Numbers chapter 1 and 2 describes the way tribes of Israel were to set up camp around the tabernacle. God gave Moses specific direction on how His people was supposed to settle between travels (rest). The tribe of Levi was to surround the tabernacle, and from it the remaining twelve tribes were to set camp in the four directions.
Even though God gave His people the law, grace is the heart of God He intents for them. As the Israelite wandered in the wilderness for 40 years the cross remained their rest. Many think of the camp as a square, but due to the uneven numbers of people in each tribe assigned to the four sides it was much more likely formed as a cross with the numbering similar to the measurement of its arms.
Chuck Misler gave a detailed explanation for this configuration at the following link:
Even though God didn't say to form a cross, the command was for three tribes each to set camp at the east, west, north and south directions from the tabernacle. But if they were to line up forming a square, only four tribes would have actually been lined up with it as instructed, with the rest at an odd angle.
The only way for all to be exactly in line as according to plan was to use the width or length of the Levi's camp as limits of their camp ground border on one side, and just keep extending further out until each one is settled. In such a way they couldn't help but form a cross as shown in the diagram.
And as it should be for God to confound the wise in this manner. The people were to camp facing the tabernacle with the standard (tribal flag) of Judah, Reuben, Ephraim and Dan (respectively Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle) at the head of the lineup. They were camped facing the center of the cross where God resides -- the heart of Jesus Christ. However, this leaves them vulnerable to attacks.
Any other large group according to worldly wisdom would have camped in a square facing out, as this is the most effective pattern and arrangement of protection. Yet God says to not look outside but look in to guard your heart (Proverbs 4:23) with eyes only on Christ. He will protect us where we let go of vigilance and care, where we take attention away from our own work only to trust His son, and by faith know He has already defeated our enemies of sin and Satan.
And so it was that when King Balak asked the prophet Balaam to curse the people of Israel (Numbers 22-24) God put into his mouth words of no condemnation but only blessing on Jacob and Israel. Why? Because they were protected by the cross of Jesus Christ. When Balaam saw the camp from the top of three mountains he saw only the cross, and that is how God sees His people -- resting inside the cross. As such He sees no iniquity (sin) in Jacob and no perverseness (sorrow) in Israel because God sees only the cross, the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
Was the Israelite perfect people? Not a chance! They boasted of their obedience yet continued in sin. But time after time, victory after victory, they were protected by the cross, the pre-incarnate grace; and they were also blessed by God as He sees them "... spread before me like palm groves, like gardens by the riverside. They are like tall trees planted by the LORD, like cedars beside the waters." And only until they took their eyes off God to worship their own idolatrous self-righteousness did the LORD rain down His wrath.
Are we His people? If so then we also rest according to His command, facing only the heart of Christ, seeing only the true tabernacle, the throne of grace. Though sin is in our flesh we are made new by the spirit, and God sees no more sin in us according to the blood of His son, the riches of His grace. And only when we believe it so that the curse of the law (Galatians 3: 10-14) shall not descend upon us, and the blessing of grace showers down like manna from heaven.
Are you in Christ? If so then know that God sees no more iniquity in you, and removes all sorrow from your heart. In the darkest hours of your night on earth know that the golden veil of the cross rests silently upon you as you rest in His sleep, a heavenly dream from long ago when darkness covered the deep waters, and light was brought forth... He then awakes in you as you awake, precious star of morning glory -- for God only dreams in truth. Amen
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