Saturday, July 2, 2011

Is God's forgiveness just conditional, or total? I hope your belief is the latter.


So then, what is total forgiveness? Is it only of some sins or all sins? Is it only for some people or all people? And is it only for a while or for all eternity?


If we doubt God's forgiveness we don't believe how good He really is. 


Adam and Eve sinned because they doubted God's goodness; the Israelite wandered in the wilderness for forty years because they didn't believe in the promise of God.

亞當與夏娃的犯罪是因為他們懷疑了神的善意; 以色列人在曠野流浪四十年就是因為他們不信神美好的應許。 

If we don't believe God is so good even to forgive those who deny Him, who betray Him, even those who mock, torture and kill Him, the promise of grace is not ours to have and we continue to sin in unbelief.


And the doctrine of hell is prime indictment of man's unbelief in that God's forgiveness extends to all -- even the worst of the worst and the hardest of hearts.

而地獄的教條就是最大證明人的不相信神會赦免每一個人 -- 甚至那最惡劣的惡者和最剛硬的心腸。

But God's love is long-suffering, and His patience endures. Some are warmed by His holy fire, others burned, but to all the door of forgiveness remains unlocked; knock and it shall be opened for you (Matthew 7:7).

但是神的愛是長期等待著,祂的耐心是永恆持久的。有些人從神的聖火得溫暖,有些被燒著,但是赦免的門永不會鎖住 ; 每一位敲門的,就會為他而開 (馬太福音 7:7)。

This is the goodness of our God unmeasurable, His heart unsearchable and mercy unfathomable. Who are we to pass judgment on how He shall judge the damned?


He will save who He wants to save, and He wants to save all. He is merciful, He is El-Rachuwm: "For the LORD thy God is a merciful God; He will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which He sware unto them." (Deuteronomy 4:31)

祂會拯救祂要拯救的,而神就是要拯救每一個人。祂是憐憫的,祂是 El-Rachuwm: "耶和華你的神原是有憐憫的神,祂總不撇下你,不滅絕你,也不會忘記祂啟示與你列祖鎖力約的 (申命記: 4:31)。

To hold on to the justice of casting fellow brothers and sisters to hell is unbelief in God's total forgiveness and His unsurpassing goodness.


But living in grace we come to understand the heart of God who denies salvation to no one...for it is in the shedding of His blood we were purchased, and not by choice, repentance, obedience or even faith of man.



Friday, July 1, 2011

報復比恩典更甜蜜 / Vengeance sweeter than grace

I suspect many who hold without doubt to the doctrine of hell and eternal torment of unspeakable pain and agony is not that they believe God can't forgive even the sin of unbelief, but they themselves won't.



They cannot forgive the hard of hearts because they have not tasted of themselves (by the revelation of grace) the sacrificial death Christ had made in overlooking every trespass. In their minds justice still needs to be served, and in their hearts punishment is still deserved.

他們不能原諒鋼硬頑固的人,因為他們本身還未嚐到 (由恩典的啟示) 耶穌為了赦免一切的過犯,那般自我犧牲的願意。在他們的理念中,

But the clear message on the cross is this: No sin escapes the wrath of God, yet no sin is imputed to the sinner, for the lamb of God has taken all the fiery judgment of His wrath.

但是在十字架上,清清楚楚的信息是這樣: 沒有一項罪可以逃過神的憤怒,

In God's love, grace has already swallowed up the justice that still rages in man's mind and and burns in his heart -- against his own brothers.

恩典已經吞滅了那還狂奔在人的意念與燃燒在他心中的公義 -- 敵對著他自己的弟兄。

But God says, "Forgive, for I have forgiven you; love, because I first loved you."

神卻說,"原諒,因為我已經原諒了你; 愛,因為我先愛了你。"

I have heard a minister admit that "Sometimes in a believer's sinfulness vengeance is sweeter than grace." I ask, what is more vengeful than the doctrine of hell?

報復還比恩典更為甜蜜。" 我問,有什麼還比地獄的教義更懷報復的心?

Only those who still do not accept the total forgiveness of grace find vengeance sweet, and project such sense of self-righteous justice upon the hands of God to carry out the measure of man's own wrath.


When we were nailed to the cross with Christ in repentance of sins, it was not just that our old nature of flesh that died but -- ever more important -- the new nature of spirit that lives in the rebirth of soul. And that spirit is of God's total love and forgiveness -- grace.

當我們悔改而與基督同釘十字架的時候,並不是只有我們的肉體老我死了,更重要的是,我們已經重新誕生在新的屬靈生命。在這新生命裡,這靈就是有了神完全的愛與赦免 -- 恩典。

Therefore in moments of our righteous yet unforgivng anger we live no more under grace that gave us new life in Christ. When we forget how loved and forgiven by not being under the constant washing of grace the flesh once again takes over the soul; and in living by the law of obedience we become blinded by the veil of justice against man.


For truly, unforgiveness and punishment is often justified and fair for the offense committed against man and God, but a heart of law cannot rise above justice to forgive. Only a heart of grace can and will. Mercy and grace is patently unfair for the giver -- just look upon the cross and be reminded what a spirit of love looks like and lives for.

說實在的,正義的不赦免與懲罰常是公平的,而且對人和對神所犯的罪多半也不是無辜的; 神的公義不會判錯人。只是,一個懷抱律法的心,流不出誠懇的原諒。而只有一顆屬恩典的心會願意做也做的到。憐憫與恩典本來就是對那付出的人不公平 -- 我們只需望著十字架就會看到愛的形象,和祂是為了什麼而活。

So when justice is on the mind, forgiveness lives not in the heart. God already satisfied the bloody vengeance of His justice upon the body of His only begotten son; justice now lives inside grace who took all our punishment.

所以,只要公義還在一人的信仰上,他的心中就沒有原諒。神已經將公義的報復燒燼在祂的獨生子的身上; 如今,公義只是活在接受了我們所有應得懲罰的恩典。 

By one sacrifice of Christ God is righteous in making sinners righteous, for justice is no more in searching out man's every last sin, but evermore in forgiving man from the depth of His heart. Justice now lives inside grace to guarantee our being forgiven, and never the executioner of punishment!


God now extends to us His nail-scarred hands of that very grace and asks, "Won't you join me, and be as one?"



Thursday, June 30, 2011

祂的慈愛永遠長存 / His loving mercy endures forever

Does God love His children only in this life time, or forever? The Bible says, "...for His loving mercy [endures] forever" (Psalm 136, 118), (1 Corinthians 13:13)

神對祂子女的愛只有在今生呢,還是永遠? 聖經說,"...
祂的慈愛永遠長存。(詩篇 136, 118), (歌林多前書 13:31)

If His love is forever, it endures beyond man's death -- even if he still had not turned back to Him.


So then while suffering the torment of "hell" God still loves each one the same as those in heaven.


And if His mercy endures forever, how is the mercy shown to the ones He loves still? Abandonment or salvation?

而且如果祂的憐憫是永久的,這憐憫是會如何對待祂還所愛的人? 拋棄,還是拯救?

Some insist it comes down to free will of man that sends him to hell, so don't fault God.


But is it really free will that saves man or God's grace that offers faith? And is it really free will if it can be taken away? Left in our own flesh, will anyone choose God?

但是,人的得救是因為他自我的選擇,還是神由恩典給的信呢? 而如果是真實的
選擇自由,那這權力可以就被拿走嗎? 留在自我的肉體裏,我們有誰會選擇神?

No, it is the mercy of God that chooses and saves man by allowing him to see mercy and freely choose grace.


For what is mercy but an open heart and open arms waiting for the lost son either in life or in death; however long forever is, however long the father awaits.

什麼是憐憫? 那不就是神打開他的心門,張開祂的手臂,等待著祂的兒子,在生或在死; 永遠有多麼的長,多麼長父親就會等待著。

And if it is pride that keeps man from choosing grace, how is it man keeps his pride when suffering in hell, knowing what he didn't know, seeing what he didn't see?


The first thing that burns away in hell is pride, like the lost son who came to himself while feeding swine.


Will we ever be outside God's mercy or live beyond forever? If not, then repentance is not rejected even if there is a hell.

我們有可能活在神的憐憫之外,或是不在永遠的時間內嗎? 如果不可能,那誠心的懺悔,也不會因是從地獄中發出的哭泣而被否決。

God is ever patience, and make His face shine upon one and all whom He created.

神的耐心無限,祂使祂的臉光照在每一個祂所造的。(Deuteronomy 6:25)

The love of Christ is for all, and He draws all to Him when He is lifted up (John 12:32).

祂從地上被舉起來,就要吸引萬人 (每一個人) 來歸祂。(約翰 12:32)。

To man salvation is for himself, but to a sovereign and loving God His work of Salvation is incomplete if one remains in hell.



Tuesday, June 28, 2011

應該常問自己 / We should often ask of ourselves

The question every believer must ask often of him or herself is not "What have I been doing for Christ?" but "Do I truly believe I am completely forgiven of all sins?"

所有的罪都完全得赦免了?" 而不是,"我為耶穌做了什麼?"

If the answer is "No," then one is still under bondage of law, trying to earn forgiveness.

如果答案是 "還沒有," 那這人還是處在律法的綑綁,而繼續的為了得赦免努力。

But if it is "Yes," then one is free from law and now in the spirit of grace.

但如果是 "有," 那祂已經從律法得釋放,而現今活在恩典的靈。

Law is of no use to this believer anymore because it is the obedience to the spirit that leads not into sin.


Knowing you are totally forgiven as a child of God will not cause you to sin more, just as we won't steal even without a security guard present.


It is not the presence of safeguard that restrains us but the inner voice of God who keeps.


But if it takes the presence of law to keep from sin, then one is not yet of the spirit of grace.


The faith of a Christian is not being saved only to be put under the yoke of law again, but in that he is empowered by the complete forgiveness of grace.


Being saved is being completely forgiven by God. If one does not believe in having received total forgiveness he has no faith in the salvation of Christ.



展翅飛向藍天 / soar to the deep blue sky

God has already placed the spirit of the law in our hearts and our minds (Jeremiah 31:33). These are the spiritual muscles God wants us to rely on in our walk of holiness.

神已經將律法的精神放在我們裡面,寫在我們心上 (耶利米 31:33)。這些是屬靈的肌肉讓我們走在聖潔裏。

It was a promise He made to man of a new covenant to come -- the grace and truth that came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17). And we have received it by being born again under the baptism of His blood.

這是神要給人新約的應許 -- 由耶穌而來的恩典與真理 (約翰福音 1:17)。我們已經以寶血受洗的重生得到了。

Now live by the spirit (grace) and not flesh (law) lest our faith grow weak. For like muscles of the flesh a spirit unused wastes away. If we rely on others to help us go about we lose the ability to do it ourselves.

所以就活在靈裏 (恩典),不在肉體 (律法),要不我們的信會漸漸軟弱。因為就像我們的肌肉,

A crutch or training wheels have their purpose, but we are meant to walk in the health and maturity of spirit. A constant reliance on these aids to reach the goal of holiness ultimately fails because the path is steep and rugged.


The law is only such aid to help and guide us, but cannot be the strength to forge ahead and carry us to victory. It is only in the letting go of law can we fully depend on the God-given spirit inside to take flight.


We naturally fear lawlessness, equating it as abandonment to sin. But let us trust that God will not forsake and have equipped us with the wings of every spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3) to overcome. In holding desperately to law we remain lame and grounded.

我們自然的會懼怕無律法的情形,以為那是罪的放縱。但是讓我們信任神不會遺棄,因祂已經賜給了我們所有克服罪的屬靈翅膀 (以弗所書 1:3)。如果拼命的抓住律法,我們就還是跛著與無力起飛。

Only when the mother eagle pushes her chicks out of the nest falling to the ground, will the babies extend their wings to reach that deep blue sky. So it is God who wants us to take that leap of faith and trust in His loving grace.

