Wednesday, January 20, 2010



謝謝你,如此用心的花時間給我(們)這些參考資料,有關神的愛和恩典。首先,我希望你會相信我完全同意你與作者的強調 -- 那就是痛恨罪惡,追求聖潔。我不知道我寫的有那裏主張放縱罪而不愛聖潔? 


沒有錯,恩典不是個犯罪的執照。如果有人真的這樣子認為,那他絕對是還未承受到在主耶穌愛中的感動,和恩典真理的感受。一位得到了神最偉大犧牲之愛的人怎麼會這麼輕視耶穌以血為他贖來的聖潔呢? 會這樣認知的人根本就沒有被耶穌的愛打動他的心,因為這樣子他並不愛耶穌,不重視聖潔,不憎恨罪惡。他懷著的只是個利用恩典的意念。

但是真正有多少基督徒是這樣呢? 我相信絕大部分的基督徒是真心承受到神的感動,熱心愛主。就算有些人真的誤解了神的恩典,我堅信靠著不息的分享耶穌的愛,恩典的福份,罪的因果與赦免,會比以審判和地獄警告的嚴厲鞭打更有可能使他們回心轉意。

信心不堅定的,或還被大小罪魔綑綁著的,很可能被這種警告式的指責而軟弱,或甚至跌倒。如果因著恩典而將律法的聖潔標準提的更高,既得到了恩典就要更小心不能犯罪,一犯罪就要悔改,時時都要悔改因我們時時都會犯罪,不時的都需要省察我們的罪行罪念,這樣的基督徒有真正的安息嗎? 這樣不如回到舊約的律法,至少清清楚楚,一人的罪一人擔,只要外表做的到遵行律法就行了。如果新約是有些罪得到了赦免,有些沒有,信主前的罪得到了赦免,信主後沒悔改不得赦免,忘記悔改怎麼辦? 不知道犯了罪的罪怎麼辦? 不僅行為有罪,什麼念頭也會有罪? 什麼是不可赦的故意犯罪...?

這樣是耶穌要帶來的好消息嗎?這樣的信仰有力嗎? 穩確嗎? 跟神親近嗎?   

怕主的人行為遵守,心裏不安穩。愛主的人心裏遵守,行為結好果。懺悔在希伯來文的意思是"回轉到恩典"。只要我們隨時不忘神的恩典,一心思考著祂的恩典, 祂就在我們心裏提醒我們,改造我們。神喜悅的不是行為的改變 (behavior modification), 而是心靈的轉變 (heart transformation), 心對行就對。感覺到主的愛,我們就有愛,就有力量克服罪,難道祂的愛還不夠嗎?

我不同意"恩典有條件"(作者),因為那就不是恩典,而是契約。悔改與信不是條件,是人領取恩典的必要步驟。悔改就是知道我們需要恩典,信就是我們領取恩典所伸出的手。就如有人無條件的給我們一個好禮物,會領受的人必須想要 (悔改,因為比起現有的更好) ,然後伸手拿來 (相信,因那是為己有益的)。除了因信接受,恩典毫無別的條件 -- 沒有遵守誡命的規定,而更是沒有懲罰的威脅。真的,禮物就是無條件的付出,要不就失去恩典的意

那這恩典給的又是什麼? 不就是耶穌的死洗清了所有的罪,賞給了我們祂的義,讓我們有永生嗎? 既然恩典是神無條件給的,祂怎麼又會要因任何理由拿走呢? 聖經是沒有衝突的,但是有些章節似乎與恩典的主要意義 (我們的拯救是完全靠主犧牲贖來的,而祂給我們的救恩是永久不變的)有直接衝突。希伯來書6:4-6 跟10:26-29 可能會讓一個信徒覺得他 "必須" 處處小心不要犯罪,而犯了罪就 "必須" 馬上悔改,要不就失去了神的救恩。神好像隨時在監看著我們,有沒有順服,有沒有犯罪,有沒有悔改。主要觀念是在"必須" 這兩個字。這是由法律的動機,而恩典的動能是在於因相信 "必會"。

其實我們看這兩條經節必要考慮到大內容 (context), 合作者寫給的對象。希伯來書的重點在於信,而保羅 (I believe is the author)寫給的對象是猶太人(希伯來人)。在羅馬書 14:23, 保羅說, "...凡不出於信心的都是罪"。繼然他講的是有關於信,那在這裡提到的罪應是關於不信。猶太人熟悉與習慣的是什麼? 律法,對不對? 他講的對象也是知道耶穌與恩典的理念的人。法利賽人觀察了耶穌那麼久,祂的教訓他們多麼熟悉? 猶大跟隨主,是那麼的親近 (除了心),他沒有蒙了光照,嘗過天恩的滋味嗎? 多少猶太人看過耶穌行奇蹟,聽祂的教學,但是後來還是選擇要祂死? 他們想要永生嗎? 當然! 靠信嗎? 沒有。他們嘗了恩典,不願接受,又回去律法。因離棄了真理 (耶穌), 他們只能靠行為得救,但已經不能用獻祭(舊約的悔改方式)贖罪,因為真正的,與最後一次的獻祭已經在十字架上徹徹底底,完完全全救贖了我們所有的罪,昨天,今天,明天,直到永遠! 阿們

如果有人不信,就不會懺悔,而不被得救。這是這幾節的警告。這是說給外表聖潔但心裡不信的人,因在希伯來書 6:9,保羅的語氣軟化,明顯的轉向信主的人,稱呼他們為"親愛的"(beloved in King James version, 與神在約旦河稱耶穌一樣), 而稱不信的人為"這些"。

信與懺悔是分不開的。有信才會懺悔而懺悔是因信。猶太人因不信所以也不可能懺悔,而不是神不再給他們一次又一次的機會。雨水是落在每一塊地,福音的種子灑在 每一顆心。生長蔬果或荊棘是在於我們心中有沒有完全依靠耶穌恩典的信!既然不信恩典就是罪,罪就是如希伯來書 6:6 說的, "離棄(fall away)真理(恩典)..." 。加拉太書 5:4 說, "...靠律法稱義的, 是與基督隔絕,從恩典中墜落(fallen away)了。" 在這兩節英文都用了同樣的字句。 那如有人離棄恩典,他將墜落那裡?照這裡講,就是律法的束縛。律法的束縛就是看行為。所以當我們看行為成得救得聖的"必須"程式,我們就是處在律法的束縛,離棄恩典,犯那不信恩典全能的罪。

整本聖經一篇又一篇的都是在預言,訴說與解釋耶穌基督和恩典的奧妙。整體說起來, 神的愛化為肉身,耶穌基督在十字架上達成的救恩,及賜給我們白白領取的恩典,是一個毫無疑問的結論。有關之章節遍遍都是,但是為何有人不靠大綱,卻要用那 幾項表面似異其實吻合的經文而形成一論,造成在福音上多方的矛頓,疑問,不穩及爭執?耶穌說 "新布不能補在舊衣服上,新酒不能裝在舊皮袋裏,"  就是說,我們如在基督裏,已經是新造的人了,要完全活在(裝在)新約的恩典中,而千萬不要回到舊約的想法,覺的我們的拯救不只是靠信也要靠行,不只是要看耶穌,也要看自己。如果是這樣,兩樣都要失去效率,信仰不安,心中不平。因為如是靠自己的信,自己的行,必是這般後果。


如今我們靠耶穌的信,靠耶穌的行,知道,明白,而且體會祂已經代替我們的罪受了神的審判,達成我們救恩所有的工作了,我們只要感激領取,這就是給了祂最大的喜樂。 為什麼有些人就是要提醒信者他們多麼的不配又不配?好像他們美好的主替我們這些敗壞惡毒的罪人死是太可惜了。既然已經成了,那這些白白受到這麼多好處的人,怎能不天天懺悔,流淚,反省,做更多事來報答主的恩惠呢?悔改,聖潔,愛主,服恃,一項一項都成為交換恩典,保持救恩的訓令(如不是條件)。這樣是恩典嗎?神是這 樣的心胸狹窄嗎?還是人以人的心衡量神的心?忘了感謝或犯了罪就被打一個巴掌。這是恩典嗎?



Saturday, January 16, 2010






為什麼有人覺的信心軟弱?是不是因為他不認為我們白白值得恩典,而需要去賺取祂? 一個人只要覺得他應該或必須做什麼事,這就是根據律的意念,而不是出於被神愛的感動和感激。這樣子教導人也是一樣的。因為上帝的恩典是包容性的,不是排除性的。祂不想要,也不需要我們為祂做任何事情。祂只要我們相信和依靠祂。只要我們做的有一分是覺得必須的,我們總是不確定做的夠不夠達到神的訓誡標準,活的值不值神的聖潔榮耀,而站在不穩定的信仰。 因為這樣就是是看自己,靠自己。如果一個人相信他做得足夠,那麼他也要小心驕傲矇住他的心。

神的使命與道路是有的,但祂想看到的是我們的心完全的屬於祂,依靠祂,信賴祂。祂的愛與恩典是無條件的,我們的領取也必須是無條件的。這樣,我們必更順服,也更有力走祂的路,背祂的十字架。耶穌已經替我們遵守了法律的每 一筆每一劃,也替我們受了全罪的每一鞭懲罰。如今我們不要再有罪惡的意識,因祂的血已經洗清一切污穢。如我們還看自己跟別人有罪,便是輕看了祂愛的犧牲。恩典不是奶,而是神最深奧的意念。法律在前,為恩典鋪路。摩西給予法律,就是死亡的職事。但恩典與真理跟著耶穌一起來,賜給我們永遠的生命,活在神的愛中。 讓我們不要往回走死亡的路。阿們

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The limitation of many paths

In light of the recent trend in Jesus Christ as only one of many paths to enlightenment or reaching God, and what Txxx brought up in the meeting of the brothers about people of different faith seemingly receiving revelation from God, I have put in some thoughts on how such an approach actually excludes and distances people from their maker instead of making the way to the divine more reachable.

Txxx crystallized his skepticism about Christianity's exclusive claim of the narrow and straight path to heaven with the accounts of three people: One a Buddhist, another a Christian and the other not of any particular faith. The common denominator underpinning these individuals of different age, gender and faith is that they seem to know when they will die, and prepared for it in a similar way. The conclusion was that to have such revelation it must have been a communication with God (or at least the spiritual world); but such that they do not share the same faith it must be then that God is available to us in at least more than one way.

With such view, the key to salvation or enlightenment is not dependent on which faith one subscribes to, but on ourselves to choose one and walk it. The emphasis then is not on the path, but the diligent journey one makes in terms of all the familiar doctrines of doing good and refraining from evil, and faithfully following the guidance of the general spirit shared by all credible religions of today. How well one walks and how far one reaches in this spiritual journey determines how close he or she is to enlightenment and building up of spiritual credit for heavenly rewards. I am not an expert on this new age religion, but I don't think I am far off with this assessment.

Essentially, the focus is on our own self-effort with religion as a guiding principle or spiritual map. There is true wisdom in this belief and I am certain it is born out of truth as it was in the Old Testament covenant of the Ten Commandants. Just as the new covenant of grace does not abolish the law but to fulfill it, neither does it discredit anyone sincerely and humbly searching for God in pure faith. A familiar argument against Christ as the only way to salvation is to bring up a native growing up on an island never hearing the gospel. After all, the majority of people in the world and through out history never heard of Jesus Christ. Is God not their God, and are they forever condemned to live in hell?

I believe, just as in the days of Abraham, who was not always truthful, there are people of great and pure faith in the one true God, who walks in such close relationship with Him. Noah found favor (grace) with God, Enoch walked with God, and Jabez's prayer was answered by Him. I believe through out the ages until even today, there are people outside of the Christian circle who are close to God in faith -- for He has given each of us an inner voice, a general conscience to know Him. We don't need to hear of Him, He whispers to us...but often is drowned by the cacophony of the world and flesh. And it is true that many non-religious people are even more righteous than an average Christian.

However, of the fortunate few who walks close to God, billions are left in the wilderness. If only the virtuous and faithful can be with God, most of us are doomed. And that is not where God's heart lies. And even the virtuous can never be sure if they are good enough, or if tomorrow they will not be stricken by the serpent. If it is up to our self-effort to reach salvation we are left in a constant flux of pride, uncertainty or shame; arrogance, doubt or despair. The system of this world is Self-effort, where an endless process of disqualification weed out the unworthy, leaving only people with rare talent, prowess and beauty meriting of praise and reward; and it seems God judges us the same if by law and faith, that few is worthy.

(On the surface, it seems an open religion is inclusive by letting in all people; but it is in the journey that many are left behind through degrees of work, understanding and enlightenment. Christianity may first appear to be exclusive by presenting the one and only door; but to open it all one has to do is knock in faith, and no more is required for entry and stay. Hallelujah!)

But a loving God even loves the least lovable. The rejected, the sickly, the filthy, the hateful...thieves, cheaters and murderers. And that is our merciful Father in heaven. "He so loved the world that He sent His one and only son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." What better news can we have but to know that God gave of Himself to save us, and by His shed blood, death and resurrection we are forgiven, healed and have life everlasting? Jesus Christ became the serpent on our behalf, and was hung on the tree of judgment to suffer the punishment we deserve. Just as important, it is now by His faith, not ours, we enter the inner sanctum of God, which veil was torn when he cried, "It is accomplished!' so we can be near Him. No longer do we need to ask, "Am I virtuous enough?" or "Do I have enough faith?" for all we need is to believe that Christ is faithful and pleasing to God, and so we are.

Trust in the Lord that he saves, heals and provides. In Christ we have the living proof of His grace and promise. Abraham had the same trust even without knowing Christ. The first mention of "love" and "worship" appeared in the account of God asking Abraham to sacrifice Issac. It referred to "...your son, your only son, whom you love...," foreshadowing His own sacrifice; but Abraham never expressed doubt in the plan of God, although I can only imaging the anguish he must have felt about to lose his son. He trusted the Lord and presented his son in worship, which is his heart given to the Lord, and the Lord was pleased. And Jesus spoke to him, "Abraham, Abraham, do not touch the lad, for I will offer myself in his place." Whenever a name is mentioned twice, it is Jesus calling in tender endearment. And now that we have Jesus, we don't have to wonder anymore if we need to have the faith of Abraham to enter the gates of heaven. Does He want to keep us out of His kingdom, or is it His deepest desire to bring us under His wings to protect and nurture us? Can there be any doubt left in one's heart when we behold his shattered body nailed on the cross the immensity of His love? He was spared not one ounce of pain, rejection nor deprivation for all his children upon the frail and very human form for He loves you so...and loves me so. Amen

Today, why do we still cling to the notion of earning our way to salvation when Christ Himself have already done the work more perfectly than we can ever hope to accomplish? When Christ said, "Just believe..." why do so many reject it as too simplistic and not fair to the ones "living right?" Isn't it rooted in self-glorification and wanting to earn one's way to the heavenly rewards? But to do so rejects the grace of God, for grace is unearned, unmerited favor from God, and not a bit of credit we can boast in. For those who believes that there are many paths to God, think of the fellow humanity who do not have the opportunity or will to walk those paths as well as the few, how they can be saved? If you are on the path to a merciful God, then it is not so hard to believe that this kindhearted heavenly father will offer Himself as the one and true redemption for every single person that ever walked on this earth -- no qualification required.

And if that is not so hard to believe, then look to Jesus Christ -- for all one can ask of and expect in a loving God, a caring creator, a doting father, can be found on His person and brief walk in human life. For if one thinks about it a little deeper, there is no other way for God to be both just and loving to save His rebellious children from the jaws of death. But since God is a spirit, it must be in spirit that we accept this gift of life, which is all it takes -- just believe.

In Christ,


Shadow in the mirror

Dear brothers and sisters:

These thoughts stem from tonight's study on John 13, and the need to keep on confessing sins even in the cleansing by the blood of Jesus on the cross.

There is no shortage of spirited discussions when the subject is about God's words and the Christian walk. Fortunately, one shared living principle is that Christ suffered and died to redeem us from the wages of sin; and the common goal we have is to know the heart of our Lord and to seek His perfect glory. This is important to keep in mind even as we do not agree on every point of the Christian belief.

It can be awkward, and even upsetting to argue over aspects of our faith, much of it I am certain are minor ceremonial, administrative or stylistic variations that do not require serious examination. However, when it comes to the doctrine of grace that is the central theme of the New Testament (and I argue, the entire Bible and the plan of God), and how it works in tandem with laws and commandments to bring us closer to our divine Father, I feel we should not spare time nor effort to reach absolute clarity.

Things would have been so much simpler if we were still living in the pre-Christ era. However we choose to live our lives, we get our just deserts in the end. The key to heaven or hell is held in our own grubby little hands, The law given is the bright mirror we cannot escape. It mercilessly seeks out our every imperfection. The rare ones who consider themselves sanctified through perfect obedience can breathe a sigh of relief, and be smug about their grand accomplishment, while those mired in sin and failure remain hopeless, defeated and angry. There is either a prize or punishment meted out for our every behavior -- choosing life or death at every turn and feeling proud or condemned with each round of self-judgment.

Simple but hopelessly impossible...for no rational and humble person can ever be sure if he has done enough good or keep far enough away from sin. But that is the demand of the just God according to His perfect standard. The law cannot save us, it only condemns. It was given to disqualify and the purpose to bring us to the ends of ourselves.

Thankfully our ever-merciful LORD intercedes on our behalf to redeem us from judgment. Only He can fulfill the law; on the cross, the perfect lamb took our rebellion and gave us His obedience. By His death the blood of the Jesus qualifies all, and His mercy embraces us. His ever gracious heart wants only our resting upon His breast like John on the Passover night, and gazing upon His glorious countenance Like Mary in the house of Martha. It is by the sacrificial offering of Jesus Christ that the just wrath of God towards our sins is exhausted upon His beaten and bloodied body. What remains is only our choosing to believe that Christ alone has done everything for us, and prepared a place of shalom peace and rest on earth and in heaven -- to be claimed when we seek His kingdom and speak of and in His name.

No more is our righteousness based on our thoughts and behavior, but His only. "In Christ" means if He is perfect, we are perfect; if He is glorious, we are glorious. God sees us righteous because the glory of Christ is in us and surrounds us. How can we be in water and not be wet? How can we touch grace and not be cleansed? Can we keep ourselves clean? No! But when we are baptized (having bathed), all we need is to have our feet washed by Christ (understanding of redemption through blood) we are clean once and for all times! In Hebrew, the term "money" is actually made up of the words "silver" and "blood." Silver symbolizes redemption, so our saviour literally paid for our redemption (forgiveness) with His blood. Christ dies once and it is sufficient to save every person in the past and in the future. Similarly, His blood continuously washes our sins away yesterday, today and tomorrow, for He is outside time. John in Revelation saw the freshly slain lamb...Christ is our ever suffering servant, faithfully washing us clean once and countless times.

Why then do we need to elevate our thoughts and behaviors to such importance that it is the most mentioned exhortation to self-examine and repent lest we fall short of the glory of God and forfeit our rewards in heaven? Our sins are endless and, if we are to confess each trespass great and small, we will be spending so much time doing just that and getting more dejected and powerless by the minute. For it is an already foregone conclusion (otherwise one is not a born again and repentant Christian) that we are full of sin and can't help from sinning. And we will not keep from sinning by acknowledging/confessing it, but only through the love of Christ we see and feel more and more that we are transformed from the heart that sin no more has dominion over us. For where sin abounds, grace abounds much more!

Instead of writing the laws on the stone tablets of our brains (left and right hemispheres), God wants to write it on our hearts through loving Christ, which means we don't have to think about it anymore, but it becomes a natural part of our being where we wouldn't even know how to sin for the holy spirit so fills our entire being. If we acknowledge that only Christ alone can cleanse us and transform us, why even go through the motion of self-examination? Shouldn't we have faith enough that once we invite Him into our hearts, and our eyes are fixed upon His glory, that he can and will do the work to turn us away from sin? Grace has shattered the cold and impersonal mirror that is the law, and replaced it with the warmth of God's smiling face. Don't pick up the pieces of shards of broken glass that only cuts and distorts and ultimately is only a shadow...for to dust we return, but behold the perfect, real and eternal glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, and never look away.

For an unbeliever, the stone (law) should not be rolled away, for it reveals only the stink of dead flesh; however, once reborn, we are alive and radiant, but trapped if the law is constantly on our minds. Before Lazarus can come forth, the stone must first be rolled away. Trust that Jesus has transformed us, and not be like Martha who is busy caring of this world, but does not see the power of Christ to work miracles although she confesses it. 

I agree that if one is not aware of and despise his dark nature, he will not turn to the light. But like redemption, repentance, if genuine, once is sufficient. After all, Christ meant it as a changing of mind (in Hebrew, turn to grace), and not to beat ourselves up every time we trip. "Justification by faith" as Martin Luther proclaimed in the Reformation age, is to release us from the dogmatic formality of Catholic confessions and the practice of "indulgence" or buying redemption with money. Today, isn't it our belief that Christ alone is our justification and propitiation? If there is anything to gain by confessing our sins, to earn (buy) forgiveness or future rewards, then Christ is not given full glory. Instead, our sensitivity to sin should only be a natural extension of the spiritual growth gained by hearing the words of God and experiencing the full measure of His love in everything about Him.

If a person loves cleanliness, she (mostly women because they were not made from dirt!) does not need to be constantly reminded to make sure to wipe dirt off her person for she naturally cannot stand it. Similarly, a Christian full of the love of Christ naturally disdains sin and even in sin has the faith and comfort that Christ has washed it clean, is the strength to fight it, and her standing in Christ will never be compromised. Isn't this where we can truly find peace and rest, and not having a yardstick to constantly measure ourselves -- but especially measuring others -- of living up to and/or falling short of a phantom standard. Jesus Christ is our gold standard, and we can never live up to it, so stop trying and expecting. Instead, let his spirit lead us completely. We are then perfect even imperfect, and the Lord is glorified in our falling short.

Let us be alive in Christ, and be dead to the bondage of law.
