Does God love His children only in this life time, or forever? The Bible says, "...for His loving mercy [endures] forever" (Psalm 136, 118), (1 Corinthians 13:13)
神對祂子女的愛只有在今生呢,還是永遠? 聖經說,"...祂的慈愛永遠長存。(詩篇 136, 118), (歌林多前書 13:31)
If His love is forever, it endures beyond man's death -- even if he still had not turned back to Him.
如果他的愛是永久的,那這愛不會因人的死而停止... 甚至這人還未轉回歸祂。
So then while suffering the torment of "hell" God still loves each one the same as those in heaven.
這樣,就算是在地獄裡遭受懲罰, 神對他的愛與那些在天堂的是一樣的。
And if His mercy endures forever, how is the mercy shown to the ones He loves still? Abandonment or salvation?
而且如果祂的憐憫是永久的,這憐憫是會如何對待祂還所愛的人? 拋棄,還是拯救?
而且如果祂的憐憫是永久的,這憐憫是會如何對待祂還所愛的人? 拋棄,還是拯救?
Some insist it comes down to free will of man that sends him to hell, so don't fault God.
But is it really free will that saves man or God's grace that offers faith? And is it really free will if it can be taken away? Left in our own flesh, will anyone choose God?
但是,人的得救是因為他自我的選擇,還是神由恩典給的信呢? 而如果是真實的選擇自由,那這權力可以就被拿走嗎? 留在自我的肉體裏,我們有誰會選擇神?
但是,人的得救是因為他自我的選擇,還是神由恩典給的信呢? 而如果是真實的選擇自由,那這權力可以就被拿走嗎? 留在自我的肉體裏,我們有誰會選擇神?
No, it is the mercy of God that chooses and saves man by allowing him to see mercy and freely choose grace.
不是的,是神的憐憫選擇了要救人, 讓他從看到神的憐憫而自由選擇恩典。
For what is mercy but an open heart and open arms waiting for the lost son either in life or in death; however long forever is, however long the father awaits.
什麼是憐憫? 那不就是神打開他的心門,張開祂的手臂,等待著祂的兒子, 在生或在死; 永遠有多麼的長,多麼長父親就會等待著。
什麼是憐憫? 那不就是神打開他的心門,張開祂的手臂,等待著祂的兒子,
And if it is pride that keeps man from choosing grace, how is it man keeps his pride when suffering in hell, knowing what he didn't know, seeing what he didn't see?
那如果是人的驕傲讓他不選擇恩典, 這驕傲還會在地獄中的受苦存在嗎, 特別是那時知道他以前不知道的,和看到以前沒有看到的?
The first thing that burns away in hell is pride, like the lost son who came to himself while feeding swine.
在地獄的火焰,第一被燃燒掉的就是驕傲,就像浪子在餵豬的時候, 從心裡先跪下。
Will we ever be outside God's mercy or live beyond forever? If not, then repentance is not rejected even if there is a hell.
我們有可能活在神的憐憫之外,或是不在永遠的時間內嗎? 如果不可能,那誠心的懺悔, 也不會因是從地獄中發出的哭泣而被否決。
我們有可能活在神的憐憫之外,或是不在永遠的時間內嗎? 如果不可能,那誠心的懺悔,
God is ever patience, and make His face shine upon one and all whom He created.
神的耐心無限,祂使祂的臉光照在每一個祂所造的。( Deuteronomy 6:25)
The love of Christ is for all, and He draws all to Him when He is lifted up (John 12:32).
耶穌基督的愛是捨給所有的人,祂從地上被舉起來,就要吸引萬人 (每一個人) 來歸祂。(約翰 12:32)。
耶穌基督的愛是捨給所有的人,祂從地上被舉起來,就要吸引萬人 (每一個人) 來歸祂。(約翰 12:32)。
To man salvation is for himself, but to a sovereign and loving God His work of Salvation is incomplete if one remains in hell.
在人,拯救是他一人的事,但在全愛全權的神祂所開始的救贖工作, 只要一個還留在地獄,就還是不完全。
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