"我 告 訴 你 們 、 你 們 的 義 、 若 不 勝 於 文 士 和 法 利 賽 人 的 義 、 斷 不 能 進 天 國 。" 馬太福音 5:20
如果要遵守律法,就必須完全以律法實行與判決, 而不是做不到還可以回到恩典求救。 既然以耶穌說不廢去律法作繼續教導必須遵守的道理, 那就以祂所說出的一切為律法, 控告每一個人都是殺人與姦淫的罪人,不只是要切手挖眼, 更不能進天國。如果還在清楚的黑白文字上揣摩耶穌的意思而模擬兩 可,自作解釋,那是對他的誡言不敬,挑選哪一項才是必要的。 不是的。神說,只要一項沒有做到完美,就全部一比勾銷。 如此才是尊重神意,遵守律法。
Summary: "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. " Matthew 5:20. A few verses prior, Jesus told the people that He had not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. Many believers today take that as Him saying not to do away with law but follow His example to fulfill it on their own. I say it is fine to interpret in such a way, but let's be consistent and include verse 20 as literal truth in denying anyone whose righteousness does not exceed that of the Pharisees and Scribes. By comparing to these law experts Jesus was referring to obedient behavior, not intent. It is the literal knowledge and adherence of the law we need to excel at beyond the gatekeepers of law.
Keep the law; but do it perfectly or entry to heaven will not be granted you. Good news? If it is not so that heaven will be denied for falling short of perfection, then neither do you believe in keeping the law as commanded by God -- even though your mouth speaks of the contrary. This is double-speak. By grace or by law? Make a stand and not be ashamed. But never place faith in wishy-washy commingling of covenants.
If God says the only way for us to enter heaven is beating Michael Jordan at basketball, is that good new to us?
Summary: "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. " Matthew 5:20. A few verses prior, Jesus told the people that He had not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. Many believers today take that as Him saying not to do away with law but follow His example to fulfill it on their own. I say it is fine to interpret in such a way, but let's be consistent and include verse 20 as literal truth in denying anyone whose righteousness does not exceed that of the Pharisees and Scribes. By comparing to these law experts Jesus was referring to obedient behavior, not intent. It is the literal knowledge and adherence of the law we need to excel at beyond the gatekeepers of law.
Keep the law; but do it perfectly or entry to heaven will not be granted you. Good news? If it is not so that heaven will be denied for falling short of perfection, then neither do you believe in keeping the law as commanded by God -- even though your mouth speaks of the contrary. This is double-speak. By grace or by law? Make a stand and not be ashamed. But never place faith in wishy-washy commingling of covenants.
If God says the only way for us to enter heaven is beating Michael Jordan at basketball, is that good new to us?
What if we need to score higher on a science test than Albert Einstein in order to be saved? What are our chances of that?
For those who insist on teaching the Ten Commandments as still an integral part of new covenant faith, the sole reason for -- even in light of contrary scriptures -- is because it is God-spoken and cannot be done away, there is often found irreconcilable contradictions of doctrines.
They will cite Bibilical references such as Jesus from His sermon on the mount. In Matthew 5:17 & 18 He said, "Think not that I have come to destroy the law..., I am not come to destroy but to fulfill..., til the heavens and earth pass, not one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from the law until all be fulfilled."
They point to these passages and proclaim that law must be even more so prominent in a believer's faith; and as Jesus Himself fulfilled the law we must follow the same -- even redoubling effort to fulfill the law of ourselves.
They forget that when these words were spoken Jesus had not yet gone to the cross, and that the work of salvation by grace is still to come. Jesus was simply preparing the way for the new covenant of grace to replace the impossibility of law-keeping as the only way to the kingdom of heaven.
If verses 17 & 18 is to be considered justification for keeping law as part of the new covenant, then verses 19 and 20 (and indeed the remainder of chapter) must also be followed to the letter as commanded. No exception. Jesus did not say that only certain teachings need literal obedience, but others are just for illustration purposes.
If we are to obey law and commandments of God, we do exactly that or else the purpose is disingenuous. These are not Ten Suggestions and more options, and if we fail there is still grace. And by the word of Jesus the new standard of law is as described in Matthew 5. Follow all perfectly or forget about heaven.
Verse 19 says that only perfect obedience and teaching such can we be great in heaven, but even allowing one tiny infraction he is considered the least -- that is, if one can even enter heaven. For verse 20 requires a believer to exceed the righteousness of Pharisees and Scribes to have any chance for heaven.
These people were law experts, most skilled in the art of boundary seeking and obedient following by the letter of the law. They were the Jordans and Einsteins of keeping the commandments. And Jesus said we have to beat them in order to qualify for heaven?
But Jesus was dead serious: if we intent on keeping law, we have to keep the entire law. Trying our best is simply not good enough.
Some believers agree. They take the word of Christ literally...,well maybe not. I haven't seen anyone in church missing an arm or eyeball for offending and lusting, yet there is plenty of sin among even the greatest of law-keepers.
Being required to obey law we no more have any part of grace, for then it can only be by our obedience we are judged, not His. Good news? For some, maybe. It is a chance for them to shine and show God how capable and holy they are.
In that case congratulations is in order for having righteousness exceeding that of the Pharisees and Scribes, and even equaling that of Chris in fulfilling the law. The rest of us fail miserably for regularly committing murder, adultery and not loving enemies, and having no hope of salvation.
But then, heaven must be a very lonely place.
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