He once mentioned about a downtrodden man with an empty can in one hand, and in the other a can of pencils to sell. 

Zig Ziglar 是一位有名的生意專家與顧問。他有次說到一個故事: 有一個落破的男人在街上,一手拿著空罐頭,另一手一罐鉛筆,想要以筆換錢。

Many people came by and dropped a dollar in the empty can, having compassion for him, and just walked on.


A businessman also walked by, saw him, and dropped a dollar into the can, then continued on his way.


After a few steps, the businessman stopped, turned around, can came back to the downtrodden man and picked up a couple of pencils.


He then apologized to the man saying, "I took you for a beggar, but you are a businessman like me. That is why I need to get my pencils for the money I paid."


After some time went by, the businessman was at a social function. A neatly dressed man went up to greet him and said, "I am the one you gave back my self-respect with a few words, and reminded me of my true identity."


The beggar is now a successful businessman.


This is the power of identity. It can bring one down, and also lift one up. How man is told who he is becomes his identity. This is especially when the person telling so is one of authority and respect.


This is true of parents with their children; and this is even more true with God and His own creation.


In the gospel, God tells us we are not sinful, but holy by His blood. Like the beggar with a can of pencils He drops into one can His grace, and takes from the other can our faith.


We no longer beg for mercy, we receive righteousness by our faith. We are no longer slaves to sin but sons of glory.


Therefore do not fall for messages that continue to tells us how sinful we are to God, how unworthy in His eyes, and need to continue groveling by confession His forgiveness from sin to sin.


Therefore know now the gospel is God telling us to stand tall in His spirit that we are forever righteous, holy and worthy in His sight, for we receive by faith His forgiveness from grace to grace.


God says, "Live not in an identity of a sinner, but live in my identity of a saint,"


"And wander no longer by the poverty of obedience to law, but flourish in the riches of faithfulness by grace." 



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