Thursday, March 24, 2011


" 耶 和 華 神 為 亞 當 和 他 妻 子 用 皮 子 作 衣 服 、 給 他 們 穿 。" 創世紀 3:21

亞當與夏娃為了遮掩他們的羞恥,用無花果樹的葉子編作裙子。這象徵著人為了彌補對神的虧欠,而盡力的以好行為 (good works) 想要蓋住 (彌補) 罪。但是人的歷史第一次流血與殺傷是當神殺了動物 (羔羊?),以製袍,而蓋住亞當與夏娃的赤裸。神以義 (righteousness) 罪人,常常是以袍子披著我們的比喻。在這裡上帝要隱示的是耶穌未來將會作的犧牲,不必再用那神所詛咒的無花果討好祂。

祂在世間三年多的教導中,耶穌少不了嚴厲的訓言與無奈的感慨。但是最後,為了愛,祂還是願意上十字架,赤身露體的被掛,垂死,衣服被人拔掉,拈鬮而分,完成了恩典。這正是神犧牲了無罪的羔羊 -- 耶穌基督,而製了遮蓋每一個罪人的義袍 -- 給了愛祂的,害祂的,不認祂的 ; 賜於懺悔的,恭維的,假善的 -- 完成了神先前的隱示。 但是如果不知十字架的真理,就算穿上這袍,還是得不到恩典的安息。因為真理的稱義與維持不是以看得見的行為,而是完全在那看不見的恩典。 耶穌穿的不是破衣服而是有肉眼價值的布料,要不沒有人會拈鬮。不懂恩典的卻以為穿上祂的衣服,看起來如耶穌的形象聖潔,就是稱義,互相搶奪比較誰最為時尚,而不知這比破衫還不值錢。因為無價之義是那只有以信才看得到的榮耀,由耶穌帶著釘痕的雙手,親自披蓋著我們赤裸裸的靈魂。無得比較,無得誇言。

耶 穌為門徒洗腳,最後並用束腰的手巾擦乾。這手巾是由麻布 (linen) 織的,聖經清楚著記載是象徵耶穌的義 (Jesus is fine linen, His holy righteousness)。祂以水 (聖靈) 洗清我們的腳有如將罪的控告除掉,而吩咐門徒互相洗腳,服事,勉勵,提醒不要受罪的捆綁,但是最後不忘以耶穌的義 (手巾) 擦乾,要信徒知道,我們已經是乾淨的了 (稱義),因為耶穌的寶血完成了一切的救贖工作,而不需要祂一次又一次的清洗 (赦免)。活在義中,就是克服罪與走往聖潔的根基。而這樣,我們腳就是穿上永久福音的平安了。

我們傳講福音,無論是台上台下,給一個人或一千個,不要忘了耶穌的教導; 當我們以神的話洗滌時,難免會提起罪的嚴重性與魔鬼的誘惑力量。但是在最後一定要用耶穌的手巾披上,將赤裸的靈魂蓋住,擦乾,把清水成污水的罪帶走,讓每一個人知道他已經得到了耶穌的義,而不再受罪與魔鬼的控告。因此不留在罪惡感與審判的恐懼,而是更堅固信心在於真理上的平安,聖靈定的稱義,恩典裡的安息。Amen


Monday, March 21, 2011

God in a box

What does "infinite" mean really? It is such a grand but indistinct concept. Can we really harness it, focus it and put a value on it? And in contrast what is "finite" in the same context?

I believe an understanding of God's infinite nature in term of His will 
can be revealed to man as "wholeness" or "completion." Defined in this manner it may be connected to our worship of Him as glorious and holy -- picture of perfection. By the same token, if man is finite, he is fragmented and incomplete -- broken imperfection. (But of course!)

Yet it is in this incompleteness that man is seldom aware of (and often takes pride in) his own broken state -- unless actively contrasted with the perfect nature of God. Man is easily willing to accept incompleteness and be satisfied with much less then perfection when that realm is clearly out of his reach. Though man always desire perfection, we are conditioned to settle for (and more often to justify) low success rate in the investment of anything from money, time, to effort and even love, and heed the necessary wisdom of success as a numbers game where enough doors knocked or phone calls made will yield one paltry sale.  Man's invention of risk-management is a good example of the finite condition of no guarantee.
However, if within reach of our confidence, there remains that inner drive to achieve more -- to gain perfection in whatever little circle one is in, be it acing the state bar exam or putting together a model airplane. This competitiveness reveals a little bit of God's nature (in a good way) in us.

With all that said, what is my point? Hearing many sermons and reading much Christian writings, I see a consistent and curious pattern of believers being satisfied (or at least complacent) with the idea that not all men will be saved. Although each will profess active outreach and mission to save as many people as they are able, the sheer and daunting impossibility of that task is realized in an almost fatalistic acceptance and so-be-it attitude among believers of all denominations, and seem more satisfied in the people saved rather than expressing urgent dissatisfaction for the yet unsaved outside the circle of family and friends.

It is an incompleteness or imperfection of salvation man is willing to accept because of his own limited outlook. The interesting thing is that they seem to also project this satisfaction/resignation to a God who is infinite, and even accord such reality to His will (that not all will be saved)! A believer readily accepts the contrast between man's finite nature against God's perfection to highlight sin and God's uncompromising stance against sin; yet in the same comparison he doesn't believe that neither God's perfection will compromise the salvation He had already set in motion since the beginning of time!

How do we think an infinite God actually feels about being boxed into man's narrow perspective? Of failing to save every man? If we think man is competitive, what is God's attitude about defeat? Does He not operate in the realm of wholeness and completion, and has the ability and drive to score 100% on every test? Even if not motivated by love will God allow any blemish on His record? All that loud preachings on the sovereignty of God, His power and majesty, glory and inviolable will...yet in the minds of the mouths that speak of such praise of an infinite God believe not a Father is 
willing or able to save every child of His. In such view salvation becomes a mere game of chance.

No, God doesn't operate in the realm of risk-management. Salvation is not a roulette game for Him, and He is dead serious about winning back every soul. It is the only acceptable outcome for an infinite God who operates in perfection. In our free will He allows finite nature of man in his separation from God, but in His own will to save man and bring him back the wholeness in God 
(not to mention love!) does not allow one to stray; and in His own time and measure no one wills to stay away.

As in the individual sanctification of each sinful man God's grace works in him to perfect him, so is the same grace His resolve to sanctify the fallen world to make it whole, such the world encompasses all souls in all of time. Not one will escape His grace, its logical progression and purpose of salvation -- the inevitable outcome in the infinite condition of divine guarantee. Amen


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Christian accountability and the bicycle

Many who actually take the time to read my writings may feel that I am too narrow in only talking about grace and the wonderful works of God. It seems to them that missing is the element of man's part in our relationship with our Creator.

Fair enough the assessment. And it is an important consideration as a Christian (or anyone interested in the topic of God) to ponder how man's role (responsibility) fits into the plan of a sovereign being whose will is preeminent. But if God is sovereign, but also demands full responsibility from man, how then to assign such a command in practical terms to the understanding of man?

It's called an "antinomy," where two distinct truths stand side by side as one singular expression, defined fully by one another yet irreconcilable with each other. In the discussion of man's responsibility in relation to and with God's sovereignty, where does one end and the other begin?  The antinomical questions in this case are: Can God's sovereignty still allow man's exercise of responsibility (expectation of the gift of free will) to impact even to the smallest degree His will? And if allowed, to what extent the expected responsibility of man begins to erode the sovereignty of God?

I offer a third question:
Is it possible for both to work in equal and full measure within the relationship without compromising the integrity of either? Is it a balance we seek or integration?

To the theologians and other thinkers, such seems an unsolvable dilemma. It is in their unnecessarily complex reasoning from a philosophical perspective that makes this a difficult concept to grasp. But I believe if we clarify how God defines "responsibility" it will shed light on the matter. And every intellectual exercises to explain it become so much earnest but wasted sophistry . All walks of Christianity understand much more clearly the full definition of God's sovereignty, but greatest of our disagreements stem from how we view man's responsibility in role and scope.

Many define "responsibility" in a way that interjects a critical element to the sustainability of the task and goal of what we are responsible for. For instance, if two people agree to lift a heavy rock where for only one it is impossible, then both have the responsibility to hold each end to sustain the integrity of their agreement. If one decides to drop his part the entire task and goal falls through. Theirs may be of unequal measure in strength, but both parts are indispensable. Worse still is a "responsibility" of payment for favor given, or a continuous servitude to amend for one's inadequacy (sin) and to justify favor (grace).

This is how a great number of sincere Christians view their spiritual responsibility towards God's salvation -- that they must do all things of God's command in order to assure or at least justify salvation. Such is their proper "response" to the call of God to obey and submit to His will. They see the grace as God's end of the agreement, but they must uphold their own end lifting up the rock no matter how difficult (actually impossible) a burden as the rightful completion of a pleasing relationship to God. While doing so they forfeit free grace in the diverting of an overflowing heart to the dead sea call of demand.

In all sincerity and integrity believers of this concept naturally take up that "responsibility" seriously and focusing on what they must learn and do in order to accomplish the task assigned, thinking this is what the Lord wants and expects of them. This is their sense of Christian accountability, and anyone disagreeing or failing such standard falls short of their duty.
What we have here is at best a partnership, and more likely a master/slave relationship of that demand where the ministers of teaching are God's Egyptian taskmasters.

In the Old Testament Covenant this may be true and required if the demand of law continues unabated until the day of judgment; and so it is the practicing realm of the Jews, but not of a reborn Christian. For something happened two thousand years ago on the dark hills of Calvary. A lonely figure hung on a cross, Jesus Christ. The God who became man not only changed history, but He also changed how we are to face our Creator -- and now our Savior. But then it wasn't a change at all but God's plan all along. And more so it was an exchange quietly taking place on the cross that no man shall anymore bear the wage of his sin, and not even the cost of his salvation. For it is grace who paid for it all that to believe in Him we must forgo the past.

Then what is this new responsibility to this grace expected from our Heavenly Father? Is He not able to lift a rock or ten thousand all by Himself? Does He truly need our work of any kind to keep His grand plan from crumbling to the ground? The word "responsibility" is from two words: "response" and "ability." Our ability to respond to His call, to His love and to His grace is all that is needed. It is called faith. And in our response we are given the ability to carry out His commandments. The ability to respond means we are alive to Him, and to repent (become dead) from ourselves and our dead works. It is then He who works in us and through us that holds up the rock even as we pretend it is our own strength.

On the cross it is no more an antinomy but a divine union where no more we wrestle with how much God how much man, but all God and all man. Sovereignty of our responsibility in the responsibility of the Sovereign.

Any earthly father will recall with fondness and tenderness how when he brought home a gift for his child, maybe a bicycle, and putting it together. What he most wanted was not for the kid to pull out the toolbox and start assembling the parts together but just to see his little face light up with joy and appreciation! And while the father puts the bike into shape the child inevitably wants to help thinking he is contributing so much, but daddy doesn't mind and just smiles. Finally when it is all done both are completely satisfied, one riding the bike and the other watching and helping. This is the deep desire of God in restoring our rightful place next to Him, a joyful and complete relationship of Father and son.

What can we offer Him but our whole heart? And in the gift of a heart is contained all that is expected from our Father who gave up so much more. Amen


Saturday, March 19, 2011


很多信息把世界分為兩種人: 罪人與聖人。罪人當然包括還未信主的,但是也指那些雖說信主,而還在犯罪的基督徒 (特別針對所謂行為上的放縱)。那聖人呢? 就是這些控告的與同意這樣分類的信者。當然他們不會說自己是聖人 (只會謙虛的說是蒙恩的罪人)但是覺得個人的努力遵守和從聖應該與那些沒有懺悔或還在罪中的有所分別, 而應該也有資格做這樣的論斷與批評。


今天就聽到 Joyce Myer 抱怨還有這麼多的罪與不順服造成現代社會的不健康與邪惡趨勢。最後她說她等不及看神要怎麼樣審判這些罪人。一講出來聽眾都拍手喝采同意。我想這不是例外,而很多愛主的基督徒都有同樣的看法與感覺,希望耶穌趕快來懲罰這些忘恩負義的惡人,好讓心中憋了好久的憤怒吐一口氣,而享受那種罪有應得的快感。我真的不懂為什麼基督徒還是有這麼深對人的憤怒? 在恩典中罪與人難道分不開嗎? 愛心在哪裡?

我同意罪人與聖人有所分別! 而且我們不只是蒙恩的罪人而已,我們真的是聖人! Amen!

但是這聖潔的地位不是因為我們的努力遵守和從聖得來的。我們的聖潔是主耶穌基督的寶血贖來的,有什麼好誇的想說我們比這些罪人還要好,還要優秀? 聖經說,"...我們的義都向污穢的衣服。" (以賽亞64:6),而有了耶穌的生命活在心中更是應有憐憫與原諒的心對待還沒真正認識主的人。因為神看這些人如迷失的羊,而不是罪不可赦的毒蛇,和粉飾的墳墓。不是的,祂惡毒的形容是針對那些假冒為善,自以為是,心胸狹窄的法利塞人 -- 自認最懂神的律法與以為最愛神的學者! 但是他們愛神的公義愛到不認神的愛與神愛的人。

這讓我想到約拿被神差去尼尼微警告他們神的審判。雖然這城的人與王都懺悔,所以神不降災禍,約拿卻非常的不愉快,因為他很想要看到這些惡人遭受到他們應得的後果。一位神的先知都會有這樣的心態,我們是不是應該警惕不要讓魔鬼的惡毒進到心中,而曚住聖靈的憐憫? 約拿是不是有理? 當然有! 他所懷的是一個公義的心態,就像那浪子的哥哥,覺得神的原諒是大大的不公平,公義在哪裡呢? 約拿有藉口,因為他還不認識耶穌。但是我們每一個已經被神的大愛赦免的罪人,有誰比他自覺最不可赦的罪人還值得原諒? 我們常常看別人的拯救還不如那些於己有益的人與事件

神的公義 (justice) 與神的義 (righteousness) 差別很大。多數人還是強調公義為神最重視,最不可犯的總原則。如果是這樣,那罪人一定要受公平的審判與懲罰。有些基督徒好像真的一點都不覺得這與他們的信仰真理有什麼差別或衝突,而本來就是應該的。但就是這樣的教導與認知影響了多數基督徒對世人的罪不於容忍,因不及公義的要求。不是的! 新約的好消息不只是神以祂的寶血洗淨信者與世人的罪,賜給我們恩典,而祂的公義也已經得到永久的賠償與滿足了。代替的是神的義讓罪人稱義 (God is righteous in making sinners righteous)。

恩典之義已經給於每一個人,不分善惡。我們既已因信嚐到了恩典的甜果,就不要再以公義的論斷來批評同樣被愛的未信世人,而是以愛心的禱告與真誠的傳講福音帶人回神。嚴厲的公義警告會有它的效率; 而因恐懼的懺悔神也會有憐憫。但是神最渴望的是有祂的兒女完全的信任,在祂的恩典有完美的安息,與看祂的肢體因真心活出耶穌的生命有愛憐,原諒,與智慧的關懷,將美好的福音傳遍每一個角落


Answer to Matthew 25:31-46

Dear Txx,

Thank you for the kind comment! I try to share the revelation of the gospel as much as possible, and from a different point of view that focuses on the grace of Christ. It is something I feel lacking in much of today's teachings, which centers on man's role that is based on a religious tradition. True Christianity is about our relationship with Christ from beginning to end. But so few stay in that pure joy of receiving His grace, but by the continuous preaching of guilt and condemnation are pulled back into the worship by man's work that robs of the peace and enjoyment He dearly wants for us.

Regarding Matthew 25:31-46, the wording of "hell" certainly puts fear in a believer not wanting to be a goat, but which they can't be certain of. And it is a misinterpretation of such passages that puts a him under bondage and misleads him in a belief that salvation can only be more assured by "doing certain things" such as what Jesus described in these verses. But that becomes fruits of work and not of faith, and the motivation not of genuine charity but much more in self-preservation. Jesus will see through that charade though innocent from bad teaching, leaving the poor believer in a state of confusion.

Some say this particular passage is for unbelievers when they are being judged because neither group seems to have a clue what Jesus was referring to. But many also see it as for Christians who love God but neglect his fellow men.  I have found that the anger and admonishing of Jesus in many of the parables and direct accusations are made toward the pharisees, who represent the attitude of self-righteousness and contempt/indifference towards the poor and needy, which are two sides of the same coin. It is a sad truth that loving (of the worshipful kind)  God is easy but loving man is counter to carnal nature unless our hearts are truly moved and transformed by the gentle warmth of Christ in understanding how much His love shines in charity and forgiveness.

The church today is still full of the seeds of Pharisees. These Jesus will deny knowing. But it is not entirely their fault but for the traditional teachings passed down through the generations. Although each believer is responsible for rightly dividing the word of God, and to search the heart of Christ in spite of the weight of so much counter-grace doctrines forced upon them. It is only when we are relieved of the shackles of fear and obedience to the requirement of law that one is able to receive the true light of the gospel and the life of Christ living in us. The holy spirit is frustrated by our clinging to the law, yet most Sundays we sit at the pew such message reinforces the bondage.

Of great importance is the separation of sin from man. God hates sin, chief (and root) of which is self-righteousness (pride). Our repentance is not to turn away from sin but from pride, which keeps us separate from God even while professing belief. But any sin God will take away (burn), which is not to say He will destroy man but to liberate His children from the influence and accusation of sin. Judgment is nothing but separating one from another, and God's justice is for us even it is against sin; for to enter the Kingdom of God we must be pure and sanctified. Therefore the work of the holy spirit in us is to cleanse us, and on the day of the judgment God's own fire will cleanse those who had not yet received such cleansing. But worry not, this is not being sent to hell to burn forever as punishment (Greek: Kolasis, meaning discipline; and from root Kolazo, which is pruning in this context), but for a time (age, but mistranslated as eternal) the discipline (certainly not pleasant) of God's love works to burn away all fear and pride to prepare man a joyful return to His bosom.

As we have children, even when they do wrong we do not turn away but love them still more, so our God who is love defined will not leave nor forsake us living in sin. Such is the love man has never known but is the very power that raises us from the dead and gives us eternal life -- all because He laid down His own life on the cross and washed our feet with His blood. Amen


Friday, March 18, 2011

Grieving gospel

Saw this quote I would like to share:

"Even when we believe the scripture is 'without error,' it's a risk to think our understanding is without error."

This bit of wisdom is from a gay Christian who disclosed the persecution -- often bloody and tragic -- of homosexuals by supposedly loving and God-fearing Christians citing the "law of God" as high authority and justification of violent actions to cleanse the world of such vile sin.

Any believer -- I especially should heed  -- can insist on his/her understanding of scripture in fervent sincerity; but that understanding must be consistent not  to the letter (literal interpretation) of the word, but the loving spirit of Christ. Many tout the need for "Biblical World View" as the essential foundation of correct Christian living. I say that is not enough, for a direct quote from the Bible without the  proper consideration of context and filtering of grace revelation through the living word of the gospel of Jesus Christ, leads often to gross misinterpretation of the intent of God in the grand scheme of salvation for man. What ends up becoming are fragmented and peripheral arguments in the absence of grace, love and forgiveness, which drives to fever pitch  abhorrence of certain sin to a point such hatred also consumes the sinner.

God hates sin, but loves so much the sinner. His intention is never the destruction of His children but the cleansing of sin's destruction from him. We man have sense enough to favor rehabilitation over imprisonment and punishment, how not God's loving purpose also to turn us from darkness to light with understanding and patience?

Never one word of condemnation for homosexuality came out of the mouth Jesus Christ. Who are we to presume authority on its severity hindering man's walk in holiness? The righteous anger of Jesus aims directly and squarely at the Pharisees who outwardly does no wrong and all right things, but inwardly are puffed up with pride and contempt for the "sinners" in their eyes. It is not the sins of sexuality or other offenses that keeps the love of God away but the self-righteousness and unforgiveness in man's heart -- especially a believer who keeps the veil over his eyes and conscience in the defense of God's holiness that grieves the forgiving heart of our Savior.

Where in the Bible does it say a sin of sexual immorality is a greater offense than others? In God's justice isn't sin just that, sin, for all fall short of the glory of God? And in terms of importance by the number of mention, much more of other sins Christians ignore/tolerate on a regular basis then sexual sin are in the Bible. What makes us the authority on gradation of sin, and why is it so many are obsessed with sex (worthy of psychology analysis as to why that is!) ? In the Book of  James it says "
For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."

Is homosexuality a sin? Certainly! But is it not a sin when we judge, when we horde, when we take pride, and when we forgive not? Is anyone better than a sinner when he offers not love but levels condemnation on another who Christ loves dearly and equally? When we see someone going astray, is it our privilege to accuse and exclude? Or is it our sacred promise to the One who had already forgiven us to forgive and accept in grace, and lead them back to the light by the washing of living water available to all alike the gospel of our wonderful counselor Jesus Christ?

Are we perfect with the label of "Christian believer?" If not, then be patient with a brother or sister who turns to Christ in heart though not yet in full understanding and deed. For the one who lives inside us by the invitation of faith will work out His salvation in His own way, His own time. And ours is only to encourage and love with a love that moves mountains and sweeps the seas. Amen




救恩的動機在於愛的犧牲,但是執行是在於公義的審判; 而基督徒的開始在於恩典的啟示,但是目標在於律法的遵守這樣的想法,愛與恩典不是終止,而是律法與公義。走了那麼一大圈,就是回到舊約的曠野打轉。

為什麼會這樣?因為他們的理念脫離不了罪,不是因他們的罪念(雖然一定有,與凡人無異),而是對罪的問題,憎恨,與對付,成為他門靈命上的中心,專注和困擾。原因是為何?因為不信。不信什麼?不信罪與死亡已經由耶穌在十字架上流出血紅的恩典與愛完完全全,徹徹底底的解決了。祂說,“成了!“ 是什麼意思呢?是 “我的份做好了,現在換你們要跟我一樣的聖潔,要不就一筆勾消?“ 還是 “我已經為了世界上,過去,今天,與將來,每一個我愛的人完成了對罪的克服與打敗死亡的勝利!“


真的很為神厭煩與傷心。。。每一次聽到人提出神的公義來辯解人值得的懲罰,我就想: 耶穌掛在十字架上有公義嗎?這是神的公義?讓一個無罪的人受每一個人的罪?祂願意放棄祂自己的公義,以親自的犧牲來救我們不受罪的懲罰與死的工價,我們是誰,還能驕傲的說,“謝謝,但是不必,讓我們自己來,“ 而將這一份既不講理,更深不可測的愛宴擺在一旁不吃?光是敬拜祂,讚美祂有什麼價值,我們吃祂的肉,喝祂的血,有什麼意義,如果我們還自認是罪人,還不知道有沒有天國的份?耶穌流的是什麼,完成的是什麼?難道祂的血還不足動物的,至少可以洗清一年的罪,但是我們的獻祭(認罪)是要時時刻刻,而不是一次和永久的聖潔?耶穌掛在十字架上的孤獨會到幾時才止?何時祂的愛人才會眼睛明亮和知道一切都已經準備好了,只要過來?




" 誰 能 使 我 們 與 基 督 的 愛 隔 絕 呢 . 難 道 是 患 難 麼 、 是 困 苦 麼 、 是 逼 迫 麼 、 是 飢 餓 麼 、 是 赤 身 露 體 麼 、 是 危 險 麼 、 是 刀 劍 麼 。 因 為 我 深 信 無 論 是 死 、 是 生 、 是 天 使 、 是 掌 權 的 、 是 有 能 的 、 是 現 在 的 事 、 是 將 來 的 事 、是 高 處 的 、 是 低 處 的 、 是 別 的 受 造 之 物 、 都 不 能 叫 我 們 與 神 的 愛 隔 絕 . 這 愛 是 在 我 們 的 主 基 督 耶 穌 裡 的 。" 羅 馬 書 8 : 35, 38-39


這樣子的愛會不會持續直到神祂不死的靈魂,如可能像太陽一般有一天的燃燼落地,而祂化成灰之前還是不忘我們每一個人的名字?如果祂的愛不能因無限之神的死與我們隔絕,為何我們這有限之身的死會讓人與神的愛永久分離呢?這麼深切的情,這麼火熱的愛緊緊的環繞著每一位照著祂形象創造的人,會是那麼簡單,那麼的輕易讓地獄的煎熬奪去嗎?不是的,如果有一人在地獄,神也在那裡陪伴著 (詩篇139:8),而萬物都是神造的,連地獄也不能讓我們與他隔離,只要與神同在就是天堂 -- 十字架和地獄。

地獄不可怕。有這麼多的苦難罪惡,現在這地就是獄。感謝耶穌,我們等待祢來的那一天,將每一滴哀傷的眼淚擦乾,把所有的邪惡罪過燃淨,一切受造之物,一同歎息勞苦,直到如今 (羅馬書 8:22),但藉著祂在十字架上所流的血,成就了和平,便藉著祂叫萬有,無論是地上的,天上的,都與自己和好了(歌羅西書 1:20)。Amen


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

窄門與滅亡 (續"義的奴僕")

" 你 們 要 進 窄 門 . 因 為 引 到 滅 亡 、 那 門 是 寬 的 、 路 是 大 的 、 進 去 的 人 也 多 。引 到 永 生 、 那 門 是 窄 的 、 路 是 小 的 、 找 著 的 人 也 少 。"  馬太福音 7:13,14

" 約 翰 說 、 我 是 用 水 給 你 們 施 洗 、 但 有 一 位 能 力 比 我 更 大 的 要 來 、 我 就 是 給 他 解 鞋 帶 也 不 配 . 他 要 用 聖 靈 與 火 給 你 們 施 洗 。 他 手 裡 拿 著 簸 箕 、 要 揚 淨 他 的 場 、 把 麥 子 收 在 倉 裡 、 把 糠 用 不 滅 的 火 燒 盡 了 。 " 路加:3:16

在前一篇 "義的奴僕," 我抗議有些人教導(代神講話)"要進天國難,而要墜落易。" 有人可能會想
馬太福音 7:13-14 不就是這樣講嗎? 那我的抗議是與聖經有所衝突了。



一般的教導神不會"隨隨便便,輕輕鬆鬆"的就讓任何人來到祂面前,是有莫大的差別。但是哪一個觀點才是符合真理? 因信稱義不就是相信就稱義了嗎? 但是多少人還是不信那有那麼簡單,那麼便宜的,就一定要加油添醋的把神的救恩演變成個人一生的努力與付出,而沒想到這樣是把耶穌的犧牲與流血放在一邊,成為次要品。

傳統的解釋。因 "凡有血氣的,都要見神的救恩 。" (路加福音3:6) 人只能用水施洗,但相信耶穌的會有聖靈的施洗,而那還未信的會有火的施洗,將一切人的不義,自誇,與無情不原諒都由耶穌不滅的火(愛)燒盡。如不因信與耶穌死於十字架,罪人的不義將會滅亡在神的烈火,而靈魂得救,"各人按著自己的次序復活" (哥林多前書 15:23) Amen


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


" 感 謝 神 、 因 為 你 們 從 前 雖 然 作 罪 的 奴 僕 、 現 今 卻 從 心 裡 順 服 了 所 傳 給 你 們 道 理 的 模 範 。 你 們 既 從 罪 裡 得 了 釋 放 、 就 作 了 義 的 奴 僕 。" 羅馬書 6:17-18

前一陣子聽到一個很有名的牧師 (Chuck Smith) 在回答一些聽者的問題。有一個人問他如果信徒離開教會,他是不是會失去救恩? 做一個牧者,我想最重要的責任就是將在耶穌裏的安息帶給信徒,甚至不信的人。

鑰匙。但是祂給我們的解放不只是脫離罪,而更是把我們放進另一個監牢 -- 耶穌的義,祂的心。一個奴僕沒有自由,他的生命完全鎖定在主人的權勢。在救主之義的監牢,有誰逃的出去? 誰有鑰匙打開耶穌的心門把祂的至愛奪走? 是罪嗎? 是我們的軟弱嗎? 魔鬼有這個力量嗎?

但是多少的信息是: 要進天國難,而要墜落易? 好像只有魔鬼想要費盡功夫鎖住人在罪中,而神卻是無所謂的讓我們走開,或是無能力留住墮落的信徒。結論是,如果不靠自己的努力抓住天門,我們很容易就會失去救恩。

是這樣子嗎? Chuck Smith
的回答讓我很驚訝,也很憤怒! 他說,神不願意讓我們走,但是如果人要離開,祂能怎麼樣? 意思就是我們的軟弱或迷惑會讓我們失去救恩,再次回到黑暗。而神只能束手旁觀,無能為力。這是一個牧師的智慧? 現代的神學已經從神的撿選 (Calvinism) 轉變為人的選擇 (Arminianism),而結論都是一樣: 神不是不願意,要不就是不能夠,拯救全世界的人。

保羅形容的耶穌孑然不是這樣的無情無力! 祂以生命的犧牲與魔鬼搶奪每一個靈魂。祂以血造的義之監牢無人可開,無權可毀。只要是願意回頭的人就被神的愛包圍在祂心中的至高隱密處,永遠不再有脫離的機會,無論個人的掙扎與失敗。這才是永久永生的福音!



為什麼每一個人都會得救是異端的理論? 為什麼恩典的彰顯是犯罪的執照? 為什麼傳統的教導就是不相信神要救每一個人,也會救每一個人,而且在這完美的救恩一點都不會讓祂的公義受妥協? 全能的神做不到嗎? 什麼是耶穌的安息? 那不就是無論如何,都會得救。而相信的人會視之如寶,和因愛主耶穌的心與感恩,完全願意與渴望聖靈的改造,合一於基督活出他的形象。不信的人也會對神愛的本質有正確的認知,而從祂的仁慈軟化鋼硬的心。但如無這安息,一切的心理和行為都會被自護與自義的動機所污染,而失去完全之信的依靠。Amen


Monday, March 14, 2011


" 耶 穌 說 、 父 啊 、 赦 免 他 們 . 因 為 他 們 所 作 的 、 他 們 不 曉 得 。" 路加: 23:34

如今,我們所作的,說的,我們曉得嗎? 安心,因為耶穌還是說,"父啊,赦免他們。"

他們是誰? 是你? 是我? 是特選的人? 是懺悔的人? ...還是出賣耶穌的,謀殺耶穌的,不信耶穌的,也有份?


Assured of heaven

Many scripture verses the church interprets as evidence of the existence of hell and eternal punishment are also words that instill doubt in one's assurance of going to heaven. Even many professing great faith and the love of God will be denied entry to heaven. With that, if one hold true to the doctrine of hell, and no clear assurance of entering heaven even in all sincerity, what is the predominant emotion that drives his spiritual journey? Is it peace in his faith or fear in his doubt?

So many teachings say just confessing faith in Jesus as savior is not enough and empty, but demanding fruit and more fruit. The obsession with fruit-bearing is based on fear that one is not good enough or doing enough to assure of salvation. Is that really the faith Jesus wants us to have? To constantly prove our faith? I say it is not the adornment of our faith in all its false glitter that pleases the Lord, but our faith that He is faithful in saving us and loving us that brings peace not as the world gives. For the world gives peace only upon payment (the Hebrew root word for "shalom" is "shalam," which means "making compensation"), where God's peace is without demand but wholeness restored fully in grace.

God's will is to save us, and if we believe he will do so no matter what by our seeing His love on the cross, then that is the faith He receives as fragrant offering. yet the church teaches: Do not be self-assured of salvation but be fearful of not being acceptable in His eyes, and constantly adding credit in the form of work (confession, obedience, mission...etc.) to show Him on the day of judgment. But Jesus will deny knowing them because these are the fruits of self-righteousness, selfishness and fear, and not of true acceptance of Christ living out His life through faith.

Therefore, the doctrine of hell and not knowing one's ultimate destination keeps a believer in bondage and fear, and the natural consequence of that is an obsession with earning entry into heaven. But if by the ample evidence of love in His shed blood we are assured of God's will to save us, the peace within allows the flow of living water where true faith is revealed in all manners of good fruit on earth.

A loving father's heart grieves when his child does not trust him to abide by him always, but may one day abandon him for whatever condition not met. A loving father does not give up looking into the distance for His son's return, but waits day after day, and without rebuke upon the son's change of heart...

How much more our Father in Heaven?


Chosen people

God's elect is nothing new in the Bible. And it certainly does not mean the unelected were not loved and deserving of God's grace. But some would have you think only certain people will go to heaven because they are the "chosen" people of God. God played favoritism throughout the narrative of Judeo-Christian history. He favored Abel over Cain, Jacob over Essau, Issac over Ishmael, David over Saul. He did so because Christ was on His mind and the shadow of His son was in each favored character. God made the Israelite His people not because they were more righteous but to tell the world of His gospel plan through their story. But in it God loves each and every one of His children, and shed His blood for all.

Israel probably thought they were the only special people to be saved by God, and not the Gentiles. But God's love went beyond their understanding when Christ went to the cross for both the Jews and the Gentiles. Joseph had a special love for Benjamin, but he did not forget his other brothers and took cared of them as well. Now that the Gentiles are the "chosen" favorites and body of Christ, they reject others who are not part of the elect, the bride of Christ, and eagerly accept their fate in hell. Many see that as divine justice and even uphold the logic of damnation.

But Christ warned of such pompous self-righteous attitudes many times in the Bible. He especially had contempt for the pharisees who profess to know God, love God and obey God to the point where they reject all they see as sinners unworthy of their holy standards. These Jesus will deny knowing in the days of His coming. Yet, the church is full of teachings that exult the self-righteous and look down upon sinners not fit to step into the inner sanctuary of God. Many who are forgiven forgives not others and insist on their fate to burn forever in hell. They defend the Justice of hell with even more fervor than the love of God.

We will be judged not by how much we profess to love and obey God, but how much He lives in us in our love and forgiveness of one another. It is then that even if damnation is inevitable we protest earnestly in the heart and shed tears for the brothers of such fate, and believing that the God we love will somehow justify not the punishment of sins but the forgiveness in love, for He is above all else -- love. Amen.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

He will not forsake

Does anyone else find it absurdly ironic that Christians are applauded for the truth of warning of unbeliever's fate in hell, but condemned for the heresy of assuring them a home in heaven? Which one is the sensible message of love from a God who demonstrated His deep devotion in the willingness to die for us and save us?

Many want to call on justice in making their case for hell. And without the cross that may very well be. The problem the cross presents for such argument is that God's justice is satisfied by the cross so that He is not only merciful but justified (righteous) only in saving all His children, and is in fact either unjust or unable if one is left unsaved.

Others say that salvation is a choice we make, leaving God powerless to intervene, therefore blameless in His helplessness watching billions of His children burn forever in hell. Does that really sound remotely like an omnipotent and omniscient God who is the beginning and the end of the universe, whose grand plan is sovereign, and whose will will be done without compromising one ounce of mercy and justice in heaven, and freedom and obedience on earth?

Is God's salvation just a limp robe hanging into the pit of darkness for whosoever is lucky enough to touch it, grab it and climb up to safety? Did God just reach down his hand to scoop up a few to save, leaving the rest to burn? No! God jumped into the pit to carry each child on His back time after time after time until not one remains!

Grace is irresistible for a soft heart, but a hard heart is unmoved by it in favor of obedience, or untouched by it in the ignorance of unbelief -- both set firmly in self-righteousness. Yet in time Christ will show Himself to all the wounds of His body and burn away all pride and the veil covering man's heart so that all will believe.

Universal salvation does not void the work of Jesus on the cross but is the only possible outcome of a complete divine work. It is only by the blood of Christ we are saved, and it
IS by His blood that every last one will be saved -- each in his own order.

All will be saved does not mean we turn away and wait until the last minute to jump in, for great is the sweet reward of fellowship in Christ in the now. Whoever seeks love wants to wait when a perfect lover is near? And whoever has a mansion already chooses to live in a shack? When truth and beauty of the gospel is proclaimed, a yearning heart will accept readily and gratefully, but those who understands it not will still choose the world where pride remains pleasurable.

The elect becomes the bride of Christ and has many rewards, but those left behind He will not forsake.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Love wins

If God is love, does He not want to save all His children? Is He satisfied with 99 sheep in His bosom and find justification to abandon the one that strays?

What makes Satan the happiest but to see God's children burn in eternal torment? If just one is left in hell, who wins in the end? God or Satan?

Even if Satan is destroyed, he is victorious to perish with just one child of God.

If God's love does not save all in the end, Jesus have not conquered death.

Is salvation complete with only a few saved? Can a perfect God do an incomplete work?

Is it so that hell is necessary to justify heaven? To argue that is saying God can only be defined by the existence of Satan. No. God's light defeats darkness and even shines into hell.

If in Adam all died no matter their goodness, then all (not some) will be made alive in Christ no matter their sin.

In the "mystery" of eternal torment for God's children, does love win?

Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess of His name.

Love saves all...
