Thursday, April 28, 2011

Answer: What is meant by "lukewarm"?

Hi Txx,

Just a quick answer about this term. Many traditional teachings explained it as not loving God enough or doing work enough for Him. But what is lukewarm, neither hot nor cold? Jesus prefers either a cold Christian or a hot Christian, instead of a mixture that creates a lukewarm Christian. By this He meant we either walk in pure law or pure grace but not both, for which law surely forfeits grace. The same for the analogy of not putting new wine in old wineskin. We need to eat only from the tree of life (grace), but many will have you believe you also need to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (law).

Any teaching that says you have to still pursue your own personal holiness through obedience and confession is mixing old testament requirement with new testament grace that puts our obedience in the hands of Christ living in us through faith. Any time you worry about whether you are saved such is from man's teaching that it is still up to us to maintain salvation. But this is absolutely not true! Since it is only by the blood of Christ that saves us in the first place, it can only be His obedience that maintains our salvation -- not our obedience. Our obedience is ONLY a fruit of our faith in Him, and to glorify Him. It has nothing to do with our salvation.

Glad to continue this conversation if you are still not clear. I understand many will not agree, but it is only because they don't have the  true understanding of the new covenant of grace. This is very important so please don't feel it a bother. I am glad to reveal the true gospel of Jesus Christ that so much wants to bring us His peace and his rest.

Be well and God bless,

Saturday, April 23, 2011

流淚的王 / King in tears

Why did they crucify Jesus? Because of unbelief, for all sins begin with unbelief.
But in His eyes He already had compassion on them, in His tears He had always loved them, 
and in His blood is evidenced the promise of forgiveness.

Today... is not compassion still shining in His eyes?
Tomorrow... is not love still flowing in His tears? 
Coming days... is not forgiveness still promised in His blood?
Forever and forever, is not salvation still calling in God's heart, beckoning all to come?

If salvation for the lost is eternal, then eternal is salvation for the wayward.
For He died for the unbeliever then, so shall His death be for the unbeliever ever after. 
... even the sin of unbelief is already forgiven; for in unbelief they know not what they do.










。。。甚至那不信的罪也已經被原諒了 ; 因為了不信,他們所作的,他們不曉得。

Friday, April 22, 2011

...wiping his tears away

All will be saved, not apart from the cross of old,

but only through His son.

For He will be made known, and all in Him will know.

One by one the heart of stone,

shall crumble from mercy, dissolve by love, the child within cries for the long embrace.

Love is unmeasured by time, untethered in space, the lamp held high hunts not renegades,

but searches for lost sons.

In this I know, a father's heart, bleeds a river that mends not 'less made whole;

and a God who drowns, so darkness may fade, and tears He wipes away,

is a burning heart that lights the lamp, awaiting the last son 'til the dawn of day

...wiping his tears away.

A rose and a dove

This is the story of a rose and a dove.

Once upon a time there was a magical gardener who tended on a field of rose bushes. The
gardener cared for the young plants full of promising buds until one day, when the sun
came up, all the flowers rushed to bloom, filling the garden with colors of crimson, gold
and lavender.

That is…all but one. On its thorn-covered stems there was only a single bud; it did not
open to the warmth of daylight but remained shy, aloof and alone from the frantic show
of beauty and glory around. No one paid much attention to this frail, unassuming rose to
be, but the gardener still lavished his attention on it, hoping it will open its heart to the
desires of the world.

Yet the life within remained quiet until midnight when darkness stole the light. It was
then that, while others slept, the lone rose bud opened its petals and blossomed into a
brilliant white bloom, revealing the vision and grace that was hidden from the world.
Just as quickly though it withered and died…for it is not of this world, until the morning
break when it was miraculously transformed into a pure white dove and flew up into the
sky, wherever it went the colors of the rainbow followed.

Eventually, the rest of the roses – even the most beautiful -- died and returned to the
gray brown of earth, But the white dove kept soaring into the heavens, for it is the colors
of radiance that belong to the realm above, free to joyfulness and freed from pain, but
today and tomorrow chooses again to return, giving warmth to the world and inspiring
light in our hearts.

And the gardener is pleased…

耶稣受難 / passion of Christ

"...He took up our pain, He bore our suffering; He was pierced for our transgressions, 
   He was crushed for our iniquities..."

Isaiah 53: 4,5

True love is that unknown pain in heart, 

pure faith is found in unsuspecting sob;

God's heart beats in silent weep of faith, 

His love flows in each lonesome teardrop.





Thursday, April 21, 2011


什麼是高舉自己? 這不只是在服事與能力上的誇耀,而也是認為自己的遵守與聖潔行為有多麼的重要,在救恩上有重大的差別。一個信徒越注重他個人的守誡命,越覺得他個人的好行為是寶貴的產業,這人越是高舉自己。

什麼是屬世心理? 這不只是在愛慕世上的富貴,而也是愛上自己的清高與自認出乎世俗的不沾泥,不屑那還在肉慾中的人。一個信徒越注重他個人的守誡命,越覺得他個人的好行為是寶貴的產業,這人越有屬世心理。

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


有人問 : “硬心腸的,悖逆的,心懷二意詭詐邪惡的人,恩典也進得了他們的心嗎?神不是給他們自由的意志嗎?”


我們有誰不是硬心腸的,悖逆的,心懷二意詭詐邪惡的人? 神給的自由意志是什麼?是有條件的?有時間限制的?只有一次機會?我想不是。但是有人會想那已經是非常慷慨了!



但是我們不要以大兒子的心態來看這些人。我們早進恩典的大樓不是更加幸福,先享受天國之樂了嗎?不要論斷誰值的誰不值得,因為我們沒有一個人值得,只是因為神愛我們 -- 甚至那些最為邪惡的人,我們真的不願意愛。。。但是神愛他們,也為他們而死。這就是天父的心,寬容大量,憐憫愛惜,高不可量,深不可測。祂自己擔當了一切兒女的罪,讓他們嘗到救贖的甜美,體會了愛的真諦,讓本幼小冰冷的心在恩典的薰陶與溶解終於成熟,可以與神等待已久的心連接合一。這是神的喜樂 -- 我們安息在祂 --  不是一些,而是全部!他的拯救,不讓一個流失,沒有一點強迫!Hallelujah!


The Man He chose

The mind of love calls man to choose, the heart of God in man He chose.

By freedom away from Him stray to. in sin will the door of our hearts close .

Deaf to the life from above in grace, blind to the path of destruction of.


His life for us shall not forsake, in love the choice of God not part.

Many may still stray afar, but all shall come home by the Man He chose.


Come to know me

Man says, "Convert first, then you may be saved."

God says, "You are saved, then by grace come to know me."

Christ died at a time and place not full of holiness but full of sin. He chose to die for us at the darkest moment of man, not when he is at his shiny best. He died without being asked and without being known, yet we are all first saved and now, one by one, come to know the depth of His love...Amen


manifest justice of grace

In the gospel we are no longer justified by law (obedience and righteous living) but by the free flowing grace of Jesus Christ. This is true not only for the receiving of salvation, but even more so the continuation of our spiritual journey in Christ. It is therefore a denial of the word and will of God to say faith in grace is right, but that one must also heed the justice of God (law) by personal holiness.

Romans 3:23-28 (NIV) says, "...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished. He did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. On what principle? On that of observing the law? No, but on that of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law."

The Scripture plainly says in this and all context: grace IS our justification. God's just righteousness is demonstrated by the atonement of grace, and we are only to receive justification by faith in His shed blood, not just in the forgiveness of past sins, but the washing away imputation of sin (and punishment thereof) in the continual present (and forever); and that so long as we hold on to faith in only being justified by grace no condemnation of sin shall come upon our hearts -- even still in sin. And in such the temptation of sin shall lose its grip on our souls.

Is this making light of sin? Certainly not! But it is the wisdom of God to confound the "wise" that through forgiveness of sin is the power over sin. And faith is released even against man's common sense that when our eyes are upon the grace and truth of Jesus Christ holiness is ours by the spirit alive inside; but woe to those remain in fear of sinning (and pride in obedience), for by observing the law is their faith made void, and no more justified freely by His grace but only the curse of the law from which the bondage there is no escape!

True right living only comes by right believing (faith in the truth of the gospel). We all should live righteously -- but not by the demand of justice in observing the law -- but the indwelling holy spirit invited by faith. So then no more reminders of God's Old Testament blood justice but only the preaching of eternal forgiveness by the new blood of Jesus Christ, and conviction of righteousness by the holy spirit to live out not ours, but His life of everlasting grace! Amen




因為世人都犯了罪、虧缺了神的榮耀。如今卻蒙神的恩典、因基督耶穌的救贖、就白白的(由恩典)稱義神設立耶穌作挽回祭、是憑著耶穌的血、藉著人的信、要顯明神的(公)義因為他用忍耐的心、寬容人先時所犯的罪.好在今時顯明他的(公)、使人知道他自己為義、也稱信耶穌的人為義。既是這樣、那裡能誇口呢.沒有可誇的了。用何法沒有的呢、是用立功之法麼.不是、乃用信主之法。所以我們看定了、人稱義是因著信、不在乎遵行律法羅馬書 3: 23-28 

經文在這裡講的很清楚 : 恩典是我們的稱義,由信取得。恩典是公義的彰顯流神的血而得來,不只赦免了過去的罪,也是繼續清洗罪的控告與懲罰)到如今(永遠)。只要信徒不放他唯有在恩典中的稱義,一切罪的控告將不進我們的心門 -- 雖然還在罪中。而如此罪的誘惑也將無力抓住我們的靈魂。


真正討神喜悅的正確行為只能從正確的信仰(相信福音的真理)。每一個人都應該活出神的義與聖潔 -- 但是確切不是,也不能從公義的要求遵守律法 -- 而只有靠信邀請聖靈到我們心中。既然如此,就不要再提醒舊約裡流血的公義,而只傳講在耶穌新血裡的永久赦免,和被聖靈所定的稱義,活出不屬我們,而是屬祂在不息恩典裡的生命!Amen

Sunday, April 17, 2011

power, healing, joy, freedom / 力量,醫治,喜樂,自由

Everything starts with the spirit, then manifest in the physical.

As a believer...

Our power doesn't come from confessing of sins, but the conviction of our righteousness in Christ.

Our healing does not come from pleading for God's mercy, but in claiming our redemption in grace.

Our joy does not come from serving the Lord, but by our receiving the first outpouring of His love.

Our freedom does not come from obedience to Him, but by faith in the covenant of His forgiveness. 







Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cross of Israel

What does it mean to rest in Christ...

Numbers chapter 1 and 2 describes the way tribes of Israel were to set up camp around the tabernacle. God gave Moses specific direction on how His people was supposed to settle between travels (rest). The tribe of Levi was to surround the tabernacle, and from it the remaining twelve tribes were to set camp in the four directions.

Even though God gave His people the law, grace is the heart of God He intents for them. As the Israelite wandered in the wilderness for 40 years the cross remained their rest. Many think of the camp as a square, but due to the uneven numbers of people in each tribe assigned to the four sides it was much more likely formed as a cross with the numbering similar to the measurement of its arms.

Chuck Misler gave a detailed explanation for this configuration at the following link:

Even though God didn't say to form a cross, the command was for three tribes each to set camp at the east, west, north and south directions from the tabernacle. But if they were to line up forming a square, only four tribes would have actually been lined up with it as instructed, with the rest at an odd angle.

The only way for all to be exactly in line as according to plan was to use the width or length of the Levi's camp as limits of their camp ground border on one side, and just keep extending further out until each one is settled. In such a way they couldn't help but form a cross as shown in the diagram.

And as it should be for God to confound the wise in this manner. The people were to camp facing the tabernacle with the standard (tribal flag) of Judah, Reuben, Ephraim and Dan (respectively Lion, Ox, Man and Eagle) at the head of the lineup. They were camped facing the center of the cross where God resides -- the heart of Jesus Christ. However, this leaves them vulnerable to attacks.

Any other large group according to worldly wisdom would have camped in a square facing out, as this is the most effective pattern and arrangement of protection. Yet God says to not look outside but look in to guard your heart (Proverbs 4:23) with eyes only on Christ. He will protect us where we let go of vigilance and care, where we take attention away from our own work only to trust His son, and by faith know He has already defeated our enemies of sin and Satan.

And so it was that when King Balak asked the prophet Balaam to curse the people of Israel (Numbers 22-24) God put into his mouth words of no condemnation but only blessing on Jacob and Israel. Why? Because they were protected by the cross of Jesus Christ. When Balaam saw the camp from the top of three mountains he saw only the cross, and that is how God sees His people -- resting inside the cross. As such He sees no iniquity (sin) in Jacob and no perverseness (sorrow) in Israel because God sees only the cross, the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

Was the Israelite perfect people? Not a chance! They boasted of their obedience yet continued in sin. But time after time, victory after victory, they were protected by the cross, the pre-incarnate grace; and they were also blessed by God as He sees them
"... spread before me like palm groves, like gardens by the riverside. They are like tall trees planted by the LORD, like cedars beside the waters." And only until they took their eyes off God to worship their own idolatrous self-righteousness did the LORD rain down His wrath. 

Are we His people? If so then we also rest according to His command, facing only the heart of Christ, seeing only the true tabernacle, the throne of grace. Though sin is in our flesh we are made new by the spirit, and God sees no more sin in us according to the blood of His son, the riches of His grace. And only when we believe it so that the curse of the law (Galatians 3: 10-14) shall not descend upon us, and the blessing of grace showers down like manna from heaven.

Are you in Christ? If so then know that God sees no more iniquity in you, and removes all sorrow from your heart. In the darkest hours of your night on earth know that the golden veil of the cross rests silently upon you as you rest in His sleep, a heavenly dream from long ago when darkness covered the deep waters, and light was brought forth... He then awakes in you as you awake, precious star of morning glory -- for God only dreams in truth. Amen


Trail of blood inside

I have so much love, yet feel so much pain;
sun is in my heart, but darkness fills my eyes.
the suffering I caused, the bitterness remain.
felt every moment the hearing of His sighs.

I need precious wisdom, yet seek not the sane;
joy is in my heart, but hear of distant cries.

slept but not awaken, His face streaked with rain;
how long is forever? A day in love that ties.

Who needs so much love? An empty pictures frame.
life is in my heart, but death redeems all lies.

All I need is love, a rainbow colored chain;

until snow falls silent on the trail of blood inside.

Promised in a cut

your tears are treasured pearls that redeem my sadness,
do not despair for is mine alone.

your gentleness is sweet embrace that my heart craves
do not come inside...offer only a song.

there is joy in pain, true life flows in blood,
love is in the color of red, promised in a cut...

my home in this wilderness is found in a wordless caress,
do not forget me...child from mother torn.

Outstreched arms of Christ

Can we find Jesus in the Old Testament? Yes and yes! He appears everywhere though concealed for the glory of God! Jesus is on the mind of Father God since the beginning of creation, only hidden until His time on earth to walk that lonely path. Yet how traces of heaven on earth never fade from the lineage of His birth, and lives on in the lore of the Israelite even unbeknownst to them. And such a long shadow the cross cast upon the chosen people of both before and after Calvary to announce that salvation begins and ends in Christ -- for all who see the bronze serpent see not death.

And by His dying grace is born, the life substantiated in death by death -- shadow of law, purposed by God for eternal redemption. Such glorious resurrection is symbolized in the intersection of God and man by way of a simple two-beamed cross. How assured are we that in the story of man (the holy Bible) Jesus stands at the center of time and middle of earth, with His arms outstretched to reach into both past and future as He did on that beginning tree of life, gathering all under His wings of refuge -- Jews and Gentiles, believers and unbelievers, sinners and saints -- until the end of days.

Every last sheep shall turn for home in his own time, by his own choice; as the irresistible grace shines in his heart the light from even a single facet of diamond in truth -- the altogether lovely and ever beautiful Jesus Christ, He is the holy fire burning through all facades of pride and ignorance, but also a soothing voice like the sound of many waters saying, "Come home with me." For the chosen of God is not a few but one -- Christ -- first fruit of many that, if God find Him acceptable, all shall experience His grace. God's choice is never a compromise but resolute certainty, never some but all or nothing! Amen

Stay tuned for the cross of Israel that inspired this writing.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

My reply to a young man

I would like to share my reply (from a few weeks back) to a young brother who asked for my explanation on matthew 25: 31-46. I am truly gratified for his comment that "...after reading your emails I begin to understand grace in a deeper way and I feel so much happier!"

There is nothing wrong with feeling free and joyful only in the pure grace of our Lord, and in fact it is exactly from such a place in God's heart we have the security and power to walk out the holiness He intends all along. Contrary to many who believe that grace without work of the law leads to spiritual laziness and irresponsibility, we need to free all believers -- especially the young people! -- from the bondage of condemnation, guilt, and shame so inextricably associated with traditional church teachings. 

Dear ...

Thank you for the kind comment! I try to share the revelation of the gospel as much as possible, and from a different point of view that focuses on the grace of Christ. It is something I feel lacking in much of today's teachings, which center on man's role that is based on a religious tradition. True Christianity is about our relationship with Christ from beginning to end. Yet so few stay in that pure joy of first receiving His grace, but by the continuous preaching of guilt and condemnation are inevitably pulled back into the worship by man's work that robs of the peace and enjoyment He dearly wants for us.

Regarding Matthew 25: 31-46, the wording of "hell" certainly puts fear into a believer not wanting to be a goat, but of which classification on the judgment day he cannot be certain of. And it is a misinterpretation of such passages that puts him under bondage, and misleads in a belief that salvation can only be more assured by "doing certain things" such as what Jesus describes in these verses. But that becomes fruits of work and not of faith, and the motivation not of genuine charity but much more in self-preservation. Jesus will see through that charade though innocent from the false teaching of law, leaving the poor believer in a state of confusion.

Some say this particular passage is for unbelievers when they are being judged because neither group seems to have a clue what Jesus was referring to. But many also see it as for Christians who love God but neglect his fellow men. The anger and admonishing of Jesus in many of the parables and direct accusations are made toward the pharisees, who represent the attitude of self-righteousness and contempt/indifference towards the poor and needy, which are two sides of the same coin. It is a sad truth that loving God (of the worshipful kind) is natural, but loving man (in a godly way) is counter to the carnal nature unless our hearts are truly moved and transformed by the gentle warmth of Christ, and understanding how much His love shines in charity and forgiveness.

The church today is still full of the seeds of Pharisees. These Jesus will deny knowing. But it is not entirely their fault but for the traditional teachings passed down through generations. Although each believer is responsible for rightly dividing the word of God, and to search the heart of Christ in spite of the weight of so much counter-grace doctrines forced upon them. It is only when we are relieved of the shackles of fear and obedience to the requirement of law that one is able to receive the true light of the gospel and the life of Christ living in us. The holy spirit is frustrated by our clinging to the law, yet most Sundays we sit at the pew such message reinforces the bondage.

Of great importance is the separation of sin from the sinner. God hates sin, chief (and root) of which is self-righteousness (pride), but He loves the sinner so much that He is willing to die for each and every one! Our repentance is not to turn away from sin but from pride, which keeps us separate from God even while professing belief. Every sin God will take away (burn), which is not to say He will destroy man but only to liberate His children from the influence and accusation of sin. Judgment is nothing but separating one from another, and God's justice is for us
even it is against sin; for to enter the Kingdom of God we must be pure and sanctified. Therefore the work of the holy spirit in us is to cleanse us, and on the day of the judgment God's own loving fire will cleanse those who had not yet received such cleansing. But worry not, this is not being sent to hell to burn forever as punishment (Greek: Kolasis, meaning discipline; and from root Kolazo, which is pruning in this context), but for a time (age, but mistranslated as eternal) the discipline (certainly not pleasant if one is not first willing or understanding His will) of God's love works to burn away all fear and pride to prepare man a joyful return to His bosom.

As we have children, even when they do wrong we do not turn away but love them still more, so our God who is love defined will not leave nor forsake us living in sin. Such is the love man has never known but is the very power that raises us from the dead, and gives us eternal life -- all because He laid down His own on the cross and washed our feet with His blood. Amen


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


到 了 第 三 天 早 晨 、 在 山 上 有 雷 轟 、 閃 電 、 和 密 雲 . 並 且 角 聲 甚 大 . 營 中 的 百 姓 盡 都 發 顫 。西 乃 全 山 冒 煙 、 因 為 耶 和 華 在 火 中 降 於 山 上 、 山 的 煙 氣 上 騰 、 如 燒 一 般 . 遍 山 大 大 的 震 動 。出埃及記 19: 16, 18

摩 西 、 亞 倫 、 拿 答 、 亞 比 戶 、 並 以 色 列 長 老 中 的 七 十 人 、 都 上 了 山 。他 們 看 見 以 色 列 的  神 、 他 腳 下 彷 彿 有 平 鋪 的 藍 寶 石、 如 同 天 色 明 淨 。耶 和 華 對 摩 西 說 、 你 上 山 到 我 這 裡 來 住 在 這 裡 、 我 要 將 石 版 、 並 我 所 寫 的 律 法 、 和 誡 命 、 賜 給 你 、 使 你 可 以 教 訓 百 姓 。出埃及記 24: 9, 10

我 觀 看 、 見 基 路 伯 頭 上 的 穹 蒼 之 中 、 顯 出 藍 寶 石 的 形 狀 、 彷 彿 寶 座 的 形 像 。以西結書 10: 1

有 一 個 人 、 名 叫 亞 拿 尼 亞 、 同 他 的 妻 子 撒 非 喇 、 賣 了 田 產 。亞 拿 尼 亞 聽 見 這 話 、 就 仆 倒 斷 了 氣 . 聽 見 的 人 都 甚 懼 怕 。婦 人 立 刻 仆 倒 在 彼 得 腳 前 、 斷 了 氣 . 那 些 少 年 人 進 來 、 見 他 已 經 死 了 、 就 抬 出 去 、 埋 在 他 丈 夫 旁 邊 。使徒行傳 9: 1, 5, 10

當 下 在 大 馬 色 、 有 一 個 門 徒 、 名 叫 亞 拿 尼 亞 . 主 在 異 象 中 對 他 說 、 亞 拿 尼 亞 . 他 說 、 主 、 我 在 這 裡 。主 對 他 說 、 起 來 、 往 直 街 去 、 在 猶 大 的 家 裡 、 訪 問 一 個 大 數 人 名 叫 掃 羅 . 他 正 禱 告 .使徒行傳 9: 10, 11

沒有一個人會說恩典不好,也不敢說光有恩典是不夠的,只會說 “不要忘了神的公義!” 但是這樣的論調就還是認為恩典不夠!


神不知人的智慧與驕傲是自己的絆腳石嗎?保羅花了多少口舌勸我們的就是不要以律法的心態來到神的面前,但是多少的教導就還是高舉律法(公義) 與好行為,和在救恩後必須維持聖潔的重要性(審判的威脅),把公義當成偶像敬拜,還是以自己的獻祭(遵守,認罪)討好神,反而將穌的犧牲擺在一邊,不但不認恩典是成聖的唯一力量,更加諸成為要求個人聖潔的另一枷鎖。

我不是不愛神的公義 (因公義是愛的右手,神愛人的護火),也不是不同意律法形容著神的聖潔。但是我知道公義有如神榮光之面,帶罪的人看了必死。我們在律法裡人人有罪,也逃不出罪的控告。保羅說律法是 “用字刻在石頭上屬死的職事,” 如帕子蒙著不離公義的眼睛,看不到恩典的真理與憐憫的榮光。只要心中還存著律法的信仰,就算已接受恩典的救贖,雖然耶穌已轉臉慈祥的看著我們,有人仍然低頭不敢回應神的邀請與祂親近,而得不到祂以血為我們賺取來的所有祝福。這是律法的詛咒,因保羅說,"凡以行律法為本的、都是被咒詛的; 沒有一個人靠著律法在神面前稱義; 律法原不本乎信" (加拉太 3: 10-12) 。耶穌既已代替了我們掛在樹上接受律法的詛咒(加拉太 3: 13),讓我們也安心的放掉律法,而全然的安息在恩典的祝福中。

藍色代表著神的完美聖潔。這幾天才學到原來十誡是寫在藍寶石上,而不是普通的石頭!我聽了都起雞皮疙瘩!(這不是少數見解,而是有多方面的記載,特別在猶太人的歷史研究與寫作,如 Midrash and Talmud)西乃山不異於其他山嶺,但因神選定在這山造作十誡,住在那裡多時,等於是祂的寶座。寫十誡前有雷轟,閃電,密雲,角聲,烈火,煙氣,與地震。那寶石是如何形成的?就是從這高溫與高壓力的彰顯。神在西乃山將整個山頂的岩石鑄成藍寶石(sapphire),成為祂腳下的神聖寶座。而他也將完美的律法親自刻在剛鑿下的藍寶石片上(代表祂的聖潔)。藍 -- 是提醒以色列人不要忘了神的誡命 (民數記 15: 38,39),而藍寶石可以說是代表十誡,神的律法,祂燦爛的完美聖潔。但由人的遵守,神的公義是寶藍的死亡。

亞拿尼亞 (Ananias) 的定義是"恩典給的,或神的恩典。" 撒非喇 (Sapphira) 是從藍寶石 (sapphire) 這字來的,代表律法的定義。聖經裏的故事有一層一層的意義。
理由與警告,在信徒接受了恩典之後,還會有行為上的公義審判。但是,是這樣子嗎? 既然全心相信了耶穌的寶血洗淨一切的罪,那麼還會要怕有罪的審判嗎? 難道他們連認罪的機會都沒有嗎?

第一,聖經有兩次提出 "亞拿尼亞" 這個名字。如果仔細的看,一次是說,"
有一個人、名叫亞拿尼亞," 而還有一次是," 有一個門徒、名叫亞拿尼亞。" 但是按照形容,兩個人應該都是信徒。那為什麼牠們會有不同的稱法呢? 在新約裏提出 "有一個人, a certain man " 都是指不信的人 (in original translation),而 "門徒" 當然說的就是信徒。所以這一對夫妻會死是因為神還不算他們有信(雖然好像信了,但是沒有真信,因為信的不對),不是指說人信了後還會有犯罪的懲罰。

非喇雖有信徒的行為,賣了田地,但是他們有真信嗎? 真信是什麼? 雖然這賣田捐給教會的動作,有可能從文化與歷史的觀點來解釋讓我們在這裡由信與恩典的角度來看。田地賣掉的錢,象徵著我們的悔改,從世界的價值觀轉換到屬靈的信仰。而我們的“信”(faith,靈命的錢),應該是完全交給耶穌 (全然相信恩典的力量,和我們的義是只有建立在祂的聖潔,祂的行為,與祂ㄧ人所完成的救贖),一點都不保留,不要以為還有什麼可以“自己做的與維持的價值” (意思是,個人的自發聖潔與好行為,在與神親密關係中的重要性)。除恩典,無其他 -- 這才是真的信!

既然如此,那為什麼這對男女還會有不信的保留想法呢?既要賣田,又不全部捐出? 在這故事裏的關鍵是因為他們有的夫妻關係,象徵著把恩典 (Ananias) 與律法 (Sapphira) 結合在一起,造成混淆的關念,又要給,又想留; 又要信耶穌,又要靠自己; 進在恩典,出於律法,而最後兩者都失去,只有信與靈命的死亡(他們所死的象徵)。真的乾脆不要賣還比較好,就像有些人信主之後還活著更痛苦,覺得更虛假 -- 而這都是由於恩典與律法認知的不清楚而造成的。
那再說另外一個"單身" 的亞拿尼亞 (真恩典,純恩典)。只有純恩典才讓保羅的眼睛張開,鱗子 (帕子) 掉下,受洗而不再受律法的控告與詛咒,混淆昏頭,眼看而不見。羅在神恩典啟示,成為福音最為有力,最有智慧的使徒。他的經驗是180 度的悔改,從純律法進入純恩典,一點也不再回頭看律法的藍影,而只有定睛仰望著耶穌的真藍 -- 天上的藍寶石。

看到天空的碧藍就想到神的完美與聖潔,在恩典裏與祂的兒女結合; 不再有那審判的
雷轟,閃電,密雲,角聲,烈火,煙氣,與震,也沒有心裡的小信,軟弱,苦惱,罪惡,虧欠,羞恥,和恐懼。永久的藍天不再有烏雲,而那活在恩典裏的公義有如溫和的陽光,其一絲絲的白雲翅膀帶來醫治給於我們安息的祝福 -- 彩虹的應許,天藍的生命。 Amen


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

morning dew, morning star, morning glory

When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior. "But LORD," Gideon asked, "how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family." The LORD answered, "I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites together." Gideon replied, "If now I have found favor in your eyes, give me a sign that it is really you talking to me.  Judges 6:12, 15-17

look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said. And that is what happened. Gideon rose early the next day; he squeezed the fleece and wrung out the dew—a bowlful of water. Then Gideon said to God, "Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece. This time make the fleece dry and the ground covered with dew. That night God did so. Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew.  Judges 6:37-40

I often say,"See Jesus in the scriptures, especially in the Old Testament." Many dismiss such endeavor as mere personal revelation that may warm the heart, but should not be considered on par with the important doctrines of God's truth, which is "clearly" delineated in the commandments and direct teachings.

However, the truth a mind cannot readily comprehend shines directly in the heart. Jesus is the truth of grace unsearchable, not to be understood but only satisfies as cool water to parched lips. The soul is desperate and impatient for relief not quenched by logic but passion, and the holy spirit enters not through an open mind but tear-filled eyes beholding the glory and beauty of Christ.

Why is it even in believing we are weak? It is only that we see ourselves in sin and not Jesus through grace. The Good Book beckons us with its poetry in words of love -- a love letter from above. And Love cries out to be heard, to be seen, felt...and be needed. When we journey through the scriptures old and new, glimpses of Jesus and His love are revealed to a searching heart. For it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings to search it out. (Proverbs 25:2) 

And when we see Jesus He always brings hopeful encouragement and promise of victory. Though we think of ourselves weak and incapable, the Lord lifts us up and pronounces us courageous even before the battle -- for He is with us no matter the depth of despair. And it is not just by the words, though sufficient, but in the giving of His very life for us the shadow of which is found in all of Bible. By laying down His body Jesus now lives in us -- at the invitation of hearts baptized by blood. The Bible is a book of life -- His life -- not to be read and learned, but ingested in all our senses. And when we do so invincibility is ours as God is invincible.

In the story of Gideon, he doubted his ability even in the pronouncement of the Angel or the Lord (Jesus). Yet Christ remains patient in assuring Gideon of His promise while being questioned from the lad's weak faith. Contrary to opinions that God is grieved by our unbelief, and angers in being tested, He is ever patient and understanding of our condition and need; even so in mercy He became flesh to demonstrate such lavish love on the cross, for by the cross we are assured of every heavenly thing.

Our Saviour Jesus Christ is seen in the fleece filled with morning dew on dry ground (the world scorched of spirit), and just as in that black evening of Calvary God hung on a tree, gave up His spirit for the world, and became dry, yet quenched all of earth with His dew come morning. And He is that bright morning star becoming dark and fell to the ground, giving light to the world and bringing life -- the Zoe life of God who finds strength in the weak, wisdom in the foolish, and reminds all who believe to be of good courage, for Christ is with him in battle of few against many.

No argument for God's loving plan ever needs to be made. All I seek is to see Jesus giving of Himself, over and over, just to carry me in His willing arms... and the warmth felt in the deep of my heart reminds that He is already in me. In the moonless night let us search the coming day, and may sweet dew fill our eyes and worship be in our mouths, for glory be to Him who lives in the scarlet treasure of morning kings. Amen


Sunday, April 10, 2011



在這一章經節也有說: " 猶太人是要神蹟,希利尼人是求智慧," 但是這樣不能得到十字架的道理與奧祕。 保羅並沒有說人的智慧不能認識到神,而是不能了解神的恩典(十字架的道理)。



為何同樣是耶穌的肢體,而還會有分黨上的糾紛?我想在此的屬誰 (屬保羅,屬亞波羅,屬磯法,屬基督)可說是由信徒原來背景的觀念而作福音的理解,因為保羅與亞波羅傳福音給外邦人,而磯法(彼得)傳給猶太人,和耶穌也是只有教導猶太人。所謂“屬”就是他們傳講的對象 -- 外邦人和猶太人 -- 所帶來的背景與智慧。雖然傳的就是唯獨的一個福音,但是因為個人的看見常會把所聽到的由偏見與結論過濾,造成讀經時只是要找片段的辭句來支持已經成立的想法。如果是這樣,那紛爭不會停,因為福音變成個人的見解而不是不變的真理。而我們由此支持保羅,彼得,甚至耶穌的目的與中心已經不是在追求十字架的道理,尋找神的心,而是變為一種偶像的敬拜 -- 因為偶像的定義就是從自我的想像形成的神像。

這就是為什麼神看到了金牛會那麼的憤怒。以色列人鑄金牛不是要敬拜別的神,而是榮耀將他們從埃及拯救出來的神。那這有什麼不對?我想這並不是因為對神的不敬,而是因為這不符合神恩典的計畫,和祂要親自當為牛犢作為贖罪的犧牲。金牛代表以色列人以自己的努力 (收集金子,和牛耕耘精神的象徵)想以此討神的喜悅,賺取他們的義(金代表義, righteousness)。偶像的敬拜不只是特意因了世界的誘惑與需求離開神,而常常是無形的想要討好神所做出廢去恩典的好行為意念。

在伊甸園神已經清楚的告訴我們什麼是神的智慧和什麼是人的智慧。再創世紀三章有兩個選擇的要領: 生命和死亡,與善和惡。在這裡我有一個不符傳統的見解: 亞當的第一個錯誤選擇不算罪,因他還不知善惡。他選擇了的是死亡過於生命(聽和信魔鬼而不信神)。他是吃了分辨善惡果之後才會分辨對與錯,才知道他違背了神所犯的罪,才有羞愧要躲起來和以自己的好行為(採無花果葉)遮掩。他不知道雖然違背了神的旨意,這既有罪卻不算罪,而是在分辦善惡中知罪,自我定罪,才得死。他只要相信神無邊的愛與原諒,不羞愧,不躲起來而大大方方的吃那有恩典的生命果(耶穌),就不至於經驗到靈魂的死亡。但他沒有,而從那時後亞當的子子孫孫都是由分辦善惡的智慧討好神。以色列人說 "凡耶和華所說的,我們都要遵行。“(出埃及記 19:8)到現在大多數的信徒還是以這樣子的與神承諾他們會做好,自鑄金牛敬拜神。

人的智慧,世界的智慧,就是分辨善惡。猶太人有十誡,外幫人以道德哲學分別好壞。總之屬世的智慧就是在對或錯(分別善惡)的選擇,與選擇上的後果。而這選擇的過程是由律法的懲罰威脅做動機。世人最有效率的行為控制就是以公義的審判挾持人的信仰。造成的是: 不管是感動也好,恐懼也好,只要嘴巴承認耶穌是救主,行為不犯罪,犯罪就認罪,看起來像經文上形容的好基督徒,教會就批准夠格。而信徒心中有沒有恩典的平安和在耶穌寶血裡的安息,並不是重點。

但是這是最傷神心的教導,因為他要的不是行為上的順服,而是由心的信賴。我們還是要做選擇,但不是受威脅的決定(警告與威脅不同),而是認識耶穌之後的愛祂所委身的百般願意。神要我們做的不是從善惡的選擇才得生命,而是從死亡的道路選擇生命而自然為善成聖。有人說,“耶穌來世,不是要將惡人改為善人,而是把死人救為活人。“ 這是恩典的真理!

舊約是一本記載著人所有失敗的書。它很清楚的指出,人不是不想成聖,而就算是以最為虔誠的心,最是努力的行,最後只有跌倒失敗。如今還有人覺得要從以色列人的失敗學習,不要做同樣的錯誤,走一般的無知,以為自己與眾不同,可以行出無數舊約英雄做不到的聖潔討神喜悅。但是所羅門說,“日光之下並無新事。” 你我不同嗎?保羅說: “沒有義人,連一個也沒有。” 既然如此,無義的人會做出義事嗎?試著算什麼?人的承諾值多少?在我們的讀經永遠得不到一絲絲的可以讓我們成功的智慧。而只有從我們改為愚拙 (不要再分辨善惡,看好行為),定睛尋找耶穌與他的美好恩典,就是不要再吃分善惡果(舊約,律法),只吃生命果(新約,恩典)才有祂的生命裡的安息與真理中的聖潔。那更也不是先吃生命果後再回去吃分善惡果,因那是把新酒放在舊皮袋,不冷也不熱,混淆! 

沒錯,世人看律法是智慧,而恩典(十字架的道理)是愚拙。我們如今已在耶穌基督裡的當不要再帶來猶太人的律法,也不又以希利尼人的哲學,誤解而分別在恩典的真理。恩典不是建立在律法上,也不可能是哲學上可理解的。猶太人不信,外邦人不懂。而耶穌在以馬忤斯的路上痛心的跟門徒教訓說他們 "無知與信的遲鈍。” 這給予我們的提醒就是要放下自己的智慧看福音,也不要擔心有沒有屬靈的智慧,因神的智慧本不屬我們,而是聖靈在我們裡面的啟示。然而這聖靈的智慧只有活在如耶穌所指導兩個門徒的 -- 在經節裡尋找耶穌,而不是尋求誡命上的分別善惡。

讓我們說一樣的話,就是純恩典: 神的智慧,十字架的真理,耶穌基督。Amen


Friday, April 8, 2011

justice of love

Justice is not separate from love, but only found and lives in love, for justice dies apart from love, yet it dies even for the love that lays down His life, and in the dying love is found all the justice of God's forgiveness. Amen

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I will embrace you

"If you are dirty I will wash you; if you are naked I will clothe you ; if you are cold I will embrace you; I will never leave nor forsake you!"



熱愛公義 / loving justice


Many love the holy justice of God, but believe not that justice is His love manifesting.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

無形的驕傲 / insidious pride


The most insidious pride is in one's self-perceived humility,
the most shameless boast is in loudly confessing of one's sin.


" 那 時 、 有 施 洗 的 約 翰 出 來 、 在 猶 太 的 曠 野 傳 道 、 說 、 天 國 近 了 、 你 們 應 當 悔 改 。天 國 近 了 、 你 們 應 當 悔 改 。" 馬太福音 3:1-2

耶 和 華 對 摩 西 說 、 你 製 造 一 條 火 蛇 、 挂 在 杆 子 上 、 凡 被 咬 的 、 一 望 這 蛇 、 就 必 得 活 。 摩 西 便 製 造 一 條 銅 蛇 、 挂 在 杆 子 上 . 凡 被 蛇 咬 的 、 一 望 這 銅 蛇 、 就 活 了 。
民數記 21:8-9


那這新約的“悔改“ (希臘文 "Metanoeo" :迴轉) 是指什麼?我想不論是不是基督徒,十個有九個會說還是指離開罪的吸引與行為。作為神的選民,舊約裡的以色列人會不知悔改什麼嗎?他們一天到晚聽到的就是必須從罪行罪念悔改崇聖;  而這是應該的,因為他們沒有救恩的確據 -- 耶穌基督。以前猶太人還有大祭師為他們年年贖罪,但是命運也全靠著這祭師的好壞不定。而在過去兩千年沒有聖殿的獻祭,他們只有靠自己的時時悔改認罪討好神,得赦免。

既然猶太人 (施洗約翰傳的對象是猶太人)這麼清楚罪與悔改的教條,那這穿駱駝毛衣,吃蝗蟲

但是由此轉向恩典才得主耶穌的完全赦免與醫治,而不是又回舊約的自己努力認罪抗罪,因這永不會成功,也更被罪捆綁。有生命的悔改不是離開自己的罪,而是轉向耶穌基督的聖潔 -- 以鮮血贖來,白白賜予每一個罪人的赦免。在民數記,以色列人因為不信神的恩典之罪,被毒蛇咬傷咬死,神叫摩西製造火蛇,挂在杆子上 (十字架上的耶穌),只要回頭看著 (悔改),就必得活。這就是因信完全靠恩典而不看自己的罪與作為。

那就好像以色列人不信解蛇毒哪有這麼簡單,一定必須趕緊殺蛇,抹藥膏治急,看著木棍要等到民國幾年?最好是又看著 (保險?),又要自己努力,不是有雙倍的功效?但是保羅說: 遵守律法稱義 (自我的聖潔) 只會廢除神的恩典 (加拉太書 2:21); 又說: "若是屬乎律法的人、纔得為後嗣、信就歸於虛空、應許也就廢棄了。" (羅馬書 4:14)

因那心還未從律法上的竭力成聖回轉到在恩典裡的無工聖潔。如要真得超自然的醫治,永生裡的安息,只有悔改轉頭望著十字架 -- 不是只看一下,讚美主,又回頭看自己,整天省察那無息的罪,等到覺得無力了再回到十字架。不!一次的真心悔改是不再轉回了頭,不再看得到自己,眼裡心裡只有美麗的耶穌,感人的基督,


Monday, April 4, 2011


兒 子 說 、 父 親 、 我 得 罪 了 天 、 又 得 罪 了 你 . 從 今 以 後 、 我 不 配 稱 為 你 的 兒 子 。 父 親 卻 吩 咐 僕 人 說 、 把 那 上 好 的 袍 子 快 拿 出 來 給 他 穿 . 把 戒 指 戴 在 他 指 頭 上 . 把 鞋 穿 在 他 腳 上 . 把 那 肥 牛 犢 牽 來 宰 了 、 我 們 可 以 喫 喝 快 樂 .路加 15:21-23



這樣的父親像是會規定兒子先爬到他面前跪下認罪嗎?父親不但沒有交叉著手等兒子,反而先跑去緊緊抱著他,連連親吻他,心裡早已完全的原諒兒子了,根本不需要任何認罪的劇本朗誦,只要兒子回頭就夠了。耶穌如此感人的形容不就是要讓我們知道天父的心是有多麼的寬容嗎?但他並不是沒有公義原則的放縱,而是把兒子的不孝與叛逆贖回在肥牛犢上 (耶穌基督)。讓我們也注意到這犧牲是在父親已經歡迎兒子回來 (原諒) 之後,表明神的赦免早在十字架之前,那更是在人為的認罪之前!


