Saturday, June 25, 2011

骨 中 的 骨 、 肉 中 的 肉 / bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh

"And Adam said: "This [is] now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh." Genesis 2:23
" 那 人 ( 亞 當 ) 說 、 這 是 我 骨 中 的 骨 、 肉 中 的 肉 、"  創世紀 2:23

We, the church, is part of the body of Christ, He is the head. Jesus Christ is holy and blameless, so then His body 
should be of the same holiness, not being separated -- having no spot, nor wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:27)

教會是耶穌的肢體,祂是頭,我門是身體。耶穌是聖潔的,所以與祂連接的身體也必須是聖潔的 ─
 毫無玷污與皺紋。 (以弗所書 5:27)

Many interpret this as another opportunity to teach obedience to law to deserve or qualify being the body of Christ. But is this Biblical or even logical?

很多人會指向這經節,作為必須繼續遵守律法的理由,才可以值得或有資格成為耶穌的一體。 但這是符合經文的嗎? 甚至有沒有邏輯?

How does one qualify to be body of Christ, new bride of the beloved, the holy one? Only 
also herself being holy and without blemish, by which the blood of the groom had already made her.

一個人如何才有資格作為耶穌的肢體,而成為聖潔的良人之婦? 只有她本人也

And are we already His body, or only becoming so one day in a future when we achieved our own holiness? Since the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus on the cross He had cleansed us with His blood, and we are at once His body by being made a new creation.

那我們已經是祂的肢體了呢,或是還得繼續等待著我們哪一天成聖的將來? 至從耶穌的死,埋葬與復活,祂的血潔淨了我們, 從那時我們已經是新造的人,祂的肢體了。

We then have been presented to Him and accepted as a perfect bride, clean and virginal. How can we be part of the body of Christ if we are not so sanctified?


Therefore if we are already part of His body, we are now spotless and without wrinkle as well; but so long as a believer still sees himself sinful he must then honestly not be qualified to be a part of Him, and never will because Christ is not to shed His blood again.

是聖潔沒有瑕疵的; 但只要信徒還認為自己是罪惡的,那他必須坦白承認,他不配當耶穌肢體的一部分,而且永遠不可能,因基督不會再次流血了。

Christ has already made us clean. Now it is up to us to believe His words of promise made true, or not believe because our eyes still see imperfection in the "real"?


So, be assured that we are holy by the acceptance into His body, being once and for all time cleansed by His blood, and remaining forever clean by the washing of His loving words (Ephesians 5:26).

清洗我們。(以弗所書 5:26)

This is the continuous hearing of grace that strengthens a believer's faith in the spirit. If so believed we remain perfect (having no spot) and beautiful (having no wrinkle)!

玷污) 和美麗 (無皺紋)!

And in such faith we draw strength as a church, from holiness by grace not works we are transformed as one body with Christ in marriage, receiving His spirit in the perfect union of love.


Christ cannot marry an imperfect bride for He is perfect; but for love, He first made perfect the bride to be married. How joyful the good news!

耶穌基督不能與一個不完美的婦人結婚; 但是為了愛,祂先造為完美了祂將要娶來的新婦。這是多麼喜樂的信息!


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